Power Broker

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The three reached the prison in Germany where Zemo was being held. Ruth wasn't a fan of this idea but she knew it was the only way to stop the Flag Smashers. She didn't have the best history with Zemo. Not just because of what he did to her dad by framing him, but also what he did to her.

    As the three of them walked down the prison corridor, Ruth was growing more and more anxious with each step. Zemo was one of her fears and she really didn't want to have to face him again. Dr. Kingston had mentioned that she would have to get over her fears eventually (not starting with the biggest though) so she sucked it up and went along.

    "He's just through there," the guard said as he led them to a door at the end of the hall.

    "Alright give us a second," Bucky said. He stopped and turned to his daughter and Sam, "I'm going in alone."

    "Why?" both Ruth and Sam asked at the same time.

    "Cause you're an avenger and you're a kid," he explained to the two.

    "Well I was a kid when Zemo held a gun against my head and threatened to kill me. I think I can handle him being in a cell," the girl shot back.

    "No," Bucky said, a little harsher this time, "You're not going. Don't argue with me Ruth."

    Deciding it would be better to stop talking, she did as he said. She kept the small pout on her face while him and Sam kept talking.

    "It's not like you two went frolicking in the sun last time," Sam said.

    "He's obsessed with HYDRA. We have history together," Bucky said. He was expecting another remark from Ruth but she still kept quiet, "Trust me. I got it," he directed that more towards his kid than Sam. He knew exactly what happened between her and Zemo and knew that she was told what happened with him and Zemo. He had a feeling Ruth would be worried about him so he gave her a small reassurance. Whether she believed him or not was something he couldn't control.

Ruth watched as he went through the door, leaving her and Sam in the hallway. She didn't know how long it would be so she sat down on the floor against the wall. She was feeling a bit tired, so she rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

Ruth wasn't sure what time she was in. Last time she woke up, it had only been a few years but the time before that, it had been close to a decade. As the doors to the chamber opened slowly, she took in her surroundings. There were a lot less people than there normally were when she was taken out of cryo. In fact, there was only one person around. The room was eerily silent and the man in front of her was someone she didn't recognize.

"Hello Ruth," the voice spoke. She thought it was weird that he was speaking English to her. Everyone from HYDRA talked to her in another language. She didn't know which one but it wasn't English.

"What's my mission?" that was the only thing she was used for and she could only ask about missions, otherwise, her, or her dad, would get hurt. She wasn't sure where he was since he was normally awake the same times she was. He didn't remember her but Ruth remembered him.

"It's not like a regular mission. I need you to come with me," the man said. He had an accent from a country Ruth didn't recognize. She had been to lots of places as a HYDRA spy and heard lots of things but this wasn't familiar. She nodded and the man led her to where he wanted her to go.

A sudden noise startled the girl and she was distracted from her thoughts. She looked around to see if the threat was nearby, her mind still in that old headspace.

"You okay?" Sam asked. He was sitting on the floor across from Ruth in the same position, "You've been quiet for a long time."

"I'm fine," she answered while shifting positions to get more comfortable, "Just tired from all this traveling. Haven't done it in a while."

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