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The full force of a battle trained Wolf crashed into Luan's side. He tried to push her off but she bit his paw, not quite enough to hurt him but enough for hum to realise that he wouldn't want to face this Wolf in a real battle. He pulled his paw away, throwing her off balance. He lunged at her, teeth bared but before he could make contact she swiped at his jaw, clearly being careful not to hit his eyes, knocking his head to the side. She lunged and grabbed his shoulder with her teeth. With a well times jerk she knocked him onto his side and jumped on top of him, baring her teeth. He lay, panting on the ground. Suddenly an idea came to him. If he could blind her then he could get out of her grip. Summoning up his powers he cast a cloud of darkness around them. The Wolf on top of him suddenly stumbled, unsure of her movements. He pushed her off and jumped to where he guessed she would be. His paws hit solid muscle. Bowling her over, he pinned her to the ground. 

Yes! Got you! He though triumphantly.

No sooner than the thought crossed his mind he was flung off. The Wolf had been feinting! She swiped and snapped at him with trained presision. Luan couldn't keep up, one moment a paw would be knocking his hind leg out from under him and the next her teeth were at his shoulder. Withing moments he was on the ground with her teeth at his throat. Flanks heaving, he removed the darkness surrounding them and transformed back into a human.

"Ok, you won," he acknowledged between deep breaths.

"You fought well for someone with no training," Etta complimented. She was barely out of breath. "That move with the darkness was genius."

"How did you find me in it?" Luan asked.

"Well at first I had no idea what to do, then I realised that if could feel the water in the air to make ice spears then I could feel the higher concentration of water in living things like you," she replied.

Luan could feel how happy she was that she had been able to come up with that idea.

"That was really smart," Kasi interrupted.

Luan jumped, he had almost forgotten the others were standing next to them.

"Yes, that's a great way of using the powers we already have for different things," Talten added. "And it's bound to come in useful."

It's amazing that she came up with that! I don't think I could do something as cool as that even if I wasn't in the middle of a battle! Luan thought admiringly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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