Chapter 13

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Danny was woken up to the sound of his alarm going off. He groaned and hit snooze a bunch of times before eventually getting up. He stood up from his bed and looked through his closet, he had no motivation to change in anything. He sighed and grabbed the first things he saw, a green button up shirt, a leather jacket, and ripped jeans. He then grabbed his backpack and looked over at the bar. He walked over to fridge grabbing a few water bottles and emptied them out and filled vodka in them. He put them in his backpack and headed of to school. He shortly arrived there and saw Alice waiting for him. 

"Hey you!" she smiled and kissed him. 

They held hands and headed inside the school. Danny got a lot of looks and whispers when he entered the school which wasn't surprising. He just ignored it as best as he could. They went to their lockers together getting everything they needed for their classes. They didn't have any classes until lunch so they said their goodbyes and headed to their classes. Danny didn't pay much attention in his classes. He use to focus a lot and care about his grades, not anymore. He took sips of his water bottle which wasn't water and tried to get through the classes. Eventually it was lunch time and he sat down at one of the tables with his friends, not caring about getting food. Alice sat down next to him with her plate of food. 

"Not eating?" she asked. 

"Oh uh.. I ate this morning" he told her, which he was clearly lying but she didn't know that.

 The table had their small discussions about the day and stupid topics. Danny was quiet a lot which wasn't like him but he tried to talk occasionally so no one asked questions. Danny took sips of his 'water bottle' and started thinking of an idea and smiled. 

"So I'm thinking about throwing a party" he cut Alex off in the middle of his sentence. 

"Ooh a party? I'm in!" Alex told him.

 "Same here! I'll bring the drinks" Brandon added. 

"No this isn't going to be our usual party, its going to be a big party" Danny told him.

 "Ooh I'm interested!" Gabby cheered. 

Alice looked confused. 

"Why a party?" she asked. 

"Well...Uh.. Its my first day being back and thought it would be fun" he told her. 

"But why a big party?" she asked. 

"Oh stop being a party pooper!" Alex teased her. 

Alice rolled her eyes at him. "You guys will spread the word?" Danny asked. 

"Already on it" Alex told him with a smile as he texted a bunch of people.

 They all finished their lunch and headed off to their next classes.

End of day..

Classes were over and so was football practices and other clubs. Alice went to meet Danny outside the football lockers and watched everyone on the team walk out but no Danny. She looked confused and saw Alex walk out of the locker room and jogged up to him. "Hey wait up!" She called out and caught up to him. 

"Oh hey, what's up?" he asked.

 "Is Danny still in there? He usually doesn't take this long" she told him. 

Alex looked at her confused. 

"Danny didn't come to practice" he stated. 

"What? He always goes to practice.. He loves football.. Have you talked to him?" she asked. 

"Not since lunch, he's probably at home getting ready for the party" Alex shrugged and walked away.

 Alice got into her car and headed to Danny's home and knocked on the door. Danny unlocks the door and lets her inside. 

"Someone's early" he laughed and walked into his kitchen setting everything up. 

"What are you doing?" she asked.

 "I just got the food since people will be arriving here soon. I got chips, wings, pizza, oh and I got this nice sound system-" 

"Not that" Alice interrupted. 

"Why weren't you at practice?" she asked. 

"Well I needed to get everything set up" he told her and took a sip of his 'water bottle'. 

"You ditched practice.. to set up a party?" she asked. 

"Its not a big deal that I missed one practice" he told her. 

"Danny you've been acting different, loss of appetite, getting drunk that one night.. Now you're ditching practice and throwing a party?" she asked.

 "You're making a big deal out of nothing, you need to relax" he told her. 

"I'm just concerned.." Alice stated. 

"Well don't be, you going to help me set up or what?" he asked sternly. 

Alice sighed and helped him set up. She didn't know what was going on with him but all she could do is just be there for him. He lost his brother after all. Soon they finished setting up. Food was laid out on the counter, music was blasting, and games were set up like beer pong and such. Danny had the bar full of alcohol and the outside of his home was lit up with colorful lights. 

Soon people arrived at his home and the party has begun. It was a huge crowd. Who wouldn't want to hang out at a rich kids home? People were hanging out having a good time, drinking, playing games, spending time by the pool, just about everything you can think of. A few hours went by and Danny was completely wasted, taking shot after shot. Alice saw this and was very concerned. 

"Danny I think you've had enough to drink.." she told him.

 "I haven't had enoughhhh.... besidesssss... its a partyyyy" he was slurring his words a lot and could barley stand up on his own. 

Alice sighed and dragged him up into his bedroom and put him down on the bed. 

"Party's over okay? Go to bed" she told him sternly.

 "Buttttt I dont wannnnna" he whined like a child. 

Alice sighed and took his shirt off and his pants so he was comfortable and covered him with blankets. Again the room was spinning for him and he started throwing up which she gave him a bucket for and rubbed his back. Another night of this again. She thought he wouldn't do this again. She was wrong. He definitely  had a problem. Time goes by and after a lot of throwing up he passes out on his bed. Alice sighs and exits the room and goes to look for Alex. 

Alex was drinking a few beers with a few people when Alice pulled him away. 

"Woah what's going on?" he asked her, knowing she only pulled him when it was something important.

 "Its Danny.. He has a problem" she told him. Alex looked at her confused. 

"What kind of problem?" he asked. 

"A drinking problem obviously" she said annoyed.

 "Alice.. I doubt he has a drinking problem.. Just because hes drinking at parties doesnt mean anything.." Alex told her. 

"Alex come on, he's acting different! He has no appetite, he didn't go to football practice, he's throwing a party, he's wasted upstairs" she told him going on and on.

 "Alice.. He lost his brother" He stated. 

"I know that--". 

"He's not going to be the same but I doubt he has a problem, hes just trying to have fun" Alex told her. 

Alice sighed. "So you think I'm over reacting" she asked. 

"I think you need to relax, he's fine" Alex told her and walked away.

 Was he right? Was she just over reacting? She wasn't sure.

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