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"Shit shit shit, they are gonna kill me" I said worriedly while looking at the road. "Jae, can you drive faster?" I said to Jae, who was concentrating on his driving, "I'm trying," he said. I'm deeply in trouble right now. Why? Because I'm late, like already 10 minutes late. This is messed up, my first day at work and I'm already screwed. This is bad, 'cause the company is very strict about tardiness.

"Ring! Ring!" I answered the phone "Y/N! Where are you? It's already starting!" In a loud voice, Asahi said. "I'm almost there! Shit, they are gonna kill me" I panicked and could almost see the building of the venue. "You bet!" said Asahi, not helping the situation. "Yah! Yah! I'm going to hang up now; meet me outside the door of the venue, okay?" I did not wait for him to answer and just hung up.

"Yah! I'm stopping now! Go run for it!" Jae shouted. When the car stopped exactly in front of the building, I immediately ran quickly inside of it, not bothering whether the people were looking at me. If only my professor didn't go overtime, I would not be late. Thank god, Jae was already waiting for me in his car when I got out of my class.

I saw Asahi outside the door as soon as I got out of the elevator. "Yah! Hurry up!" He shouted quietly with a gesture in his hands. I ran quickly to him, "I am so in trouble today" I said as I catch my breath. "They had already started signing, and we didn't even take a picture before they started," he said as he dragged me inside holding my hands.

I heard the screams of people when we got inside and we sat in the first row. I immediately took out my camera and snapped pictures quickly. I didn't even look at the managers beside Asahi, who is on my left, for fear of being chastised. I quickly took pictures of the members that were assigned to me, which were Jiyoon, Jihan and Zoa. They look so pretty. I put down my camera to rest a little bit and drank water. I look at the members on the stage, I can see that they are having fun with Daileee.

I found myself staring at Jihan, who was in the last to the left, talking to Daileee. She looks comfortable and I'm happy about that. I think she looked at me for a brief moment but looked away immediately or am I just imagining things? I continue to take pictures.

"Hey, how is it going?" I looked up and smiled when I noticed it was Jae. He sat down beside me on my right. "I don't know, they might skin me alive later" I pouted at him. "Then I'll be waiting for your skin to sell it," he chuckled, patting my cheeks with both hands. "Tss, whatever," I said, continuing to take pictures. Suddenly, Jae pulled my arm to stop me from taking pictures.

"Yah! Why did you tell me that it was THE Asahi that you're working with?!" He whisphered to my left ear. I look at him confusedly "I clearly remembered telling you his name," I said back. I told Jae all about my colleague the other day when we were having lunch at school. "But you didn't tell me his last name, dumbass," he said, lightly slapping my shoulder. I looked at Asahi and back to Jae "So, what about it?" I asked him. "You seriously don't remember??" He asked, looking like crazy. I just looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "He's the guy that we were hiding from, last week in my car!" He said, and then the realization struck me that he was the guy with the tall guy.

Oh my goodness, Asahi is Jae's crush? "What the hell?" I said it, not realizing that I said it a little loudly, causing a couple of people to look at me strangely, including Asahi. "Yah! So that means he's your-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Jae put his hand on my mouth to silence me "Yah! Shh!" He said with his finger in his mouth. I nodded "I'll talk to you later at lunch" I said to him and he nodded. I looked at him and Asahi for the last time before taking pictures again.

INEFFABLE FEELINGS || Jihan x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now