Favourite Moment 5

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Okay, let's take it back to the Hogwarts years, no one likes to hear about growing up, getting married and having children! Well I didn't in my teenage years anyway. I always thought that it was scary business.

I think that I'm going to take this time to add a little bit of Hinny into my short book. I still call them Hinny now, even though we're like fifty odd. Throughout our years at Hogwarts, Ginny had an obsessive crush on Harry Potter, she said it wasn't obsessive but it was. Anyone could see that, especially myself and Colette.

My fifth favourite moment is the first time that I saw Harry and Ginny together as a couple. It's from my, Ginny and Colette's fifth year and Harry just kissed Ginny out of the blue. It's one of my favourites because it was so great to see my best friend truly happy for a while.

I was sat on the sofa in the Gryffindor Common Room, watching Ginny and Harry as they spoke. They were both smiling and blushing at the same time, being so cute with each other.

"Taylor, you're like a hawk watching it's prey, leave them alone for once." Colette rolled her eyes at me.

"Look at them though Collyflower, they're so cute!" I pulled her arm so that she'd turn around to look at the two of them.

"He's probably congratulating her on catching the snitch." Colette told me, but turning around non the less. I didn't even realise that I'd began to blow my cover by sitting on the top of the sofa. Why was I so intrigued with them?!

Just as Harry was about to say something however, a boy from behind them accidentally stumbled into Harry, causing Harry himself to stumble forward and his lip's were suddenly on Ginny's. Instead of pulling away however, he carried on kissing Ginny, both of them getting lost in the kiss. The common had gone quiet, and obviously into a state of shock, except for the few people who were whooping and wolf whistling at them. Everybody just stood watching the two of them.

I was so excited to see the two of them kissing that I ended up toppling off the back of the sofa squealing "Oh my god Hinny!"

The common room burst into laughter as I lay groaning and banging my fists on the floor in excitement. My Hinny dreams had finally come true!

"I think he's going to be a problem." I heard Ginny say to Harry. They were obviously talking about Ron. I knew that he was probably giving them the biggest dead eye at that moment. Ron would never be happy about Harry being in a relationship with Ginny. Hell, he's not even happy about them being together now and they're married with three children!

"Does that mean that you're mine now then?" Harry asked, being the awkward person that he is. If somebody asked me that I'd say no just for the laughs.

"If you'd like me to be." Ginny replied to him.

"I'd really like you to be." Harry immediately answered. Ew.

"I still think Ron's gonna be a problem though." Ginny brought him up again. She should've just got on with it rather than worrying about what Ron thought.

"He'll just have to deal with it." Harry knew what he was talking about.

"If you say so." Ginny laughed at him. The two of them slowly made their way over to me, Colette and Hermione hand in hand and grinning like love sick children.

This was the first time that I had truly seen Ginny happy and it made me and Colette both extremely happy to see her like she was. Obviously, that was before Dumbledore died and Harry decided that he was leaving her as he thought that she wouldn't be safe. He thought that Moldy Voldy would target Ginny if he knew that Harry was deeply in love with her. He did target her after all, but Harry always has been a selfless idiot.


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