The Green Giant and The Bird

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"Chief look! We're almost there.", Tian pointed towards the pier from their boat.

He looked back at Phu only to find a green faced giant looking back at him and chuckled.

"Are you alright Chief?", Tian asked.

"S-still ... great."

Tian laughed, "Chief, how can you still have seasick even after you've taken the pills? I thought you said you're strong to handle anything."

"Usually I am okay with it .. but ... this boat is too small and the waves ... too strong.", Phu tried not to vomit.

"Hang on a little longer. We're reaching soon.", Tian said.

It took another 10 minutes before they arrived at Love Island and Phu is glad that he can finally be out of the small boat. Tian noticed how he tried to stabilize his feet on the sand for a bit.

"Chief, I guess I made the right decision to come here. I guess you're so used to be on the mountain and the forest that you actually forgotten about the beach and the sea.", Tian helped Phu with his bag.

"I can take that myself. It will be too heavy for you." Phu said trying to get his bag from Tian.

"It's alright. You took care of me on the mountain but here, let me be the one to take care of you. Alright Chief?"

Phu smirked, "Then shall I call you the Chief then?"

Tian gave it a thought and shook his head, "No, I don't think the name suits me. It suits you more."

"Really? How?"

"It suits someone with a stern face with a giant like body ... like you. The Green Giant ... that has seasick on the sea.", Tian teased.

Like usual Phu just looked away and couldn't say more when he was called the Green Giant, he had somehow liked it when Tian called him that.

"Ah okay. I'll let you pass this time. So Chief, should we check-in into our room now?", Tian decided to stop teasing.

Since they're on a budget trip, they had a small room for themselves. After having a short rest in the room, they decided to head out to the beach. This time Phu felt better and enjoyed it better.

"It's really been a long time since I came to the beach. I forgot how good it felt to listen to the waves and the breeze.", Phu sat on the sandy beach next to Tian.

"You know, I used to go to the beach a lot but ... it was never like this. My old self would be having a drink in my hand all night long and partying. But ever since ... it changed me. I like this version of myself more."

"Let the past be the past. It's good that you realized what's bad and changed."

Tian nodded.

"Thanks to Phu Phan Dao Village which gave me that chance."

"Are you missing them already?", Phu asked.

"A little.", Tian smiled.

"I'm sure they miss you too. The kids especially. But since we're here, just enjoy yourself and have fun. We'll be buying their souvenirs tomorrow."

"Yes, you're right. Let's enjoy this moment now.", Tian spread his hands wide open and let the sea breeze hit his face.

"If only I'm a bird ... then I'll be able to fly up to the mountain and back down again anytime.", Tian said.

"Isn't that a little too far and tiring even for a bird?", Phu said.

"I guess so ..", Tian laughed.

"But if I were a bird ... you know what kind of bird I want to be?", Tian asked.

"Eagle? Because I think an Eagle can go further and higher than most.", Phu guessed.

Tian shook his head.

"It's Hornbill.", Tian said.

"Hornbill that ..."

"That will only love once and forever.", Tian finished Phu's words on behalf and looked at him smiling wide.

Love Island#6 : A Thousand Blue Stars (Phu&Tian)Where stories live. Discover now