Part 76 - Trapped

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Part 76


It's been few days now since the last video call between Mike and Amelia after which Amelia went crazy with rage as planned as well as tired of continuously being blackmailed by Jennifer for years. Amelia knew for a fact that both the girls are currently living very happy lives after getting married to the Valentino boys. Now that the girls are in safe hands, Mike wants to seize this opportunity and get his sister back from Jennifer. It did take much time till their last conversation but Mike managed to convey his plan to Amelia without Jennifer getting any kind of hint as most of the time Jennifer would be in the same room as Mike but she would be busy with her phone or deals.

Also wishing to be freed from the hell that she is in, Amelia played along as well. After all it's been years now since Amelia has talked to her brother or even seen anyone else than the henchmen who were given the task to watch on her ever since she's been captured and brought into the heavy guarded basement equipped with CCTV cameras and trained henchmen of this forsaken old building where there is no other sign of life. All this has been affecting Amelia immensely since a very long time, being stuck in this room with essential equipment with a customized metal door which only opens with Jennifer's fingerprint for years.

Which is why Amelia has lately been acting to be extremely vexed, depressed and acting to be suicidal ever since the call. The henchmen hired by Jennifer to keep an eye on Jennifer 24/7 had also informed Jennifer of the same. Since the henchmen were paid very well by Jennifer for their work, they were also very loyal to her and did all what Jennifer wanted them to.

Which is why after discovering what Amelia has just did out of exasperation, the henchmen had no other way but to summon their boss to the den. As Jennifer rushed inside the basement where she's kept Amelia hidden for years from Mike she could feel a sense of horror as she remembers how Amelia went crazy on her the last time they argued.

Guided by her loyal allies who have concerned looks on their faces, Jennifer rushes to the room where Amelia has been in for years. As soon as the door to that room is opened by her fingerprint, Jennifer is horrified by the scene in front of her.

There she is....
Laying lifeless on the floor with her wrist bleeding as a blade is just next in a pool of her blood.

Seeing the horrible sight in front of her, Jennifer shouts at her allies to get a doctor in order to save trump card Amelia.

For the first time ever Jennifer is so scared of Amelia dying that she starts panicking and getting angry on her guards blaming them for the happening and not being serious about their work even through Amelia said she was tired and wanted to die.

Soon her trusted doctor is brought by the guards who checks on Amelia who after a full body check up declares that Amelia is dead. Unable to believe what the doctor just said, Jennifer snatches the stethoscope from the doctor and tries hard to find a heartbeat but to no avail. In an attempt to bring Amelia back to life, Jennifer even starts CPR on Amelia and checks her heartbeat again for a long time but still nothing.

Finally down hearted Jennifer accepts that Amelia is no longer alive as she look at her lifeless body, Jennifer blames Amelia for such selfish action of taking her life;

" How could you do this to me Amelia..??
It's not like I wanted you to die.
I just wanted you to understand me.
Understand my love for Mike..
But you never tried.

And now Mike.
He will kill me if he finds out that you are dead.. He will leave me..

Noooo... I cant let that happen
I cant let go of Mike.
I love him too much..

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