Living In Bliss

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Wake Up Everybody, No More Sleeping In Bed

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Wake Up Everybody, No More Sleeping In Bed...

My EYE shot open at the sound of John Legend's voice coming from my phone. I blinked a few times before a little smile crept across my lips.

Daddy's on his way home.

I slowly rolled onto my back and closed my eyes for a few more minutes until I couldn't take the music anymore and reached over blindly to grab my phone off the nightstand and turn my alarm off; knocking I believe my Apple watch off it's charger in the process.

I sat up slowly and scratched my head while looking around to see it was still kinda dark in the room...too dark for it to be 7a.m. I got out of bed and did a well needed stretch before going to the double doors that led to or balcony and opened one to have the sun not greet me like I thought it would this morning.

"Damn, I hope he makes it home before the rain comes." I mumbled to myself while looking at the big grey rain clouds looming over our property.

I took another peek around outside before heading in to start my morning routine...that and if Erik knew I was outside in just the white button up shirt he would kill me...forget the fact it's no one around for miles that could see me, but in his words "You never know who could ride by and see what's mine" Boooooy Whatever!

forget the fact it's no one around for miles that could see me, but in his words "You never know who could ride by and see what's mine" Boooooy Whatever!

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I picked my phone up and noticed I was running behind about twenty minutes and quickly stripped down and ran into the bathroom to take my shower.

Erik will be home in a little less than an hour and I wanted to make sure his breakfast was ready and waiting for him by the time he hit the front door. With him pulling doubles at the plant now that he's the top Plant Operator and finding time with making plans on expanding our home my man deserves that hot meal and then some when he gets home.

I just got out of the shower when my second alarm started going off and cursed to myself. By now I should have had breakfast started, but I was just now drying off. I quickly oiled my body up and threw on my pink onesie with lemons all over it and made my way down to the kitchen.

I turned the coffee machine on before picking my phone up and pulling up my Pandora app. Once SWV "Rain" started playing I went over to the the refrigerator and grabbing the the stuff I needed to make breakfast.

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