Chapter 9: Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day can suck my cock.

I always hated this day because it makes girls obsessed with getting presents and romantic roses and all that crap. Call me jaded, but I had stopped buying into all of that romantic stuff after my last relationship failed. Love was for saps like Brian and his perfect marriage. I am not jealous in any way, he can have her. It's just that all of them seemed to have perfect relationships with there wives, and I was doomed to failure.

Well, I didn't fail completely. I did get laid today.

I smirk to myself as I showered for the day, feeling like I'd won the lottery. Coyote Girl had a badass attitude but she was good in the sack. I just wondered if everyone would accept her. Kevin had arranged for all of us to have dinner and I was feeling pretty nervous, not even sure why. Maybe it was because of how my "girlfriend" looked. They'd expected me to be this superficial, pompous and egotistical person. I will admit the last few days I've acted this way, and I meant to apologize to Samantha eventually, but my pride held me back.

Seeing Kevin look at her like that the first day had really made me think about how I treated her. What was the reasoning behind my actions? I knew this wasn't the real me. Something had changed inside of me and turned me into an asshole, and I wasn't sure if he was the person I wanted to be anymore.

Hell, I wasn't even sure who I was anymore.


Nick had shown me a different side to him today. I wasn't sure what to think about him. Sure, he was a arrogant prick at first and I really needed the money. There's something I hadn't felt before, something I can't explain. We seem to have gotten a bit closer, physically anyway. Part of me wondered if his attraction was limited to that, or if he just wanted a quick fuck because nobody else on this island was that dumb.

Not that I'm dumb, but you get what I mean. I stood in the bathroom, getting ready for dinner with the guys and their wives. I wondered if Kevin was thinking about me and what was really going on with him and Kristen. I also felt badly that I had even thought about being with him, because he is still married. As much of a bitch Kristin is, Kevin needed to figure out what he wanted.

I was wearing a black dress, low cut at the top and kind of short at the bottom, it was something cheap I'd bought before our trip and I never thought I'd actually wear it. I wore some simple jewelry and done up my hair. I wasn't into dresses and felt super uncomfortable in it, feeling like another person. My sister was the girly girl, not me.

"You look nice." Nick said, and that threw me off. It was the second time he'd complimented me today.

"Thanks. Should we head down there?" I asked, picking up my small clutch and slipping into my black flats. There was no way this girl was gonna wear heels.

Nick took me by the arm and we walked to where we were meeting the others for dinner. It was cozy yet elegant, soft yellow lighting and candles on the tables. The atmosphere was very relaxing, but I was nervous. Kristin shot me glances every so often and I blushed, feeling like every bulge was showing through my dress.

"She cleans up good." I heard Rochelle whisper to AJ....even he was looking. They all had smiles when Nick and I came into the room, looks of astonishment.

Nick pulled out my chair and I sat down, he took the one next to me on my right.

"You all look very lovely tonight, ladies." Kevin said as he sat down. I felt his eyes on me and blushed a little, Brian was watching us with a curious expression.

"Yes, look almost human." Kristin joked, and I laughed awkwardly. Nick shrugged and I wondered if Kristin was still in her bitchy state.

"Nick, where did you meet her?" AJ asked. Everyone's eyes turned to him and he actually squirmed. Mr. Overconfident was being put on the spot, and for some reason I really liked seeing him nervous. I almost laughed.

"Uh.....where did we meet babe? I think it was at one of my gigs." he said, grinning stupidly.

"Something like that." I replied. We all ordered our drinks, I was eager to get this dinner over with because for some reason, I was bombarded with questions. Each time Nick looked at me as if I were going to slip up.

"Sam, you said you were a plus sized model? Isn't that dress a bit revealing for you?" Kristin said, catching my attention. I felt really warm, anger was going to get the best of me.

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"Not now, Kristin." Kevin whispered.

"I'm just saying it is a nice dress for someone like her, but it isn't very flattering."

"What do you mean, someone like me?" I asked. Nick was not helping at all, he was busy drowning in a rum and coke.

"What she means is-" Kevin started, but Leighanne cut him off. Brian looked like he wanted to crawl under the table.

"She's saying that maybe it isn't a right fit for you."

"I fit in it just fine." I snapped. I grabbed my drink and took a big swallow.

Our food came, and I was looking forward to the steak I had ordered. Nick had gotten some kind of seafood, I rolled my eyes at it. A real man should eat a steak, but Nick didn't seem like a real man to me anyway.

"You gonna eat all that?" Nick asked as I took a bite.

"I'm sure she won't have any trouble." Kristin said as she nibbled at her pasta. I had to resist the urge of taking my steak knife and shove it down that bitch's throat.

"Kris, please." Kevin interjected, but she rolled her eyes at him.

"Like I'm gonna keep quiet. I saw the way you looked at her when we got here. I have every right to be angry." Kristin hissed. Brian kept pretending to take a drink from his cup as if he were avoiding the conversation, him and Leighanne didn't talk much. It suddenly got very tense and awkward, I felt ashamed because Nick wasn't jumping to my defense.

"Yeah if she wants to eat all that, she can. She needs to stay chubby." Nick said with a mouth full of flounder.

"That's fucked up, Nick." AJ commented. It seemed like the whole table had turned on him in that instant.

"I didn't mean it like that. She looks good for someone with her size." Nick protested. I was pissed now, and no matter what he tried to say, it only made it worse.

"I give you credit for actually staying with her." Kristin said with a smirk. Howie and Leigh were just staring at us and eating, shoveling forkfuls of salad into their mouths.

"Sam, I-" Nick began, but I had silenced him by slamming my fist down on his balls. He cupped them and toppled over, groaning in pain. The tablecloth caught on his pants and went right with him, taking all the food with it.

"That's gotta hurt." AJ said and Rochelle nodded.

I stood over Nick, my face twisted with rage as he looked up at me sheepishly.

"I can't believe you....after earlier..." I sniffed. I could feel the tears coming but I wouldn't let them I ran. I could hear Kevin calling after me but I kept running.....not looking back.

Valentine's Day can kiss my ass.

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