Let This Be The Final Scar

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"You know what?", Phu asked.


"This Green Giant want to go for a swim ... do you think the Hornbill will join him?", Phu started to stand back up and ready to take off his T-shirt.

"Uhmm ... ", Tian looked around at the people by the beach.

"I guess ... I ...", Tian didn't know what to say for an excuse.

"Oh, silly me. We forgot our towels to dry ourselves ... what if we just dip our legs instead of swimming?", Phu noticed the slightly uncomfortable face on Tian and decided to help him with an excuse.

"Yeah, we forgot about that."

"Come on. Let's go walk a little and wet our feet." , Phu invited.

They walked by the beach and kick at the sea water for fun but Tian felt bad that Phu doesn't get his chance to swim. 

"Actually, if you want to go for a swim .. you can. Because even without the towels, our hotel is nearby and we can get one when we get back before entering it.", Tian said.

"But I like it more to walk beside you like this, watching the sunset.", Phu said.

Tian hold his hands, "Chief, thank you ..."

"What for? I really like to be just beside you all the time. It makes me happy."

They both smiled.

"But to think about it that we came all this way to the island and not getting the chance to swim. Kind of wasted right?"

"Not for me ... It is more gain than loss. You holding my hands, looking at the sunset by the beach ... I've never imagined myself doing this. So it is me that should be thankful."

After the sun set, they went back to their room to shower before dinner but there seems to be a problem with their keycards that doesn't allow them to access.

In the end, they had to went to the counter.

"We're so sorry about it. There seems to be a problem with the keycard and we do not have a spare one for it. Will it be alright if we move you to another room?", the hotel staff apologized.

"But what about our stuffs in the room?", Phu asked.

"Don't worry about it. We will have someone to break the lock and then we can help to move your belongings into your new room."

"Then ... okay if that's the only option we have."

"Please wait and we shall inform you when we're done."

It took them less than 10 minutes to break the lock and moved their bags into the new room. Both Tian and Phu thanked the staff and closed the door.

"This room is bigger and spacious.", Tian looked around and saw the windows are close with curtains.

So Tian decided to look out the window and see what type of view they have with this room.

"Chief! There's an attached pool right outside here!", Tian shouted happily.

Phu joined him, "So they not only gave us a new room but an upgrade?"

"Well ... then ... maybe this time you can join me for a swim?", Phu asked.

Tian looked outside and finds no one by the pool and nodded.

Phu went down first into the pool after taking off his shirt and shorts. Tian slowly appeared from the room and slightly covering the scars on his body with his hands

"Tian.", Phu held out his hand for him.

Tian slowly hold his hand and dipped  half his body into the pool.

"Oh, I thought it would be cold but the water is warm.", Tian said.

"Hmm.. it's nice. Come on ...", Phu invited him to fully dipped his body into the water.

Tian did and then he can finally comfortably remove his hand from covering his scars.

Phu splashes water at him when he isn't noticing and Tian splashes back.

Slowly, Phu came nearer to Tian, body almost touching.

"Chief ... what are you doing?"

Phu did not answer and his hand slowly touches Tian's scars on his chest.

Tian would have backed away if it was someone else touching his scars but since it is Phu, he had allowed him.

"Tian, I know I told you to let the past be the past ... but I also know it is hard for you with the scars on your chest to always remind you of it. But if you look pass the bad memories of it, you can always build new and good memories with it."

"And I will be part of the new and good memories with you. I've promised you that I will take care of you .. always ... and I'll make sure that this will be the last and final scars you'll have."

Tian was touched by Phu's words and is glad that he had found him.

Love Island#6 : A Thousand Blue Stars (Phu&Tian)Where stories live. Discover now