Chapter 6

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- Thursday -

~ Ellie's POV ~

It was lunch time and Charlotte, Roy and I just had Chinese A. While Jackie, Karry and Jackson had their free period. Roy had gone to meet up with the boys before joining us. Charlotte and I were eating our lunch at the usual spot waiting for the boys and Jackie to come.

Jackie arrived first, as she sat down and eating her lunch, she joined our convo and said, "We should go out with the boys one day." Charlotte and I nodded to an agreement. Then I just got an idea.

"How about a picnic?" I suggested. "Is picnic fun?" Jackie asked with a puzzled face with chubby cheeks that's stuffed with food. "Have you not had one before?" Charlotte asks giving her a weird glance.

"No, isn't picnic just be eating with people and that's it?" Jackie questions. "It's where a group of friends or family hang out together in a park and share meals together," I explained with a small smile, my mind suddenly flashed through an image.

My hand unconsciously moved to my neck to grab my necklace that was hidden underneath my school collar. "Ellie?" Jackie asks sounded worriedly. "Huh?" I snapped out and quickly placed my hand in my lap and  looking up at them two. "Is something wrong?" Charlotte asks, I smiled and explains, "just remembered something is all..." controlling my emotions. Just then the boys arrived.

"What you doing ~ "Roy cheerfully sat down beside me. "Hey," I answered back, "Just talking," with a bright smile. The lunchtime went pass really quick with us chattering and enjoying our meal.

- Time skip -

After lunch, I have art with Charlotte, the boys have music and Jackie have Visual communication design. During class the art teacher taught us how a canvas would work and starters for the colour wheel and colour combination that would work out. The art teacher let us test out the different colour combinations, I've tested out various colours that would match the colour magenta, then after that I have worked on other colours.

"All right, let's get our attention back on to the board." The art teacher called out, I have turned my attention towards the board and the information that she is presenting. The teacher showed us a video of a person doing a painting on a canvas and then as the next activity, she told us that we are going to do a painting of something that we like or what we would want to draw. It can be a picture of the object, or an actual object that you own.

After the teacher have finished explaining, some students went on their devices and worked searched for images, another set of students are drawing the object that they had with them. As for me... I looked blackly at my screen, with an opened up webpage, an empty search bar. I looked beside me, Charlotte have already searched for the object she would want to draw. She looked at me and asks, "are you having a hard time in deciding what you want to draw?"

I nodded my head, she then continued asking, "Well, what do you like? Animals? Plants? Accessories? Food, or money?" I looked at her puzzled because she asked me if I like money and shake my head, "I don't feel like drawing those." "Then... how about people?" She asks, I looked at my blank screen, hesitating wether I should draw my family. She didn't continue to ask me any questions, she continued searching for the images she would want to draw.

I turned off the webpage and moved my cursor to the image folders, I stopped my cursor in front of a folder that I store the images of me and my family. I looked at my screen, feeling there is so much emotions swelling up within me. I took a deep breath, I have decided that I will do a painting of me and my family.

- Friday -

First period was dance, the learning intention on the board has informed us that we are learning new different dance moves, the genres of songs and dance moves. Miss Tay told the students to get up and stood in front of the huge dance mirror.

She turned on the music and began to show us the new dance move, after that she ordered us to copy what she has just done. Repeating those steps for a 20 minutes, then Miss Tay suggested us to go back to our seats and take a rest while she's getting a video up.

The video being played on the board are teaching us the different music genre would match with the dance genres. When the video ended, the bell went off, it's the second period now. Miss Tay got up from her seat and went to the music player and played a fast beat song.

"Students, get in your group from the last class and then let's start dancing!" As a group; me, Jackie, Karry, Roy and Jackson has discussed how we would dance to this beat and start making up dance moves that would suit the music.

We have also co-operated the dance moves that was shown in the video. The time went flying, we have only completed the start of the music and the bell went off. Miss Tay dismissed us, everyone rushed out to get changed.

I waited a little longer before changing, since there is a lot of students gathering around the bathroom. I went to Charlotte while I was waiting for the time to pass.

After meeting up with Charlotte, she and I chatted for a little bit, then Jackie and the boys began to join us. We began to have some a small group conversation of the plans about the picnic on the weekdays.

Thinking to myself that it would be the right timing for me to get changed out of my dance uniform, I farewell to them and went off to my locker to grab my uniform and went to the nearest bathroom to get changed.

While I was changing, there's a group of girls laughing and chattering getting louder and louder. I continued changing, but then I heard them talking about something. My actions stopped and began to focus in overhearing their conversation.

"She's getting a little too close to him from what I'm seeing." One of them said. "You need to do something," Another one urgently. There was a little pause before someone started talking, "Don't worry. She wont be a problem."

"for now"

publish date: 25/07/21

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