Favourite Moment 7

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When I look back on my life from where I am now, I actually have many favourite moments, loads more than the ones that I'm going to list in this book. However, I know that if I write about Olly's birth, Kyle and Lottie will get jealous so it's only fair to write about their's as well I suppose.

It was a cold February morning in the year of 2003 and I was getting bored with the size of my stomach already. My baby was already five days late and I was getting impatient. I just wanted this baby out of my stomach already!

"Mummy, when will I meet my new brother or sister?" Olly, who was three at the time, asked me.

"Soon Ol, soon." I smiled as he waddled closer to me and pulled himself up on the sofa so that he was sat next to me.

"I'm excited Mummy." Olly gave me a toothy grin.

"We all are baby, it's very exciting." I told him. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach, but within another minute it was gone again.

"Taylor! Olly! Are you ready to go?" Mattie cried from the hallway.

"We're coming!" I replied and slowly got up, ushering for Olly to follow me.

That day myself, Mattie and Olly we're going to the beach with Harry and Ginny for the day. Now, I had no idea why we all thought it would be great to head out to the beach when I was already five days overdue. It seems quite stupid now if you really think about it.

"Get your shoes on Ol, you can't go to the beach without shoes." Mattie smiled, passing Olly his shoes. I waddled over and sat on the stairs, pulling my shoes on to my swollen feet with great difficulty.

"Daddy, what is a beach?" Olly jumped up after he had put his shoes on.

"It's got loads of sand on it and it's by the sea." Mattie explained to him. Loads of Olly's book's had the sea in them and he suddenly became obsessed with them, so it was Ginny's idea to take him to the beach for the day.

"Sea!" Olly cried, clapping his hand's excitedly.

"Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry are here Olly, it's time to go." Mattie smiled.

"Yay!" Olly grinned. As soon as Mattie opened the door, Olly went running down the front steps and right into Ginny who grinned down at him.

"Hi Ol, are you ready to go?" She smiled, picking him up and resting him on her hip.

"Yes!" Olly squealed, struggling in Ginny's arm's so that she'd put him down.

"How are you feeling Tay?" Ginny asked me as Mattie put Olly in his car seat whilst talking to Harry.

"Ginevra, my baby is five days late and I look like a baboon. I'm not feeling one hundred percent." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright miss snappy." Ginny rolled her eyes at me in return. The pain that I had felt when I was sat with Olly suddenly shot through my body again, causing me to stop and double over a bit.

"Tay, are you alright?" Mattie asked, his face full of concern.

"I'm fine, lets go otherwise we'll never make it to the beach." I waved it off and walked round to the passenger seat of the car.

"Taylor are you sure, maybe you and I should stay here and Mattie and Harry can take Olly. Just in case?" Ginny requested.

"Gin I'm fine, lets just go." I waved her off and slowly got into the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt.

"Okay, well we'll see you there." Ginny narrowed her eyes at me, as if I was hiding something, then shrugged and walked to the passenger seat of her car.

We were around an hour into the journey and over half way there when the same pain hit me again, however this time it was sharper. Mattie looked at me in concern but I just waved my hand, begging him to not question it. He nodded once and carried on driving.

"Mummy, how far away is the beach?" Olly groaned from the back seat. He had asked if we were nearly there yet ten minutes into the journey.

"It's not far now Ol." I told him, placing my hand on my stomach as the baby kicked me.

For the next ten minutes, the pain kept getting stronger and they were coming quicker. It was like I was having contractions and I was panicking.

"Taylor, I think we need to stop, I think you're going into labour." Mattie told me.

"No Mattie keep driving, we need to get Olly to the beach." I told him. I was not letting my son down.

Another sharp contraction suddenly came and the seat below me suddenly felt really wet. My waters had broken.

"Oh no." I gasped. Mattie's eye's widened and he immediately pulled up in a lay by at the side of the road. He stopped the car and came running round to the passenger seat, flinging the door open.

"We have to get you to St Mungos." Mattie told me, looking as panicked as I felt.

"Mummy why have we stopped?" Olly groaned again.

"Mattie you can't apparate her, it's too dangerous!" Ginny and Harry came to us quickly. Where had they came from?!

"I'll send a Patronus to St Mungos and take Olly into our car." Harry decided suddenly.

"Ginny Weasley, Potter, whatever your name is! I am not giving birth to this baby in the back of our car!" I cried, letting out another wail as a contraction hit me.

"Taylor you may not have a choice!" Ginny argued back, helping Mattie move me to the back seat.

"Mattie! Tell her that I am not giving birth here!" I protested, looking helplessly at my husband. Mattie wouldn't meet my eye and he didn't reply.
In that moment I knew that I was going to end up giving birth to my second child in the back of mine and Mattie's car.

Kyle Harry Windsor was born half an hour later in the back of our car, weighing eight pounds and three ounces and he was beautiful. Harry had also called the Muggle hospital and an ambulance took us to a hospital nearby to make sure that both I and Kyle were alright. Apparently the healers from St Mungos couldn't get to us in time because they were extremely busy that day.

Ginny and Mattie helped me give birth to my second son that day, and I couldn't thank them enough.


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