Chap. 39

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1 year after 

July 17, 2014 

        Today is the day that Liam and I become husband and wife. Where we share our vows infront of everyone and show each other how much we love one another. I slipped on my dress after getting my hair and makeup done. It was strapless, simple, lace covered, and a short train behind me. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called them. I saw Liam's reflection threw the mirror.

"Liam, what are you doing here? It's bad luck to see each other before the wedding."

"I know, but who needs luck when I have you. You're all the luck that I have, for now. You look beautiful." He covered his mouth and his eyes began to water.

"Liam don't, I just had my make up done."

"I'm sorry, I've always wanted this day to happen. And its finally here." A tear came out of his eyes and I started to get teary and wiped his tear with my thumbs.

"I love you." I told his and cupped his face with my hands.

"I love you too. To the moon and back."

"To infinity and beyond." We put our foreheads together and when it was time we kissed one more time then Liam departed from the room.

        Since my dad wasn't there to share this incredibale moment with me, my mum lead me down the isle. Once my bridesmaids went first everyone stud up, my stomach got a hundred butterflies. I looked up at everyone and shared a small smile. I saw LIam at the alter with his hands infront and a huge smile on his face. I reached to the alter and let go of my mum.

"You look beautfiful." Liam whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and then looked back at the priest. 


        After an hour of standing and kneeling we get to say our vows now and be pronouced husband and wife. 

Liam's vow: "I vow, to have you forever and always. To bring you warmth when you're cold. I'll be there when you're alone. I'll call you, text you when I'm on tour and be in the studio. I'll love you to infinity and beyond." 

My vow: "I vow to always have your warmth even though your at the other side of the world. I always have your heart and to always call it home. I'll call when I have time. Go to lunch dates when we have time. Your company fills the best in me, you're my other half and always will be." 

"I pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the priest anounced. 

        Liam cam forward and we kissed. It felt like a nice kiss. Everyone clapped for our happiness and when we came out of the church they threw rice for good luck. Liam rented a car that had flowers on the bottom rim and he drove to our next destination; the honeymoon. We thought about our honeymoon before but never discusted it deeply like how we did last week. We both ended up choosing Fiji. Since nither of us have visited then we just decided on the place. Liam booked a small beach house that over looked the ocean. Good thing I brought my camera for memories of course. I went back to change into something comfortable for the long day.

        Mum helped with some of my packing but since it was hot I packed a bunch of shorts and at least a bikini or two. I went out to the balcony after getting changed and felt Liam wrap his muscular arms around me.

"You like it here?"

"I love it. If only we could live here forever."

"Don't worry we'll be back pretty soon." He turned me around to look at him and I admired the ring that was perfectly fit on my ring finger. "Mrs. Payne, I like the sound of that."

"So do I." I gave him a reasuring kiss that the day will be by fast.

         By the night you already know what he had planned. We obviously didn't use protection because now we don't need it. That went farely well, and the next morning was just hanging out on the porch and cuddling while the day went by. The week after we just cruised and became tourist for a couple of days then swam in the ocean like free fish.


        I had morning sickness the third week we were there. I felt light headed, and kept throwing up after every meal for at least five minutes.

"You ok babe?" Liam rubed my back as I leaned over the toilet. I coughed the extra out and wiped my mouth and rinsed it.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You're pregnant?"

"How did you know?"

"C'mon babe. It's not like you always have morning sickness. Plus I read it in a parenting magazine once."

"You read?"

"Yeah apparently, but the article was really interesting. How the mum would throw up everytime in the morning and then again after she eats."

"Its a good thing you know these things."


"Because I brought a pregnancy test, just in case."

"You're at least prepared." He rubbed my back again and he made me a tea to calm down.


        The morning sickness continued for another while until we got off our honeymoon then everything went smoothly. We noticed that our second month my belly frew so much, people started to notice. My mum was surprised on how this fast this happened. "I'm gonna be a grandma." she started to cry of happiness and I held her close.

        Every month Liam and I would go for an ultrasound and his eyes got waterier when ever we came. We also took parenting classes when Liam wasn't in the studio. It was a lot to learn from and we were in our seventh month and almot to giving birth to a little boy. We haven't found the perfect name for him but I was thinking James. James since its Liam's middle name and it would suit him if he looks a lot more than Liam. But we'll find out in two months.

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