The Love Guardian's Blessing

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"How is it? Are you tired?", Tian asked looking at Phu carrying most of their shopping bags of souvenirs.

"Tired? This is like a warm up for me compared to my usual weight training.", Phu answered while flexing his muscular arms.

"Good. Then we shall continue. So far we've bought stuffs for most of them including Rang, Longtae, Yod and Dr. Nam. So now we should start with the kids.", Tian looking over his list.

"Why don't we buy a box of chocolate for each of them?", Phu suggested.

"Chocolate? Hmm ... I guess that's for Kalae but for Inta  .. Meejoo we should buy something that they can wear. And for Ayi, what about an airplane toy model that he can build?"

"Look at you, you seems to know more than I do now."

"That's because I really care for each of them .. and besides, I'm their teacher so I should know each of them more than you do isn't it?"

Phu smiled, "An outsider who then became their most favorite person now."

"It's not too late for you to know that I am 'likeable' ", Tian said.

"Well, others are allowed to ' like' but only me can "love' "

Tian blushed and acted as he didn't heard him and walked away to look for more souvenirs.


"What do you think of this couple?", Godji asked pretending to be one of the staff behind the souvenir shop counter.

"Love them the same like the other couples on Love Island before this. I'm getting overflow by love these days.", Jennie admired.

"Hey, get yourself together and don't exposed us.", Godji warned.

"But .. there's still something missing. Like we didn't do enough for them."

"Well, we already messed up with their room key so that they can get an upgrade ... what else you think we should do for them?", Godji wondered.

Jennie rolled her eyes at Godji, "That room key idea is just so baaaad ... but at the same time they ended up in the pool together and touching each others .."

"Chest! He just touched the scars on his chest... that's all ... that we looked at.", Godji smiled shyly.

"Ah whatever. But I still wanted to do more for them. What if ...", Jennie then whispered at Godji.

"Hey, that's a good idea too. We've done it before but I guess this couple can appreciate it more."


As Tian was trying to find the best souvenirs for his students, Phu saw something that caught his attention. A postcard that has fallen behind a cabinet. He took them out and before placing it back on the board above the cabinet, he read what's written on it.

" ... the blue plankton by the secret beach ..."

"Chief, I think I am done. I got them all covered and even extras just in case they wanted more.", Tian called for him and he quickly remembered the location of the secret beach drawn on the postcard before putting it back on the board.

After dinner, they finally went back to their room.

"Tired?", Tian asked the quiet Phu.

"Not really."

"Really? I thought if you are ... then maybe I can give you a massage."

"Oh, well .... a massage will be good ... even though I am not tired."

Tian smiled, "I knew you'll say that."

"So, am I getting a massage or not?"

"Go get your shower then I'll do that. You're sweaty all over."

"Yes. Kru' Tian (Teacher Tian)"


"You're getting better at it now.", Phu praised Tian's massage skill.

"That's because the Chief wanted his massage almost everyday. How can I not be better like this."

"Tian, Thank you."

"Don't have to. I am doing this willingly. As long as you will sleep well at night."

"Hmmm ... well, if you're not tired ..."

"Chief! We just did that last night!"

"Tian! That's not what I am trying to say ... I thought maybe I can bring you somewhere special on the island.", Phu chuckled at the red faced bushing Tian.

"Where to?", Tian tried to hide his face on the pillow.

"Follow me and then you'll know later."

Love Island#6 : A Thousand Blue Stars (Phu&Tian)Where stories live. Discover now