Chapter 1

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*Includes Abuse*

7 years earlier.. 

Danny looked up at Peter and stared into his bright green eyes. He looked into them as best as he could. They sat in a closet, it was dark with only one light bulb dangling from the ceiling. It wasn't a bright light at all but at least it helped them not sit in pitch black. The closet was small, they couldn't move away from each other, though they didn't really want to. It was small where their bodies were touching, legs and shoulders touching. The feeling of fear and pain written all over the young 10 year old's face. Peter acted tough, he always acted tough, being the older one. Though there wasn't much of an age difference, just 3 years. Peter felt that he always had to be tough for Danny but he wasn't stupid, he could see the fear on his older brothers face too, it was like he could feel it. Peter ripped part of his shirt off and wrapped the cloth around Danny's leg that got cut from being pushed into the coffee table, some glass got shattered which is what caused the wound. Danny winced from the pain and closed his eyes. 

"I'm sorry.. I'll try to be quick.." Peter told him and quickly wrapped Danny's leg up. Once he finished Danny opened his eyes and looked at him.

 "Does it hurt?" Peter asked with a concern tone.

 "Its not so bad.." Danny told him, he didn't want him to worry. Peter sighed and wrapped his arm around him.

 "I'm going to take care of you okay? I'm always going to" Peter stated.

 "Why does he treat us like this? One of the other kids got put in such a nice home.. Mother and Father.. They even have a dog" Danny told him and let out a sigh. Peter looked down and hesitated for a moment trying to think of what to say. 

"I know.. Sometimes people get things easy.. Like life.. Sometimes people.. People like us get the rough patches like this, but it has to be for a reason. Maybe it has to be us to deal with things like this because were tough and strong.. People like that kid, Maybe he wouldn't be able to handle it" Peter told him. He wasn't sure why this was happening to them but he believed in fate, he believed that good things would come. It was weird that he was so positive, it was just in his nature. But Danny on the other hand, was a pessimistic person, I guess someone had to be, and how could you not in this situation?

 "I don't feel strong.. not anymore.. I'm just tired of this.." Danny stated. He was getting tired of fighting. Peter touched Danny's face to get him to look at him, he then cupped his face.

 "I know how tired you are, but you have to keep fighting okay? No matter what just keep fighting" Peter told him. Danny looked into his eyes as he spoke to him and hesitated for a bit and nodded. 

"Okay.. I wont stop fighting.." He told him and Peter couldn't help  but smile.

 But that smile went away quickly when they heard a bottle smash to the ground. He must have dropped it. Peter moved his hands from Danny's cheek and pulled Danny into a hug. 

"Don't make a sound.." Peter whispered. Danny nodded and looked right at the closet door, not looking away. Nothing could be heard in that closet except them trying to hold their breath so their breathing wasn't to loud. Danny's heart was racing so much, it was beating out of his chest, it felt like it was going to explode. He thought it could be heard from outside the home but of course it couldn't but it sure felt like it could. Danny then saw the shadow of footsteps coming closer and closer. Peter quickly pushed Danny behind him as best as he could in the tiny closet, basically shielding him as best as he could. Danny didn't say anything, he didn't do anything, he just watched the footsteps come closer and closer until they were right in front of the door. It felt like time was going so slow seeing the feet at the door, waiting for something to happen. Danny wanted to close his eyes but he couldn't, he was terrified like usual.

 Just like that the door swung open which made Danny and Peter both jump and flinch. The man grabs Peter by the wrist flinging him out of the closet and having Peter fall back on the ground, it made a loud thud noise. The man then began to kick Peter not once, not twice, but multiple times, having Peter wince in pain.

 "STOP!! STOP IT PLEASE!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Danny screamed with so much fear in his voice, but that didn't stop the man. Danny then ran out of the closet and jumped on the mans back and held onto his throat trying to get him to stop. He used as much muscles that his little body can hold but of course it wasn't a lot. That did get his attention off Peter though who was laying on the ground holding his stomach where he got kicked. The man than threw Danny off his back having him hit the wall and fall to the ground. He was very strong for a man who was intoxicated. He went to go hit Danny which made him close his eyes, getting ready to feel the pain but Peter got up quickly and pushed him with all the strength he had, having the man fall against the counter, making him hit his head hard and falling to the ground passing out from the hit. Peter then fell to the ground from complete exhaustion and pain. 

Danny ran up to him and hugged him. "Are.. are you okay..??" Danny asked him in a shaky voice as tears were going down his face. 

"I'm.. I'm fine.. are you.." Peter was interrupted by Danny. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine" He told Peter and looked over to the man that was laying on the ground. "Is he.. is he dead..??" Danny asked honestly terrified that he might have witnessed a murder. He hated that man but anyone would freak out if they witnessed something like that. 

"No.. no his chest is moving up and down.. he's just passed out.." Peter stated and stood up as quickly as he could taking Danny's hand and leading him into their bedroom that they shared. "We need to get out of here.. We cant do this anymore" Peter told him and handed him the biggest bag he could find. "Pack only what you need okay?" 

Peter told him and walked into the bathroom that was down the hall and looked at his stomach that was forming a nice bruise. It didn't look horrible though, nothing was broken, he would just be feeling that for quite some time. While Peter was doing that Danny was quickly running around packing everything he needed. Like clothes and such. While he was doing that Peter came back in and started packing items into a big bag as well. The room was quiet except for the sound of them moving around. 

"Where are we going to go?" Danny asked as he finished packing. 

"I don't know.. anywhere is better than here.." Peter told him and grabbed both their bags and took Danny's hand and they quickly headed out the door.

 "But.. What if.." Danny started to speak and Peter interrupted him. 

"Danny I don't know where were going, we are kids, But what I do know is that I'm 13, I'll get a job as a paper boy or something, I'll then get a job at 16 and well find a place okay?" Peter told him and Danny looked down. Peter looked at him and stood in front of him and knelt down to his height. "Its not going to be easy but as long as were together it will be okay" Peter told him and Danny gave him a smile. The first smile he's had in awhile.

 "You're right.." He agreed and Peter smiled and led the way down the street. Danny took one last look at the crappy home and took a nice big sigh of relief, the most relief he's felt in his whole life and followed Peter down the street. Were finally safe.

 Were finally safe

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