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Dream PoV. 

"Drea-" He was cut off by the Warden yelling behind the doors towards the entrance of the cell, looking behind as I gave a small sly smile, slowly walking towards the netherite blocks that were supposed to keep me inside the cell and also suppose to keep the visitors safe from me. 

"STOP" Sam yelled again in the background, warning Tommy to show himself after seeing the axe he brought inside the prison. "Move aside Ghostbur, walk to your left- who's there??" 

"Whoever's invisible, STOP right now, Stop this instant don't move" then there's a pause before Sam gave instructions to get back to the bridge, though Tommy doesn't seem to listen before Sam threaten him to take his last life, I know he wants to kill me, I know that I know everything that's happening outside the prison. 

They're arguing now, they are pretty loud.

I looked back to Ghostbur who's crouching down over the obsidian and netherite blocks, he looks scared? nervous? hmm I don't know. 

I walked towards him before placing a hand over his shoulder, smiling softly as I pat his head.

"you don't need to be afraid around me Ghost of Wilbur, you and I are the same" I paused, looking into his eye, it flashed red before going back to their usual colour "In many many ways, I may not be dead but there are two who live within you, you have forgotten your origins after your fall but you'll always be one of us, Ghost or not" 

"Two who live within me?" he asks, placing his hand over his chest, I smiled at him then walking back to the strings "Yes, they are within you" taking a very vibrant blue with brown-is nude coloured string then walking back to him "SAM!!!" I yelled at the Warden

"I don't want to hear anything from you- Ghostbur back away from him" 

"let me out of here, let me out of here Sam" 

"No, I'm not letting you out"  He replied to me, I looked at Ghostbur before smiling, "say, Ghost of Wilbur, do you want to be revived?" I whispered lowly, "You won't be stuck in the limbo of Wilbur, I'll just give you back all of your memories from past and present, you can be Wilbur and Ghostbur whenever you want and I asked nothing in return" I spoke again in a low voice

"Don't you want that Wilbur?" His eyes flashed red to brown, giving me a sly smile before

"well then we have a Deal Dream" 


3rd PoV

Lucid sat above Pandora's Vault as he softly smiled, hearing the argument inside the prison makes him happy, The plan is already ready to be set in play after Wilbur's revival, Nightmare already places his possession under the SMP ahead of time and the so-called Eggpire will raise along with his ender-lings. 

Dream smile as he felt the Time Traveler entered the Other side. 

Fate is now sealed, consequences will be given in due time. 

Blaming other's mistakes to the one they called a Tyrant is more than a mistake than a victory they could've won. 

All are due in Time. 

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