The Greatest Gift

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Nine months had come and gone just like that, faster then anyone had been able to keep track. Those nine months having been quite busy for the royal family and all of Fódlan. For Dimitri and the servants during the first three moons: Ethereal Moon, Guardian Moon, and Pegasus Moon had been the hardest to deal with. Morning sickness had not been kind to Byleth and left Dimitri a worried mess. Making it difficult to focus on his work while also caring for his expecting wife. 

Lone Moon's arrival ushered in spring and with it some relief as Byleth returned to how she was before winter's arrival. It was at this month, much to Dimitri's constant concern and fussing and protests that Byleth had to return to Garreg Mach Monastery. Dimitri, being the stubborn one ended up personally going with her along with Ingrid, Ashe, Dedue, and Felix. Over the news Seteth proved to quite adamant and fussed over Byleth almost as much. It had taken both Mercedes and even Rhea to to get the boys to give her some much needed space when she needed it. The next two moons got hectic and had left Byleth an emotion wreck after Dimitri had returned to her badly hurt after a run in with some monsters had caught his hunting party by surprise. Thankfully Dimitri made a full recovery with the help of the skilled mages at her monastery. That brought us to the present day.

The 7th of Horsebow Moon.

It was very early in the morning as a heavy storm raged outside the palace walls. The storm itself had been going on for days, bringing with it the increase risk of flooding of the year's crops and fields. With the heavy rains no hunting could be done safely either. Outside his chambers dressed in his night clothes Dimitri was unable to relax as he paced back and forth. Distinct screams from inside making him jump due to how tightly wound up his anxious nerves were.

"Dimitri, you need to calm down you damn boar."Dimitri knew that voice as he looked over at the black haired, sharp eyed lord he had grown up with. Only Felix had the guts to call him that and still get off with a slap to the wrist from their former teacher.

"Felix, behave yourself."chided the ginger haired mage that sat beside him. Who would thought it though...Annette and Felix becoming husband and wife.

"Yeah, yeah alright Anne."yawned Felix as he stretched his arms.

"I can't help it! I scared and worried and UGH!!!"Dimitri growled, messing up his hair before finally flopping down on a near by bench. His friends from their days in the Blue Lions all looked at him with various looks as he hung his head between his knees as he hunched over. Last time they had seen him this stressed had been when they were kids, after the Tragedy of Duscur. Their heads all shot up at another agonizing scream from beyond the doors that were very much forbidden at this time. The sound practically made poor Dimitri jump as he gripped his head in a vain effort to chase away his wild imagination. 

"Rhea and Mercedes are in there with her, everything will be alright. We just have to wait."Ashe reassured. The poor silver haired lord had one heck of a bad case of drenched bed head that was only now drying off. 

"From my understanding, it was Rhea that delivered her when our professor was born right?"asked Ingrid, trying desperately to get Dimtri to talk and distract him. It seemed to have worked cause Dimitri had raised his head to look in the blonde women's direction.

"Yes. But why do you ask this Ingrid?"Dimitri seemed rather puzzled. The events from back at the academy years back when they were teenagers surrounding Byleth's own late mother that they had learned about from Rhea flooding back.

"I'm saying you needn't worry so much. It was Rhea that made sure our beloved professor survived her birth into the world."pointed out Ingrid.

"Hmhm~! If she hadn't our professor wouldn't be here today and you never would have met her that day when those bandits went after you, Claude, and Edelgard. And she and Jeralt would have never arrived at the monastery."agreed Dedue.

"She never would have become our beloved professor. And you,"Sylvein looked over at Dimitri. "would have never fallen in love with her and married her. She wouldn't exist at all."

Dimitri's eyes turned wide as did everyone's at all the fact slapped in front of them plain to see. His mind processing everything that had happened. From running into Byleth and her father on the outskirts of Remire, to her becoming their professor, Jeralt's murder, the battle in Sealed Forest where Byleth had been blessed by Sothis, the countless adventures and lessons, Edelgard's bitter betrayal in her identity as the flame emperor, the attack on the monastery that Byleth had vanished in for over five years, the dark despair he was swallowed up in over those same five years, Byleth's return and sticking by his side despite his delusional and dark state, Byleth quite literally saving him any every way a man could be saved, the war ending, his coronation by Byleth's hands, their engagement in the twilight on that tower, and their wedding...all of that never would have happened the same if she didn't survive the day Byleth had been born. Shock turned into fondness as it all sunk in utterly and completely.

Lady Byleth Blaiddyd, daughter of Jeralt the Blade Breaker. Known by many as the Ashen Demon, the Enlightened One, Professor of the Blue Lions or simply as Professor,  and most recently...Goddess of Fódlan. The one that had made off with his heart like a dragon with a jewel for it's hoard. Byleth...was the greatest thing to ever happen to him. His jolted up to his feet, the world seemingly drowning out around him to white at the sound they all been waiting for: the high pitch of a crying infant entering the world for the first time. One of the doors to his chambers opened to reveal Rhea as Mercedes came out exhausted and retired to the bench, looking exhausted. 

"I-Is she...?"Dimitri's voice cracked from his nerves, relaxing at seeing Rhea's warm smile.

"I believe congratulations are in order, however I can give those later. Do you want to see her? Lady Byleth's been asking for you."Rhea asked as  she stepped aside.

Dimitri wasted zero time and hurried into the room and there lying against the headboard of the bed, the first dapples of morning light in days gracing her tired and sweat covered face was his beloved Byleth. "Didi, don't just stare come over here."Byleth quipped playfully. His steps slow at first but gradually picked up until he reached her side. "Dimitri, meet your son Lior Jeralt Blaiddyd."

Dimitri looked down at the tiny bundle swaddled in golden trimmed white. There was a little boy with very faint locks of hair of a golden. His eyes a light blue-green color. With the greatest of care Dimitri took the child into his arms as Byleth watched with a tired smile. "Lior....if I remember it means 'light' in the old Fódlan tongue."he thought, his features softening as he he gently tickled the newborn on the nose, earning a tiny sneeze and giggle in return.

What a simply name but it was one that held a heavy, wonderful meaning to the young king in his heart and soul. On the edge of this brand new dawn Dimitri wished, he prayed, and he thanked to the heavens. For he had received the greatest blessing and the greatest gift of all on this autumn dawn. These tender thoughts in his mind only seemed to grow with the rising of the sun. Only warmth and a gentle sort of serenity flowed between the new parents.


Precious new, innocent life.

A quiet promise being made in Dimitri's heart as he snuggled up to his tired love and their son in each arm. This child would not know heart ache they had. For life was the most precious of blessings and gifts, one that should not go to waste. And it was each person's to shape and mold with every step they took towards their own edge of each brilliant dawn.

The End

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