Chapter 7

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Time to get information

We all separated.

Lillys pov:

I start walking up to the motel and I see alphy sitting on the sidewalk playing with the puddles. "Hi Lilly! Working today?" "No im here to talk to Ms. Walter. Have you seen her?" "No she had to run somewhere." He said while splashing his hands in the puddles. Alpha is ms. Walter's kid. He is about 13 years old but he is also autistic. "What do you need to talk about?" I just stare at him for a moment. "I was just gonna ask when the last time she saw hannah." Alphy stopped and looked at me. "I saw her not that long ago. She was going into the woods with someone. It looked like he was forcing her to go in there. I tried telling my mom and old man greg but they won't listen to me. Say that it was my imagination." I can't believe what I just heard. I just wanted to cry. "Thank you so much alphy." I said while running back to town.

Lilly 4:30pm GUYS!!!! Alphy just told me something important. He told me on the night of Hannah's disappearance, he watched her get dragged into the woods with someone else.

Jessy 4:31pm omg really!!!

Thomas 4:34 well. Shit...

Dan 4:36 how can we trust him?

Lilly 4:36 what do you mean?

Dan 4:37 He is autistic who knows what he saw. It could have been his imagination.

Jake 4:40 we should listen to alphy... why would he make up something like this out of the blue.

MC 4:41 I agree with jake. Jessy and I are going to look further into this. Jessy said about a duskwood legion called the man without a face. (MWAF)

I went to the library to meet up with Jessy and MC.

Richy POV:

Richy thoughts: apparently no one has seen hannah. There is a drug store here. This is the last place to look.

I walked into the drug store and up to the pharmacist. "Hey question. Have you seen hannah recently?" "Oh yea she came here not that long ago to pick up some medicine" "some meds? Do you know what kind?" "I'm sorry Richy. I'm not allowed to give out that information." The pharmacist said while looking down. "That's ok. I understand thank you tho."

Richy 5:30pm Hey guys. Hannah was at the drugstore before she disappeared. The pharmacist said that she picked up her medicine but was not allowed to give me what kind of meds she was taking.

Jessy 5:31 That's weird. She never told me that she was on meds. I wonder what they were for.

Thomas 5:33 She didn't tell me either.

Lilly 5:35 I hope she was not sick.

Dan: 5:37 Why didn't he tell you what kind of meds.

MC: 5:37 It's a HIPPA violation. He can lose his job over it.

Dan 5:38 that's kinda stupid if you ask me.

Richy 5:40 I'm going to head back to the town square. When you guys are done just meet me here.

Jake POV

I just got done seeing that Hannah was on medicine. "Damn it. Hannah what were you on."

Jake Thoughts: maybe if I look over her phone again I'll find something.

I start looking through her phone again thinking that I missed something. I'm looking through her calendar and I see an appointment for a therapist. 3 days before she went missing. "Therapist appointment? I wonder why?" I started looking through her notes to see if she wrote anything about it. I came across an audio and I listened to it. It seems like it's a therapist talking to Hannah.

In the audio is Hannah talking to a therapist called Dr. Barret and it seems that he doesn't believe her at all. She is saying that she is being followed and this is not her first time telling him about it. Then he goes on to try and talk to her about her pass. Her and Jennifer saw the man staring at them. Then the audio stops.

"If he would only listen to hannah, she would probably be here today." I start getting pissed. I threw my phone across the room hoping that it would break. Different thoughts start running through my head. "How dare he! How dare he not listen! That's what he's supposed to do. Listen! And he can't even fucking get that right." I get up and start pacing around the room. *ding* I turn to my phone which is now on the floor. It's MC

MC 6:10PM Hey my love. Have you found anything yet?

I have to act calm. My heart is beating like crazy right now.

Jake 6:11 Yea I actually did. I found out why Hannah was taking the medication. She was seeing a therapist.

MC: 6:12 A therapist? For what?

Jake 6:13 I will tell you when you get home. It's a lot of information.

MC 6:14 Oh, ok my love. We will be home soon. Jessy and I are going to grab a duskwood legion book. Phil and Cleo were not able to get anything.

Jake 6:15 That's fine. Just be safe.

How will she tell the group what I found? They don't know that I'm a hacker. I let out a long sigh. "What do I do?" I screamed. The only thing that went through my head was that I had to tell them.


I just got off the phone with jake. "Here it is!" Jessy said while pulling out the book. We go to the counter to rent out the book and meet everyone back to the town square. "We got the book." I said with a smile on my face. "Alright let's head back to MC and jakes place to start figuring out everything." Phil said "It's getting pretty late. It's already 7pm, and I'm getting tired and hungry." Jessy said. The whole group agrees. "How about we all meet back at my house tomorrow so we can talk about everything," I said. Everyone agrees and starts heading home.

Jessy is walking me home since she is going in the same direction. It was a silent walk but it was peaceful. I get back home and I see Jake pacing around the house. "Hey! Jake! What's wrong? Is everything ok? Jake turns around. I can see the anger in his eyes. I've never seen Jake this mad before. He sits me down on the couch and just hugs me. I can feel tears going down his face. "The therapist didn't believe that she was being followed. If he just listened, she might have been here today." Jake said while crying. I wrap my arms around him, trying to calm him down.

"Hey, hey. It's alright." I say even tho I don't know what else to say. Jake sits up and tells me everything that was on the audio. "So she seen this man before when she was younger?" "Apparently" Jake says, sounding really depressed. I put my hand onto Jake "It's ok my love. You know we will find her safe and sound." "I know we will" He said with a small smile. "I don't know what I would do without you MC" He leans in and give me a kiss. "Come on it's time to go to bed dear." Jake says while helping me off the couch

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