Chapter 10

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~ Third Person POV ~

End of the maths class, it was time to go to the last subject of the day. The group were heading to the next class, Charlotte walked ahead, with Ellie following behind Jackie as they walk down the hallway. The boys had to go to their lockers and bring their book to the class. So the girls went ahead. 

They come to an intersection, Charlotte waved at Jackie and Ellie, "Bye, see you guys when it's home time." 

Jackie and Ellie both waved at Charlotte and said in sync, "See you later."

After some time, the last period's time seems to fly by, and it's the time to head home. As Ellie was at her locker, she quickly packed up her bags and left as soon as possible, she's trying to avoid the boys, she feels like she is on weird terms with the boys.

During the last period of the class, she stayed silent when Jackie brought the boys over to her. Even if she's standing next to Jackie, she would still avoid making eye contact with the boys and making a distance between her and the boys.

Especially when Roy is trying to talk to her, Ellie would just stay silent and walk away and pretend that she didn't hear anything and went to talk to Jackie.

Ellie was already on her way home, speed walking so she don't have to see them. 

"Phew! Lost them."  She thought as she let out a breath of relief.

"Ellie!" someone yelled from behind. That voice was very familiar, she didn't have to look back to know who it was.


She begins to walk faster again. The boys sees her begin to speed up, they ran in her direction and they caught up to her quickly. Roy stood in front of Ellie, catching his breath. "Why didn't you wait for us?" He asks.

Ellie looks at them awkwardly, trying to think of a reason. Roy asks again, "Are you alright?" Ellie lowered her head, avoiding the eye contact with Roy, and replied, "Yes... I'm okay." 

Karry and Jackson looked at each other, as it begins to get very awkward. "Let's make our way home now," Karry said as he pats on Roy's shoulder. Ellie nodded softly. While they are walking together Karry asks, "Do you guys know what dance genre to research for your assessment task? I am going to do Hip-pop."

"I'm going to research for Modern dance," Roy replied right after Karry. "Street Dance probably," Jackson replied. "How about you Ellie?" Karry asked, "I..." Ellie hesitated, "I want to do Jazz." She answered quietly.

They walked together in silence, no one was saying anything, Roy starts to talk, "I haven't finished today's maths work, have any for you?" "No" All of them replied.

The boys looked at each other, not knowing how to continue. As the boys think of how to continue. 

Suddenly Ellie stopped walking, the boys turned around and looked at her, she took a deep breath, "I should tell them." She told herself. She looks at them and she begins, "You guys remember when we were at the park, where I crossed the road and the car almost hit me?"

They all went silent and looked at her, they know what ever that whatever Ellie is going to say next is going to be really serious. "There was a certain memory that remained me of my family that we used to do," Ellie said whilst looking at the ground and gripping her fists.

"When I was crossing the road, I was distracted with the memory from the past and didn't see the car coming." She paused, the parts of the incident's memory came flashing by. She bit her lips and starts to tear up. "There was a car accident that killed my parents and I was badly injured when I was younger..." She was trying to stop her tears from pouring out.

They have reached her house, a few tears rolled down her face. She saw her house and wiped them away before they could see them. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school." She said as she hurried off to her house.

She entered her house, closed the door, and let her tears roll down her face as she cries. 

"My heart, it pains, I still can't get over my parent's death, if only they were still alive. I want to see my parents again, I want to live with them again."

By the time she calms herself down, it's already dark out. She wipes her tears away and went to make herself a meal to eat, shower, get some work down do and go to sleep.

- Tuesday -

Ellie woke up the next day, feeling a little down. The fact that she has confessed her past to the boys, brawling out her emotions when she is at home. Her eyes went a little swollen from crying yesterday. As she got to her locker, she walked past Jackie and Charlotte without greeting them.

"Hey...?" Charlotte's confused as Ellie walked by, Charlotte and Jackie looked at each other. They closed their lockers and went after her. They stood beside her, "Are you okay?" Jackie asks. Ellie just looks at them and nods.

Charlotte notices her eyes are swollen and stops Ellie from what she is doing, "Wait..?!" Charlotte exclaimed, she turned Ellie's body to face her, so she can get a better look at her. Charlotte held Ellie's face with her hands to investigate her eyes.

Jackie walked behind Charlotte to take a look as well. "Why are your eyes swollen?" Charlotte questions, "What did they do?" Jackie asks after Charlotte. "Nothing..." Ellie answered whilst brushing away Charlotte's hands away. "Humph, I don't believe you. I'm going to find the boys." Charlotte said in a huff and left to find the boys.

Jackie just stayed behind with Ellie and tried to get some information out of her.

As Charlotte arrived at the boys' lockers. The boys were opening up their locker and getting their things ready for classes. Charlotte sneaks behind the boys, "Yah!" She exclaims. All of them turned their head in sync, "What?" Karry asks confused, closing his locker.

"What did you do to Ellie?" Charlotte asked whilst crossing her arms "We didn't do anything, why? Did something happen?" Roy questions as he looks at Charlotte with a confused expression. "No, but her eyes are a little swollen," Charlotte frowned, then she suddenly got an idea, "Wait... Did you guys solve the problem?"

"We're on good terms now," Jackson replied with books in hand.

 "Alright," Charlotte relieved. "Anyways, what happened?"

Karry answers, "Remember the day we went on the picnic? Something happened when we are heading home." 

Charlotte realized what they were talking about, relaxing her arms on her side.

Roy continues, "Long story short, her family is a very touchy subject for her..."

published date:  01/02/22

Author note:

I have made a little addition to chapter one.

All their timetables will be there.

thanks and enjoy 

- Eve

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