Chapter 6

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A year passes and so much has been going on. Peter was a senior and is now graduating. His senior year went by so fast. Danny is now going to be a sophomore. Freshman year was fun but also stressful. Being in High School its going to be full of stress. Danny worked very hard and passed all his classes. He's on the football team and is now taking Peters spot as quarter back. Danny was doing just as well as Peter was when he was his age. He even got some offers to play in the NFL just like Peter after he graduates. Still has a few years for that though. Now that Peter is graduating he's going to be playing in the NFL once summer is over which he's very excited about. But for right now its time to get ready for graduation.

 Peter and Danny were both getting ready. Peter wore a blue button up shirt and blue jeans and blue converse which will be under his gown. Danny wore a green button up shirt and ripped jeans and a leather jacket. He has that bad boy style but of course he's not a bad kid. He's a jock who is very kind to everyone and is smart. Danny walked into Peters room seeing the door was open and saw him fixing his hair. They put on the cap and gowns once they get to the school. 

"I cant believe you're graduating, what am I going to do in school without you? Whos going to play football with me? Whos going to sit with me at lunch?" Danny told him. He wasn't speaking in a sad tone, just stating how much he was going to miss him. Which he was. Peter chuckled and turned around to face him.

 "You have your own friends, you don't need me" he told him and Danny chuckled.

 "Its not the same" Danny replied. "Don't worry, you'll get use to it, and you'll still see me, we live together after all" Peter laughed. 

Danny then heard a knock at the door and walked out of Peters bedroom. "I'm coming!" he called out and answered the door and smiled to see Alice.

 "Hey beautiful" he replied and gave her a kiss. 

"Hey there handsome" she smiled. Her long blonde hair was curled and she wore a dress that went a little above her knees. The top portion of it was black and the bottom portion of it was light pink. She also wore black heels.

 "I cant believe freshman year is over and were going to be sophomores!" she stated.

 "I'm excited its finally summer time, just fun and relaxation" he told her. Peter walked out of his bedroom and smiled at Alice. 

"Good to see you Alice" Peter responded by greeting her. 

"Hi Peter! Excited to graduate?" she asked. 

"You know it" he told her.

 "I cant believe you'll be in the NFL! Its so unreal" she replied. 

"Yeah I still cant believe it" he laughed while he glanced at his watch. 

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but we got to head out before I miss my graduation" he laughed and grabbed his wallet and keys.

 Danny and Alice followed Peter to the car. It was a silver Mercedes. Danny got in the passenger seat and Alice sat in the back seat. Shortly they arrived at the school. Peter headed off to where all the graduates were getting ready. They went over the line up and where everyone would be seating and put on their cap and gowns. Danny and Alice took a seat which was near the front but not the front seats. Soon graduation started and all the graduates walked out and took their seats. The principal talked about the year and about the class and then the president of the school had a speech he gave. Then everyone started getting their diplomas and announced what they would be doing or majoring in. One girl is going to Harvard for her doctor degree. Another graduate is working for their families business. Another graduate is going to school for business. Peter then got his diploma and announced he was going to be playing for the NFL which a lot of people cheered. Danny stood up and clapped and cheered.

 Once everyone got their diplomas they tossed their caps and everyone cheered. The graduates then went over to their families to celebrate. It sucked that Peter didn't have any family besides Danny here but he didn't show that. He was just excited he graduated. 

"You did it!" Danny stated with a hug.

 "Now lets celebrate!" Danny cheered and they headed back to their home for a party they were having. Peters friends and some other graduates were there. Danny's friends and of course Alice was there. Some people were drinking beers, not a lot of course. They also had a lot of food. Pizza, wings, it was a feast. Danny ate a few pieces of pizza and wings. Everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time. Graduating is all about getting through high school and starting your life. No one has went through something quite like Peter has. It was so nice to think about the future. He was ready to start his life and his dream.

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