chapter 1

3 1 0

• suicide
•first responders

Brooke walked into the front door of her best friend Amelia's and made her way to Amelia's room. "Hey Brooke, you staying for dinner?" yelled Amelia's mother from the kitchen. "yes ma'am! smells delicious" yelled Brooke back as she sniffed the smell of Zucchini soup, her favorite but her mom never made it because her family didn't like it. Brooke often ate dinner at Amelia's house due to her mother's fabulous cooking.

Brooke sat on Amelia's bed and placed down her bag and waited for Amelia to walk in from the bathroom or some where. she waited a minute or two before becoming impatient and and going to the bathroom door. "Amelia are you in there?" Brooke didn't get an answer. she heard the sound that the bathtub made when it slowly drained because the drain stopper was broken. "Are you taking a bath, or did you fall in the toilet" Brooke joked. she waited for an answer but received silence. Brooke walked to Amelia's bedroom door, "Hey Ginger are you sure she's in here?" Brooke called to Amelia's mom.

"Yes dear, maybe she fell asleep in the tub, go in and make sure she's ok. she fell asleep at the dinner table the other day, she's been super sleepy recently." Brooke speed walked over to the bathroom incase Amelia was asleep in the tub or something. she opened the bathroom door that was unlocked with was unusual for Amelia, she liked her privacy. Brooke looked down at the tub and she couldn't believe her eyes. her best friends lifeless, pale, bloody body. she was just laying dead in the tub with her wrist slit.

"A...Amelia... what the fuck is this are you ok..." Brooke peeped out as she rushed over to her friend praying she would open her eyes. "this is a cruel joke Amelia stop it!" she shook her shoulders. "is she asleep Brooke?" Brooke heard Amelia's mother but didn't respond. Amelia's mother made her way to Amelia's room. "Brooke did you not hear me, is every thing ok, was she asle..." she stopped mid sentence as she saw the scene before her.

"Amelia baby!" she cried as she rushed to the side of the tub by Brooke. she pulled up her daughter so she was sitting straight up and checked to see if she was still breathing. "baby girl what have you done...." Ginger cried as she pulled her daughters lifeless body into her arms. Brooke just sat there staring not knowing what to do. "i... i'm gonna call 911" Brooke pushed out as she got up on her shaky legs and stumbled to the bed and grabbed her bag. she dropped her phone because her hands were slippery from the bloody water she had on her.... her best friends blood..... on her hands and arms... all over the front of her shirt.... she hit the emergency button and dialed 911.

operator: 911 whats your emergency

Brooke: there been an accident...

operator: what kind of accident ma'am?

Brooke: well i don't really think it was an accident.... she slit her wrist....

operator: who slit there wrist..? can you tell me where you are? what's your name sweetheart?

Brooke: my names Brooke.... can you tell me what to do.... she's all pale and cold... there's so much blood

operator: can you tell me where you are Brooke?

Brooke: *Amelia's address" it's my best friends house, her names Amelia, i don't know why she did this....

operator: ok Brooke i need you to check her pulse, do you know how to do that?

Brooke: yes i do we learned in school!

Brooke made her way to the bathroom quickly and but her hand on Amelia's wrist and not receiving a pulse she but her hand on her neck. she didn't feel a pulse. the operator heard Brooke start to cry.

operator: Brooke is Amelia breathing?

Brooke: no ma'am.... can you guys still save her....?

Brooke put down the phone before hearing a response because she heard sirens approaching. "Ginger there here!"
Brooke said as she got her self up and ran toward the front door. "Brooke they can't save her!" Ginger yelled in agony and pain. she felt as if she was dying her heart hurt so bad.

Brooke ignored Amelia's mom and ran toward the first responders now in the driveway. the police and fire department had arrived but the ambulance hadn't arrived yet. Brooke talked to the officers as they all rushed inside and the fire fighters were given the go ahead to asses the situation.

Brooke was pushed around and out of the way by the authorities. she was sitting on the porch, shaking in fear. she was distracted thinking about the fact her best friend might die so she didn't notice her moms car park in the already crowed driveway. her mom sat beside her shaking daughter and wrapped her arms around her. her mom immediately started to cry as she saw the blood and expression on her daughters face. "B- Brooke baby what happened!"

Brooke looked up at her mom still shaking violently. "Amelia.... i think she's gonna die..." Brooke said in a voice that terrified her mother. her mom was trying hard to hug and comfort her daughter who was shaking so violently she couldn't get a grip. "Brooke i need you to calm down, sweetie breath for mommy ok" she tried to calm Brooke down but it was no use. an officer approached the females on the porch and got down to there level. "Are you Brooke?" asked the officer. "Yes she's Brooke, i'm her mom i just got here what happened!" said Brookes mom but before the officer could respond Ginger rushed outside. "B-Brooke" Ginger croaked out as she took Brooke's mother's place and wrapped up Brooke in her arms. "She's gone.... my baby girl is gone.... why would she do this Brooke why....." Ginger and Brooke sobbed into each other's arms.

Ginger chose not to ride in the ambulance with her daughters dead body. the EMT's we're trying to resuscitation her but Ginger knew it was hopeless. They all rode in Brooke's mothers car. the car ride was silent except for the muffled sobs from the backseat. when arriving at the hospital they could see Amelia and were soon informed of her passing. they already assume she was gone but they all cried as the Doctor informed them of the medical information.

After a few hours of holding Gingers hand while she did paper work Brooke's mother said she was going home to let her husband know the situation. "Drive safe mom" said Brooke as she was still by Ginger's side. "goodbye Annie" Ginger croaked out. She hadn't spoke much and as soon as she put those words out her started to cry again.

Word Count: 1147

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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