She's the giggle at the Funeral

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She’s the giggle at a Funeral

What even is a funeral? I mean what’s the point? Surely not because people enjoy watching people cry as their loved ones are slowly lowered deep into the earth.  Although, I wouldn’t put it past the sadistic bastards of today’s society. People say it’s to get their last good bye to someone they loved. That’s a touching thought. But if you’re Christian like most of the people attending this funeral, then shouldn’t you believe that this isn’t the last goodbye. It’s merely another goodbye amongst many.

Maybe I’m just bitter. I have just lost my father after all. We weren’t that close anyway, but it was still nice to have the option to patch our somewhat broken relationship. That’s not going to happen anymore. Not after he was crushed by some falling building materials on one of his jobs. He was a builder you see and he was overseeing some work when the freak accident occurred. The day was perfect for lifting the materials onto the top of the three story building. No one really knows what exactly happened. All we do know is that the cable holding it up snapped. You can fill in the blanks.

Anyway that’s why in standing here watching as the coffin of my dad is lowered awfully slowly into the earth. I can hear the light sobs of his closest family and friends. Even the occasional nose blow, but I’m not crying. I have no idea why. I want to feel sad. I do. I just can’t, it’s like my soul was numb. I was completely separate from that place from everything.

“Christian? You in there buddy?” my best friend Tayla asked. I looked at her, she was a stunning young woman. I like to think that I friend zoned her, but I am way out of her league. Even if I was straight.

“Look I know you don’t want pity, but I do what you to know that I’m here for you, OK?” she said sincerely.

“Thanks Tay” I said, and I meant it. She was the only person that really knew who I was, who the real Christian was. Other people had gotten to know me over the years but Tayla was the only one that ever stood by me.

“Good, now that all the mushy stuff is done lets go get you drunk” she whisper shouted as she punched me hard in the arm. It was such a typical Comment from here. Could always make me laugh. Even in my darkest of moments.

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