Chapter 1

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The cloudy mirror starts to clear as the steam in my bathroom dissipates. I wait for it to reveal my reflection. It's past six 'o clock and I should really get a move on instead of standing here like an idiot. But I don't. I lock eyes with mirror me and continue to stand and stare. When I finally lose interest in the soulless irises meeting my gaze, I analyze the rest of my face.

    The ugly scar that races down my cheek bone to my upper lip is something that I have grown accustomed to seeing, but to the rest of the world, it overpowers my other qualities, grabbing attention. Suddenly, I feel pressed for time and stop this mindless examination of my appearance. 

    I smooth foundation over my skin quickly. I should be downstairs already. To save time I turn my makeup bag upside down over the sink and shake out its contents. I'm able to find my contour brush much faster than digging through all the cosmetics I own. I've got the planes of my face contoured and highlighted in no time. I move on to eyeshadow. My eyes always take forever. 

    "God dammit." 

    I blinked and poked my eye with the mascara wand. This sort of shit always happens when I'm in a hurry. I tear off a few squares of toilet paper and dab at the black smear under my eye. I blow dry my eye lashes because I don't have time to wait for them to dry on their own. I am seriously cutting it close. I'm a pro at putting on false lashes, and after I get them on, I will be in the homestretch. 

    I throw on a shirt and jeans as fast as I can, and pull on my boots. I check my appearance, taking in the final look. My face glows. My eyes are lined perfectly and the purple and silver eye makeup is set off by the crystals on my shirt. Looks good. I grab my hat and break for the door.  


    "Oh geez, I nearly took you out with that door." My event coordinator, Sharon, looks flustered standing outside my hotel room. 

    "I was coming to get you. It seems we're running a bit late." She regains her composure quickly, stifling her irritation with me. We've been known to go at it with each other, but we both know there's no time for it now.

    "I'm sorry. I'm ready, let's go." The shorter woman with her blonde hair and neutral color palette seems especial dull walking through the hotel lobby beside me with all my glam and sparkle. I gently push my hat down on my hair and finger comb the long, black curls that bounce in front of my shoulder. We duck into a waiting car that efficiently delivers us to the venue. 

    Miakoda is standing on a set of cross ties in the barn aisle when we pull up. A groom gently combs the length of her mane, making sure there are no tangles. The mare's nearly white coat is gleaming, as it should be after two baths and a bottle of Show Sheen. She's wearing her purple, rhinestone studded halter and enjoying every bit of the pampering she's receiving.

    "Looks like Koda is ready for you. I'm sure everyone at the main arena is to." Sharon says, pointedly. 

    I step out of the vehicle and stride toward my horse. "All set?" 

    "Yes, Miss Caroline. She's ready to go." The girl averts her eyes. People do their best not to stare at my scar. Though I hardly notice the hideous mark anymore, it is what defines me. 

    "Alright, Miakoda. Showtime." The mare perks her ears at the sound of the word. I unclip her from the cross ties and slide her halter off. I hang it on a nearby hook and pick up my whip. Koda shadows me, already tuning in. We exit the barn side by side and walk the short distance across the lighted grounds to the main arena with no rope connecting us.

    I can hear the boom of the microphone as the announcer begins our introduction. "And now for our opening performance, we have a special young cowgirl and her unique horse, whose unbreakable spirits have proven that anything is possible despite the worst adversity and demonstrate for us the incredible strength of the bond between horse and man." 

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