Chap. 22

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        Liam took me back to the room to have me lay down after I cried. "I'll bring you another cup of tea." He told me while I got under the covers. "Here babe." I sat up and got the cup of tea.

"Liam I-" I wanted to explain to him but nothing would come out of my big mouth.

"Shhh, don't say anything. Lets forget about this, shall we?" I nodded as my answer.

         He changed into his pajamas which where his underwear and laid down next to me. I gave him the tea when I was done and apparently Loki was still awake so he climbed on the bed. I sat more closer to Liam and traced his tattoos with my finger. I smiled remembering the first time we met. How he offered to go with me and I left him before he told me he was Liam from One Direction. The biggest boy band in the world.

"Why that adorable smile huh?" He asked and me smiling like a fool.

"I was just remembering the first time we met. And how I left you at the park before you told me you were in One Direction. And the next day we were on the news and that's when I knew you were the one. When you came to check on me and made sure I was okay. If I didn't stop you so that we could talk then I would've regretted it in the future." I told him and he looked at me with those eyes that he always does when he pays attention to me when I speak.

"I'm glad that you stopped me so that we could have a little chat. I would have regretted it as well if I never, saw you again." I got his hand and we plaid with each others thumbs. I stopped and got his hand which was huge. Then I put my hand on top of his and measured them. My hand was obviously smaller and Liam raised it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep with him holding my hand.

        I woke up the next morning and it was Sunday. I woke up still holding on Liam's hand. I softly rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. I saw his eyes flutter open and he looked around the room remembering where he as.

"Morning sleepy head." I laughed.

        Liam smiled and responded, "Morning." He gave me a kiss on the side of my head.

"I'll make us breakfast today." I say getting out of bed and putting on one of his shirts.

"Thats strange."

"What?" I say putting my hair in a ponytail.

"You make breakfast when there's a special occasion."

        I look at him, "Is there suppose to be an occasion where I have to make my gorgeous boyfriend breakfast while he's in his underwear?"

        He gets out of bed, "Well if you don't like me in my underwear then I'll put on my pants." I smile and headed to the kitchen.

"I take that as a yes!" He yells after me.

        We finished breakfast and I washed the dishes. After doing a bit of house chores I sit on the couch with my laptop. I open all the tabs I usually open: Twitter, Tumblr, and a couple shopping stores. I get a glass of water and Liam walks in the living room. Liam got my laptop and looked through it.

"Babe what's this?" I left my Tumblr page on the screen. I put my cup on the counter and run to retrieve my laptop.

"It's nothing." I say while he puts the laptop in the air.

"Nothing? This is something, I would like to know. Your URL is 'liam-is-my-love'."

"Babe I made this before I met you. I haven't had time to change it."

"Excuses, excuses." He says handing me my laptop.

"Blah, blah, blah." I say mocking him. He looks at me and gives me that scuffed look mocking me. I sit on the couch for a few more moments and shut off my laptop.

         Liam sits next to me on the couch, "You knew about me before we met?"

        I look at him, "I listen to a couple of your songs. I saw you on some show, I don't remember what it was, and I took a trip to California after that. So I knew a bit about you. When I came back I wouldn't be expecting that you would fall for me." I took a deep breath before explaining the rest. "Then when I bumped into you, I didn't want to believe that you were Liam. That's why I said yes to your offer and we went to take a walk. Then by the next day when we ran from the paps and you brought to your flat. I saw the rest of One Direction, and for a moment I was in complete shock. The thoughts going through my had were ballistic. But I managed to get through with it and the hate that I get on Twitter every once in a while. And here I am sharing a flat with the one and only Liam Payne, the cute one, from the biggest boy band in the world also know as, One Direction." Liam gives me that shocked look. "What?" I ask.

         He snaps out of it, "Nothing is just that, I wouldn't have expected that you would know about us." I blushed at his words.

"Well, I was kind of a fan. But the fan that knew your names but didn't know the person. Would listen to your songs but didn't know the name. Yeah, lets just say I had horrible memory."

         Liam sat a tad bit closer to me, "What made you a better fan?"

"Well if you must know. I listened to your first album and instantly fell in love. I stalked you everyday on Twitter. I was surprised with myself on what I actually did just to know about you and the lads."

"Are you happy that you're a fan?" He says putting his arm around my waist.

"Of course I am." I say a give his nose a peck. He wrinkles his nose as a reaction.

"That reminds me, we're doing two music videos and a tour. But I don't know if you would want to, come along?"

"What music videos?"

"For Little Things." The album already came out in stores. And the tour will be the week after the videos come out. So what do you say?"

"I'll go." I say kissing Liam on the lips.

"What about Loki?"

"I'm sure we could take him, the boys wouldn't mind." The rest of the day watched films and then went off to bed.

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