The Star-Spangled Man

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"What the hell!" Ruth yelled, waking up her dad.

    "What is it?" he asked, panic in his voice. He looked over at his daughter, sitting on the floor.

    "Look," she gestured towards the TV with the news playing on it. Bucky watched as John Walker walked across the stage, in his new suit, carrying Steve's shield. Bucky didn't speak. He was too furious to say anything.

    "Dad?" Ruth looked at him, "Dad!"

    "Hmm," he hummed, not peeling away from the TV.

    "Why would they do that? Why would Sam give the shield up? Steve wanted him to have it. Not this bimbo."

    "I don't know. We need to go," Bucky stood up, "Get dressed. You're coming with."


    Within the hour, Bucky had dragged Ruth along to an airplane base. He told he he needed to talk with Sam and he knew he would be here. The girl spotted Sam walking down the steps and she nudged her dad, pointing at Sam.

    Bucky started walking towards him, Ruth following behind him, "You shouldn't have given up the shield," he said.

    "Good to see you too Buck," Sam responded. The girl stepped out from behind her dad and caught Sam's attention, "And you too Ruth," he walked past the both of them, ignoring Bucky's statement.

    "This is wrong," Bucky said.

    "I'm working on it alright?" Sam said back, "All this outrage is going to have to wait."

    "You didn't know this was going to happen?"

    "Of course I didn't know. It broke my heart to see them marching him up there and call him the new Captain America."

    "Steve didn't want this," Ruth said.

    "What do you want me to do?" Sam asked, "Call everyone and tell them I changed my mind? I can't do that."

The father and daughter just looked at each other.

    "Well it's been a great reunion you two. Hope you're well," Sam patted Bucky on the back and walked towards the plane he was about to take.

    "You had no right to give up the shield, Sam," Ruth snapped at him.

    "Here's what you're not going to do," Sam said, turning to face the two, "You're not going to come in here with your overextended life, bringing along the munchkin from munchkin land and tell me about my rights. It's over, you two. I have bigger things to deal with now."

    "What could be bigger than this?" Bucky asked.

    Sam sighed and pulled out his phone, pulling out a photo of a man in a mask, "This man is connected with rebel organizations across Europe. He's strong, too strong.

    "And?" the girl asked. Why did a man in Europe take priority over the fake with the shield?

    "He's connected to a group called the Flag Smashers. Redwing traced them to a building outside Munich. That's where I'm heading," Sam walked towards the plane again, Bucky right on his heels and you behind him.

    "Well I don't trust Redwing," Bucky said, "Hold on a minute."

    "You don't have to trust him," Sam said, stopping in his tracks, "But I'm going to go see if he's right. Cause I have a feeling they're a part of the Big Three."

    "What Big Three?" Ruth asked.

    "The Big Three," Sam said as if it was obvious what he was talking about.

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