- A Small Chateau Close to Catalonia - - 1502 -

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Daniel was jumping up with joy. He was so excited, that it was almost impossible for his butlers to dress him.
"It's just like Christmas! I get a father and brothers all in one day!" His butlers, Paulo and Lorenzo, smiled indulgently at him. They smoothed him unusually tidy light-brown hair and checked the newly cleaned doublet for any dirt that their naughty little charge might have put on there. Both of them had cared for him since he was a baby and his father, Nicolás El Langui, had died in the war. He loved them dearly, almost as much as he loved his mother, Agustina El Barbero. A stone knocking at the window distracted all three and the butlers knew instinctively who it was.

"Oh no!" Lorenzo moaned. Daniel ran to the window.
"Not today, Giselle!" The little girl standing outside glared at him in surprise.
"You look like a BOY!"
"That's because I am one, halfwit!"
"Aye, but today you look it!"
Daniel rose to the challenge, much to his butlers' dismay. "Boy or girl, I can still whip you!" He ran out after him, as the servants heard footsteps growing closer and closer on the path to the chateau.
Agustina El Barbero rode up to the house, the head of a cavalcade. Behind her were two carriages, one that looked as though it would topple over from the massive pile of trunks at the back. She swung down from her horse as her maid, Marcia, greeted her.

"I see you have brought us a Baron, señorita."
"I have brought you an entire household . . .but I seem to be missing a son."
All attention had turned to the elaborate carriage as a little blond boy in a red doublet stepped out. Following him was a chubby little brunette. Last of all, came the Baron Rodrigo El Gato. He was a tall man who was more beautiful the handsome, with high cheekbones, black hair and mustache hidden under the magnificent hat he wore. His eyebrows were small crescent-moons raised high as he took in the house with the slightest expression of distaste showing by the wrinkle of his Roman nose. As his eyes found his wife, he smiled at her, a smile that never quite reached his eyes. His voice was deep and resonant.

"Oh, Agustina, it's charming, really." He smiled, just as a mud-covered Daniel threw himself at her. She lifted him up, laughing at his appearance.
"Look at you! The same as you looked when I left! Now, I'll wager your friend Giselle is around here somewhere."
Daniel smiled proudly. "I slaughtered her!" Giselle staggered by, covered in mud from head to toe. Agustina laughed at the sight, then spoke to him once again.
"I hoped to present a little angel, but I suppose you'll have to do. Daniel, the Baron Rodrigo El Gato and his two sons, Martinez and Jacquez."

Daniel smiled happily at them, but they did not smile back. His new stepfather's eyes narrowed for a second then he spoke coolly to the little ragamuffin that stood before him.
"Daniel at last we meet. Your mother speaks of no-one else." He turned to the boys who stood on either side of him. He was proud of their deportment and positively appalled by their stepbrother, who seemed to have his mother, as well as the servants, wrapped about her tiny little finger. "Gentlemen, say hello to your new . . .stepbrother." The last word was spoken with slight contempt, though not many noticed.
Later that night, Daniel lay in her bed. The fire crackled as his mother entered to kiss him goodnight. She handed him a book and, using a little finger, he traced the gold-embossed letters on the cover. "Utopia."
"It means paradise. It's a little thick for an eight year-old, but I thought we could add it to our library." Daniel smiled at his mother.
"Read some."
"Not tonight. It's been a long day."
"And you're a wife now!"
She laughed at him. "True, a wife, but a father first and forever. We've been two peas in a pod, you and I, and I know this will take some getting used to."
"Did you see the way they ate their supper? It was perfect, like a dance!" His eyes were wide with admiration.
"Do you like them?"
"Very much!" He hoped it was true.
"I'm glad, because I have to leave for Avignon in a fortnight." Just as he
expected, Daniel's smile disappeared and he sat up.
"But you just got back!"
"I know that."
"How long?"
"Three weeks."
Daniel resolved to argue. "One."
"Two." He held out his hand. Three times, both their fists came down and then, Daniel spread his palm, while his mother's hand remained closed. He crowed with delight. "Paper covers rock!"
She sighed, then smiled at him. "Very well, one week. Now, get some sleep." She tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. Daniel watched her leave the room, a contented smile on his face as he fell asleep.

A fortnight came far too soon. The morning Agustina was slated to leave was a gloomy one, with clouds obscuring the sun completely. Daniel stood with his new stepbrothers, his head down, so he could keep from crying.
Agustina opened the door, putting her riding gloves on. She suddenly felt a sharp pain slice through his arm, but clenched her teeth and moved on. This was happening far too often now, even though she was certainly not old. She looked at her new husband and at the little boys, putting a smile on her face.
"Never have I seen so many gloomy faces. I shall be back in a week." She kissed her husband goodbye and he spoke softly to her.
"Then, go. The sooner you leave, the sooner we can celebrate your return."
Agustina smiled at her, then at the three boys, speaking to all three of them.
"Perhaps, by then, the three of you might have gotten to know one another better." She knelt to Daniel's level and spoke softly to him.

"I'm counting on you to teach them the ropes around here

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"I'm counting on you to teach them the ropes around here. The Baron isn't used to getting his hands dirty." Daniel glanced first at his stepfather's lily-tan hands, then at those of his stepbrothers. He certainly believed him. Agustina mounted her horse and took the reigns from her maid, Marcia.
"Safe journey, Señorita." Agustina gave them all one last smile and rode off down the lane. As she rode, Rodrigo clapped his hands.
"Come on, gentlemen, back to your lessons." Daniel looked at him, surprised. "Wait!" Rodrigo turned back and looked coolly at his stepson. "It's tradition. She always waves at the gate."

Rodrigo considered that for a moment, then turned to go inside. Daniel's eyes trained on his mother, wondering when she would turn back.
Agustina tried to move her hand; her son would expect her to wave back. As she raised it slightly, though, she fell from the horse. Daniel was rooted to the ground for a moment, but then he ran, screaming, toward his mother's prone body.
"Mamá!" Rodrigo heard the child's cry and rushed out. He saw the body and a hand went to his mouth in terror. He ran after, followed by the rest of the household. Daniel reached first, tears obscuring his vision as he knelt beside her, holding her hand. Rodrigo reached him then, crying as well. Agustina looked to him for a moment, then turned to Daniel. Her hand reached out and touched his hair one last time.

"I love you. I love you." Her eyes closed and Daniel broke down completely.
Rodrigo did as well, leaning on Marcia.
"Agustina! You cannot leave me here!" Paulo and Lorenzo tried to comfort Daniel, but he remained by his mother's side sobbing uncontrollably. Daniel El Barbero was now an orphan and his only companions were servants and a father he hardly knew.
"It would be ten years before another woman entered his life; a woman who was still a girl in many, many ways."

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