Chap. 3

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The door man from the place called me from the speaker.

"There's a guy down here name Liam Payne. And he says that he'll stay here until he talks to you."

"Send him up please." I waited for him to come up and opened the door when he knocked.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, let's talk."

"About last night, right before you left. I wanted, I wanted to tell you who I was. Then you left and I couldn't explain."

"That I understand, not having you explain because I was in a hurry. So that was my fault. But being on the news the next day is.." I sat down on my couch and put my elbows on my knees. I covered my face with my hands and shook my head. Unbelievable.

"I know. I just came over to see if you were alright." He turned the door knob.

"Liam wait," I walked over to him, "forget the news. Let me get ready and we could have a little chat."

I walked to my room and locked the door behind me. I got a pair of jeans, a white tanktop, and pulled over a sweater. I slipped on my Vans slip-ons and grabbed my bag from the rack. He smiled when I came out and walked over to the living room.

"Shall we?" He said while opening the door and letting me go first. I locked the door behind us and we walked to the same places we went yesterday. The ice cream parlour, thrift shops, and lastly the park.

"What do you work in?"


"Really. What's your favourite picture that you took?"

I took out my phone and showed him a picture of me and a friend back in high school. We were at the park being young and free. It was me throwing up a peace sign and her doing a silly face. I miss her dearly, but she became a model and works with famous magazines like RUNWAY, or COSMO, even VOGUE. He gave me a smile and caressed my cheek gently. He rubbed it softly with his huge thumb and started to lean in.

"Errrm, Liam?" I said looking at a figure peeking out from behind a tree, that was a few feet away from us.


"There's a camera man behind that tree." I signled with eyes going to the tree and back to his.

He leaned back away and looked behind at the tree. The camera man started to take a few shots. Liam and I started to fast walk away as if he wasn't taking pictures of us. After we left the park we realised the there were more camera men following us. We ran for our lives and the sky started to rumble and the last thing I knew was rain falling from the clouds. He lead me into what I think is his flat and when we went in there four more guys were staring at us.

"The bathroom is right over there, living room and kitchen are here. Let me get your sweatshirt, I'll have it dry and warm in no time. Lads meet LIlia," he whispered towards them, "the girl from the news this mourning." They all had O-shaped mouths in surprise.

I walked awkwardly to one of the stools that were by the kitchen counter.

"Hi." I said and after they each came to introduce themselves.

"Harry." Cheeky smile and curly hair.

"Louis." Funny guy.

"Niall." Irish.

"Zayn." Looks like God.

"And you already met Liam" said Louis.

"It's nice to know you all. Does Liam always do this?" I asked dripping wet on his tiled floor.

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