Favourite Moment 1

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My first favourite from my point of view out of my years at Hogwarts is from my fourth year, or should I say the first time that myself and Ginny met Colette Reynolds. My first impressions of her were quite mixed really. She seemed like this extremely quiet person with curly auburn coloured hair and I remembered thinking that she was extremely pretty, just like Ginny. As soon as she said hello, it sort of clicked between the three of us and from that moment on, we became inseparable until that dreaded day when Colette sadly lost her life. She was the bravest and most genuine person I had ever met and I am proud to call her my best friend.

Let's take you to the Gryffindor second fourth year dormitory in the first of September 1995. Myself and Ginny had just found out that we would no longer be sharing a dormitory with the absolutely vile creature that was Romilda Vane and her friends. It was just us and a girl named Colette.

I'd just been jumping up and down on my bed when she walked in. Colette was a petite girl with beautiful hair and a dainty face. She seemed the quiet type, the complete opposite of me.

"Oh hello, you must be Colette, I'm Ginny and this is my best friend Taylor. It's nice to meet you." Ginny smiled at the girl.

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet you too, so I'm guessing you are my dorm mates?" The girl smiled at the two of us.

"Yes we are! I'm Taylor! Taylor Daniels, best friend of Ginevra Molly Weasley and the hottest girl in Hogwarts." I put myself out there and tried to charm her with my extremely outgoing personality. I think I scared her when I first met her.

"Alright Taylor, how bigheaded do you want to?" Ginny rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm not bigheaded Gin! Just amazing!" I winked, striking some kind of pose.

"I'm sorry she's a bit loopy." Ginny smiled apologetically at Colette.

"It's fine, it's nice to meet you Taylor, Taylor Daniels, best friend of Ginevra Molly Weasley and the hottest girl in Hogwarts." Colette grinned at me. It was at that moment that I decided that she was the perfect person to be friends with. The sarcastic answer did it for me.

"I love her already! Can we keep her Gin?!" I cried, running over to Colette and throwing my arms around the unsuspecting girl.

"Taylor! Get off of Colette!" Ginny cried, running her hand's through her hair. I obeyed and sat down on my bed. I didn't want to to scare her too much.

"Right Colette's to long! We need a nickname!" I cried, deciding to include Colette more.

"Erm ok." Ginny rolled her eyes at me. It was a bad habit of her, and she still does it now. Especially at me.

"Okay!" Colette smiled happily, she just looked happy to be involved with people at Hogwarts.

"Hmmm, how about Collyflower?!" I cried, shouting out the first thing that came to my head when I thought of Colette's name.

"Taylor! That's nasty! What about Lette, or Coll?" Ginny shrugged, glaring at me. Personally, I didn't think it was nasty, just funny.

"Yes! Lette I love it, but I'm keeping Collyflower!" I told her, adamant on keeping Colette's nickname as Collyflower.

"Sorry Colette." Ginny shrugged at her. She knew that I was stubborn and that there was no chance of changing my mind.

"No it's fine! I like them both." Colette laughed. I definitely liked her.

"Right night!" I cried then suddenly turned the light off, taking everybody by surprise. I always act upon instinct and this was another one of those times.

"Taylor! Turn the light back on! Lette's unpacking!" Ginny cried. I could see her outline sat up in bed.

"I've done now anyway." Colette replied into the darkness, I definitely couldn't see her through the darkness.

"Night Gin......night Collyflower!" I cried, content that I had made a new friend that day.

This is one of my absolute favourite memories because this was the first time that I ever met Colette Reynolds, and she changed mine and Ginny's live's forever. For the years that were to come, we were glad to have her as a best friend when darkness stepped into our path's once again.
That my friends, is the end of memory number one.


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