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'Ring! Ring!' I heard my phone ringing. I groaned "Y/N-yah!" Jae shouted, "I just want to tell you that we cleaned your home!" He said in a super loud voice. I shifted my position to the side facing the wall. "That's it? It's so early and you called just to tell me that?" I said, raising my voice a little, getting frustrated. "Uh yeah yeah. And it's not early, it's alrea-" I did not let him finish and just hung up.

"Fucking annoying" I muttered, in a low voice, going back to sleep until I heard someone say "You curse a lot do you?" I opened my eyes to see who it was and saw that it was Jihan. Right, I'm in their dorm right now. Shit did she just heard me? Arghh, so embarassing. I drew the blanket over my face to hide from her because it was extremely embarrassing.

I heard her giggle and pulled the blanket from me, revealing my morning face. Gosh, I definitely look ugly right now. "Come on, it's already lunch time," she said, pulling me away from my bed. I groaned and she just giggled. She held my hand as we walked out of the room. Her hand is so soft, I wanted to hold it for a long time.

She let go of my hand when we entered the living room where all the members were there. Zoa, Jaehee, Soojin and Seoeun are watching TV while Monday and Jiyoon are eating in the kitchen. Looks like I'm not the only one who woke up late. "Oh, Y/N you're awake, go eat your lunch with them," Soojin said, motioning to Jiyoon and Monday who were eating. I smiled at her and greeted them a good morning.

I looked at the time and it was 11:30. It is the time I usually wake up when there are no classes. I sat in my seat and greeted them. "No, sundae please" I said, making them laugh. "Yah! Sundae is not that bad" Monday said, while Jiyoon agreed, nodding. After my meal, I was about to do the dishes but Monday insisted, so I went to the living room to watch with them.

"What movie is that?" I asked, sitting beside Jihan, who was eating poocorn. "It's called 'The Witch'," Zoa, who was sitting on the other couch, explained. I looked back at the TV and did not understand a thing. They speak Korean so fast.

"Do you want subtitles on it?" Jihan asked, looking at me. "Ahh, yeah haha they talk quite fast. It's hard for me to understand," I said, scratching my head. "Unnie is so cute," Jaehee said, getting the remote and turning on the subtitles. "But you're studying here in Korea, isn't it harder for you?" Soojin asked. "Uhh no, I'm studying in an international school so we basically speak English there," I said.

"Ahhh" they all agreed and continued to watch the movie. After some time, I looked at Jihan. It felt like she knew that I looked at her 'cause she immediately asked if I wanted popcorn. "Ahh, no I'm fine" I said, watching the movie again. That was embarassing. After the movie, it's already 1 pm and I still have to move my things here.

I stood up and stretched my arms. "I should go now, I still have to move my things here" I said while stretching. "Can I come with you?" Jihan suddenly said, surprising me with her straight forwardness. Even the girls looked shocked. "I mean, I don't have anything to do, so, I want to help" she said, shrugging. "Ah yeah sure, but are gonna be okay?" I asked, 'cause we are going outside and she's an idol, so we might get crowded by people.

"It's okay, I'll wear a mask," she said, going to her room to get ready. I looked at Soojin with a questioning look. "It's fine, Y/N don't worry" she said. "It's not like you're going on a date or something," Jiyoon said, winking at me making me feel uncomfortable even more "huh?" I said, making them laugh. "Wahh! She's so cute!" Monday said while laughing. "They definitely make a good couple," Seoeun said to Monday, who nodded. What are they talking about?? I was about to ask, but Jihan suddenly came out of her room.

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