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The year was 2021, second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. People had to stay home to prevent the disease to spread. That caused that many people started doing things they didn't have time to do normaly.

This included Chris. He was a 16 year old guy, student of a High School. For him, unlike for many others, wasn't the time something bad for him. He didn't have many friends to meet anyway and the year at home for him meant even more time he could be sitting next to his PC. That doesn't mean that he was a total obese anti-social freak, he still somehow managed to be in a physicaly OK situation and on first look he looked completely normal, above average tall, guy with light brown hair.

At the end of April, he decided to watch a animated series he heard about on the internet before, the Gravity Falls. The show totaly overwhelmed his expactation. He liked it so much he watched all episodes in 2 and half days. He became fan of the show, visiting Gravity Falls reddit and Fandom regularly, and having Weny Corduroy as his favorite character(because by him she was a person with perfect attitude and look).

Once in the late night, Chris was on the internet again. It was Saturday evening so if he wanted he could be awake for the whole night. But that is exactly what didn't happen. While being on his PC a thunderstorm was outside. He didn't pay much attention until he heard a lightning hitting realy close, almost like it hit his house.

Someone knocked on his room's door. He thought that it was someone from his family so he just said: Come in!

Instead of someone entering his room the person knocked on the door again. Chris shouted the same frase again, but only answer was again only knocking on the door. Already angry Chris got off his chair, walked to the door and opened them. Immediately after he opened the door he was blinded by bright yellow light and thrown on the ground.

Chris looked what was that thing and he couldn't believe it. there was a big triangle with one eye, tall hat, two hands and legs. It was... Bill, Bill Cipher. The main villain of the Gravity Falls' finale, the creature that liberated his own dimension by destruction and from his Nightmare realm managed to bring Weirdmageddon on Gravity Falls.

Bill: Oh, hey Chris. How are you doing?

Chris: B-Bill? Is this some kind of dream?

Bill: Dream? No. Reality is an illusion and whole universe is an hologram, but not a dream.

Chris: Why and, How are you there? I thought that you were removed. That you were...

Bill: Dead?

Chris: Y-Yeah.

Bill: Death doesn't mean that you do not exist. I lost my physical form in Gravity Falls, but not myself. When you die, your soul isn't removed. Your soul get's moved to another, randomly chosen, dimension. That's how the myth of christian Heaven and reincarnation has been made. After I lost against those suckers in Gravity Falls I was moved into this dimension.

Chris: And, why are you here?

Bill: I want revenge on Gravity Falls. But to get it I have to get there. I already tried getting there from this dimension but it woul take too long to get there. It just takes too much energy to get even to the Nightmare Realm, not talking about getting from there.

Chris: And my role in this is?

Bill: I can't send myself in there, but I can send people and then talk to them. And that's why I am here. I want to send you into the Gravity Falls.

Chris: And why should I help you? Why should I help someone who wants to destroy Gravity Falls.

Bill: Because you can choose: You can help me so I will have both dimensions as my slaves, or you will not help me and I will destroy all living beings in this dimension and I will get to Gravity Falls later.

Chris: So if I help you, both dimensions will get enslaved while If I will not help you, one dimension will be on your mercy and other will be completle dead.

Bill: You are starting to get it.

Chris: And how do I know you are not bluffing?

Bill: You know what, just because it's you I will show you my true power tommorow. Then I will visit you and ask you again.  But now go sleep, I heard that sleep deprivation is not healthy for humans!

He left and Chris, still a bit shocked and thinking it was just a dream, went sleeping.

When he woke up, something was wrong. He looked outside his window and the sky was yellow. He turned his computer and his background was this image:

He tried to open internet browser just to find out that all files in his computer were changed to picture of Bill and all pictures of Wendy he had for

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He tried to open internet browser just to find out that all files in his computer were changed to picture of Bill and all pictures of Wendy he had for... reasons... had Wendy removed(and apparently Bill uses Microsoft paint for some reason).

 had Wendy removed(and apparently Bill uses Microsoft paint for some reason)

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He waited for the night when Bill really came.

Bill: So, do you like the improved world? Are you ready to see Wendy in person?

Chris: I-I...

Bill: C'mon man, you had whole day to think so what is your answer?!

Chris was only able to nod.

Bill: Finaly. And don't worry about your normal body, I will take care of it for the time you will be away.

Bill took Chris's hand. Chris saw a lot of light and didn't know what's happening for a few seconds...

Gravity Falls: A year laterWhere stories live. Discover now