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The cheer of daileee's for today's showcase is no joke. It is very loud! I kind of feel bad for the photographer in front because they receive most of the noise. Though I would like to be in their position and work. But Daepyonim didn't let me work today because of my injury. Stupid injury. I wanted to work! I wanted to see upclose how the girls were performing. Especially Jihan. I can't wait to see her perform again. Not to mention she's a whole other person when performing. Well, they all are.

Manager Unnie, Jaehyuk and me are here on the side of the audience, watching closely to the stage. "Ohh, it's starting!" I heard Jaehyuk on my side yelled as the lights suddenly dimmed. People started to cheer crazily. Weeekly started performing, earning a loud cheer from the audience. They even memorize the fanchant in a short time. They just released the MV earlier and I can't believe their fans have already memorized it. So cool.

I look at Jihan. She was super cute! Like insanely cute! Especially with her bangs, her new look is so stunning, she totally looks like a baby. My baby hehe. She's so beautiful. Their outfits look very comfortable. It's just so casual but comfortable to perform and I'm thankful to their stylist. 

Jiyoon's hair looks extra short. I remember last night how she brag to us that it's easier for her to dry her hair quickly. Soeun with her short hair is pretty cool. I wish she would leave it like that, but today she wore it with a long extension. But still, she's very pretty.

Jaehee surprised me when I saw her with her blonde hair for the first time. It's so cool 'cause it suits her really well. I was surprised 'cause she did not look like a Korean at all when I saw her with blonde hair. It was like when I saw Asahi with his blonde hair. It would be cool if Asahi was blonde again so they are matchy, but he changed it to black a week ago.

Monday and Zoa, who looks like a very hip hop-py person. They got this original swag aura whatever situation they are in, but it's extra swag today because of their outfit and concept today. And Soojin Unnie who looks cute today! I don't know why I find her cute in whatever she does even if it's not, but she is just so cute. Especially with her cute beanie. She looked like a dwarf.

"Wow, you guys are so cool!" I cheered and clapped as we entered their waiting room. The other staff also clapped and cheered with me. Weeekly members bowed and thanked us. "Ah" I winced quietly when I clapped harder, hurting my injured wrist. "Pabo" Jae whispered and giggled. I glared at him and elbowed his stomach, making him cough. Hmmf, he deserved that. "Yah!" I heard him shout but ignored him.

"Jihanie!" I shouted cutely, running to her and hug her. "Woah, yah" she said, surprised by my action. I pulled away a little bit, but my hands were still around her neck. "You did a good job" I said cutely, making her blush. "Yah, yah, what about us?" I heard Soeun asked, putting her hand on her waist looking at me and Jihan. I face them.

"You guys did a pretty good job too!" I said with a thumbs up. "I love Zoa's part, when she skated around" I said, honestly. "Wahhh, yeoksi unnie!" Zoa squealed and went to me to hug me. 

"Yah, Y/N-ssi, stop hugging them, you're making your boyfriend jealous," said one of the staff on the corner. I don't know her. I wonder what her job is here. "Boyfriend?" I asked confusedly. In her response, she pointed at Asahi, who was talking to Monday and Jae. 'What? Eww, no" I said in disgust.

Honestly, ever since our little skit at the Jeju mall, many staff really thought that we were a real couple. And everytime they brought that topic up, it made me cringe to the bone. She gasped. "Really? I thought-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence because Jihan cut her off. "Unnie, she's already taken" she said, putting her arm around my shoulder.

I heard Zoa gasp quietly beside while I was still frozen, surprised at what Jihan said. "Ohhh, so who's this lucky boyfriend of yours?" She replied, wriggling her eyebrows. Wooh, I thought she suspected me and Jihan for a second, but it turns out she's pretty dense. I was about to talk but cut off when Daepyonim entered the room.

"Anyeonghasaeyo!" We all said and bowed to him. "Wah, congratulations to all of you for your amazing hard work for this comeback!" he said looking at us one by one. "Especially our Weeekly members. Thank you for always working hard, " he said and bow suddenly, making the girls startled and immediately bowed back at him. "Thank you Daepyonim for always rooting and supporting us," Soojin Unnie said and bow. After their brief chats, Daepyonim looked at me and said, "How's your wrist?" He asked.

"Oh, um, it's healing" I said stuttering. I always get nervous talking to him even though he is very friendly to his employees. "I hope it heals before your one and a half month off," he said. I nodded in response. After that, he said goodbye and left. "Yah, don't you think it's too long to have that day off?" Monday said. Oh, yeah, I still didn't tell them that I would be going back home in two weeks. I forgot about telling them that. "That's right and you said it was only a slight fracture," Jiyoon said, fixing her hair in the mirror. 

"Ah, she needs that time off because she's going back to the UK," Jae said after drinking water. "What??" They all shouted at the same time. "Yah, yah! You're leaving us already??" Soojin Unnie said walking to me and stopping in my front. "What, no!" I said. "It is just that, mom needs me in the company for a couple of weeks, then I will come back again here in Korea after that," I explained to them.

"And you didn't tell us this?" Soojin Unnie said, putting her hand on her waist looking mad. "That's right Unnie, you should've told us" I heard Jaehee say. I can hear her sadness in the tone of her voice. "I-ah, it slipped into my mind. I'm sorry," I said, looking down. Wahh, why am I like this? Why do I keep forgetting important things to tell them?

"You should've told us sooner", I heard Jihan say. I widened my eyes and looked at her direction to see that she was distracting herself by focusing on her phone, so she wouldn't be looking at me. I sighed, I messed up. Again.

Jihan's POV

We are now back at our dorm and we are all in the living room watching a movie. I can't believe Y/N didn't tell me that she was going back home. This kind of news should be told sooner, right? Because if not, you'll think that she was running away from you or whatever. Though I know she will not do that, still she would've at least told me. I'm her girlfriend. I still didn't talk to her until now because I was still slightly mad at her.

"What does your company do anyway?" I heard Soeun Unnie said, snapping me out of my own thoughts. "Well, umm", Y/N said cutely with her mouth still full of jellies. "Yah, swallow that first before you talk" Soojin Unnie scolds her. "Umm my family owns the Chanel brand and-" she was cut off by Jiyoon Unnie "What did you say?? Chanel? As in the famous fashion brand?!" She asked loudly. And Y/N nodded in response.

What the hell? They own that? Then she must be freaking rich! Then I suddenly remembered how expensive our date was last time, how she always dresses with famous brands and how fancy her apartment looks. Dang, she's even richer than us or Daepyonim, I think.

"Yah, then you are rich! Like very rich!" Soeun Unnie exclaimed. "Uhh, yeah. I guess so" Y/N replied looking awkward, scratching her neck. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked and suddenly they all became silent. "I don't want people to know." She shrugged. "Even to us?" I replied, crossing my arm on my chest. "Uhhh" she said, not forming a sentence.

"Okay, this is getting heated" Monday Unnie said, giggling nervously interrupting us. "I just searched on Google and it's true look!" Zoa immediately said, handing us her phone to see that there was a family picture of the founder of the company and Y/N was there with her mom and dad. "Wow, unnie! You look super cute here!" Jaehee said, pointing at her picture. Indeed, she's cute, but I'm still mad at her.

~jihan's mad ya'll👿



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