Part 68 - New Side

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Part 68


An hour in the party, and everything is going pretty well, happening as expected. Nicholas and Roman introduced their wives to the curious guests and soon enough Nicholas noticed that Maya was tired walking hence he guided his wife and son to a table and made them sit.

Needless to say that Nicole, Stephanie, Nilda and Marco were all unhappy with the presence of Maya and Gracy there. What annoyed Nicole even more is that the guys went ahead and announced their marriage publicly that too without his knowledge. Even though Nicole wanted to beat the crap out of Nicholas, he couldnt do much right now because of the guests and the few news reporters who were also invited in. After all he had a reputation that he had to protect in his social circle. But still how could he tolerate those arrogant and bossy women even be anywhere near him after they had the audacity to talk back and pull a gun on him. He was not going to be like Mike and allow thoses women to whatever they wanted and ruin his family name. Moreover Nicholas made the reckless decision of announcing that handicap boy whom he adopted as his own son without even consulting with him, his own father. As if Maya's bad influence wasnt doing enough damage that now Nicholas has added one more worry on him.

Nicole thought to himself as he kept fuming from the inside.

Seeing the girls' happy and smiling faces, Nicole could no longer hold himself back any long and ordered Nicholas and Roman to step aside with him for an urgent important thing. And then with no one else in sight, Nicole exploded on his stranded sons.

" How dare you both good for nothing useless bastards bring thoses outrageous wives of yours to my success party..

I can understand Roman doing something like that because he's already very much stupid and incompetent. But you Nicholas I never expected such a dim-witted action from you..!! How could you bring that insolent woman here along with that fake adopted kid of yours and publicly acknowledge your relation to them..??

Do you even know how much negatively this can affect your image and my business..!! "
Nicole bursts out angrily on both the guys who just stand there and pretend to listen as he continued degrading the Valentino Brothers' decision to bring their life partners along.

Nicholas and Roman had already expected such kind of different and low-thinking reaction from their father, hence the words and scolding of the old man didnt have such major effects on them any longer. The boys just stood there leaning over the wall as the father unknowing kept talking for nothing.

Roman who for a very long time thought that he wasnt talented as his father and deserved to be called out by him, by now had finally understood that it's not that he was the one who had flaws but it was his father's thinking that was narrow and flawed. Hence his scolding and taunts no longer affected him.

And Nicholas who always was taught and worked to be like his father, also changed his thinking and started to ignore his father's biased snappy thoughts and decisions. Just like he realized that it was not his father holding him back but his own confused thinking was what was restraining him. But now Nicholas was learning to break free from those barriers.

Bored standing there and listening to the old yapping man, Nicholas finally said;
" You know what Papa..

You are right..

I should do that..

I should definitely remind that woman her actual place in my life.

How can I allow her to think that she's important or meaningful to me.?

I should Maya her real worth in my life so that she does not misinterpret my actions.! "

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