Chapter 14

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Danny was laying in bed with the sound of his alarm going off. It was a muffled sound being that his phone was under his pillow. He groaned and sat up grabbing his phone and turning the alarm off. The feeling of being hungover yet again. He grabbed some Advil that was on his bedside table and rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust them to the light. He looked at his phone seeing some messages from Alice.


"I'm sorry I didn't stay the night, to much partying for me"

"Text me if you wake up"

"I'm going to bed, I love you <3"

"Good morning <3"

"I'm at the front doors of the school, where are you?"

"I'll meet you in class"

"Class is starting, where are you??"


5 missed calls from Alice

Danny looked at the time seeing it was 10:34am. 

"Shit" he mumbled seeing how late he was.

 He slept through his alarm and some of his classes. Not that he cared much. "I'll be there soon" he messaged Alice so she knew he wasn't dead and got dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, not his usual attire. 

He grabbed his 'water bottles' putting some in his backpack and held one. He grabbed his wallet and keys and headed off to school. By the time he arrived it was 11am. He put some books in his locker and headed into his class, being 15 minutes late for that one. He took a big chug from his 'water bottle' and entered the classroom. 

"Look who decided to bless us with their presence" Mrs. Murphy stated. "Got a reason for being late? Doctors note?" She asked. 

Danny rolled his eyes. "I don't need a reason, you're lucky I showed up at all" he talked back to her. 

Alice and their Alex looked up seeing the he just talked back to a teacher, something he never did.

 "Your remarks aren't funny, detention after school" Mrs. Murphy stated and handed him a detention slip.

 He rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat.

 "Dude what the hell?" Alex whispered. 

"Relax, she's not even good at teaching" Danny told him. 

"Yeah but Danny--" 

"Quiet Alex or you'll have detention as well" Mrs. murphy cut Alex off and sighed.

 Danny took sips of his 'water bottle' as the class went on.

 "Still think I'm over reacting?" Alice whispered to Alex.

 "Okay.. Maybe he is acting weird.. Well talk to him at lunch.." Alex whispered and eventually class was over. 

Classes went on and Danny and his friends had different classes at this point. Danny ignored what most of the teacher said not paying attention at all. He just kept drinking. Soon it was lunch time and Alice and their friends were sitting at their lunch table. 

"He talked back to the teacher?" Gabby asked.

 "Yeah and he's been partying and drinking a lot.." Alice told her. 

"Well are you sure were not making a big deal out of this? Maybe its nothing right?" Brandon asked.

 "That's what I thought.. But this is more than him loosing his brother.. He's acting out.. He's wearing sweatpants.. He came to school late.. He hasn't been to practice.. And now talking back to a teacher?" Alex stated and Gabby looked over and saw Danny walk in.

 "Shh, here he comes" Gabby told them and they looked behind them and saw Danny coming. 

"Hey guys! Sorry for being such a pain in the ass lately" he laughed and took a seat down, almost knocking over Gabby's drink which she quickly caught. 

They all looked at him confused. "Are you okay?" Alex asked.

 "Why wouldn't I be?" Danny laughed and took a sip of his 'water bottle'. Alice looked into Danny's eyes. 

"Danny.. You're drunk" Alice told him.

 "And you're so cute" he laughed and poked her nose. 

"How are you drunk.. Were in school.. there's no alcohol here.." Alice mumbled a bit, questioning how he's drunk. 

Alex saw him drinking from a water bottle and took it from him. 

"Hey that's mine!" Danny whined as he tried to get it back. 

"Dude.. is this vodka?" Alex asked him and Danny aggressively took it back. 

"Mind your own business" he sternly told him. 

"Danny.. You're wasted at school.. What the hell.." Alex told him in an annoyed yet concerned tone. 

"God when did you guys become so annoying" Danny stated in an annoyed tone and stood up. 

"Danny.. Were concerned.." Alex told him. 

"Well don't be" He told them. "You know what, fuck this" he angrily stood up and gave them all the middle finger before walking out. 

Alex's jaw dropped just in shock and Alice put her head in her hand out of frustration. 

"We need to do something.. He has a problem.." Alice told them. 

"You're right.. I'm sorry I didn't believe you.." Alex apologized. 

"Its okay, we just need to get him help" she told them. 

"So what's the plan?" Gabby asked. Alice sighed at her. They needed to get him help, they needed to hold an intervention. 

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