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'Keep him safe.'

Those words kept roaming inside my head. Mr. Kim knew that Chan was being threatened. But did he know who was threatening him?

'Keep him safe.'

I'm not the one to be asked to keep anyone safe. I'm not designed to protect. I'm designed to kill. Mr. Kim hired me for my skills not knowing that I was there to kill. The target I'm supposed to take out is now the one I'm asked to protect.

Now I know what CV he was talking about. During my school days, I had many part-time jobs as covers. But most of them were jobs where I needed physical skills. I worked as a martial arts coach for kids. I worked as security for a few saunas and spas for ladies. I worked as a babysitter for a little girl.

That girl.

It wasn't really babysitting. I was hired as a bodyguard for her. Her dad was a corrupt diplomat and he was receiving threats regarding his little girl. He didn't want an actual bodyguard because of his image.

That shit didn't really care for her safety. The girl was scared and didn't want to go to school or even leave her room so he hired me to stop her nagging. The thing is, he never knew that I was the one threatening him. He was my target.

That was my first real long project mission. But it wasn't that long. I stayed with them for two weeks before I ended his life. And that wasn't what our client wanted. He wanted the head of the man and the little girl. Something I didn't agree to do.

She was a kid, a little innocent one who needed protection. I spent only two weeks with her but I felt the urge to protect her. So, I ended her dad but spared her life. Our client didn't like that, so he didn't pay the rest of our money and sent someone else to end the girl.

That was the only time I tried to protect someone and I failed. I got angry. I tried to hunt him but his information was kept secret from me as always. I got sick, really sick. It was to the extent of nearly withdrawing from this business. That's when Pluto decided that I wouldn't be going undercover again. I would do the kill and go.

Till we got that stupid mission I was stuck in.

I started feeling scared. I was scared that I would go through the same situation again. Till that time, I couldn't tell if Chan was innocent or not, if I really needed to protect him, if I would have to end his life with my own hands. All I knew was that it was too much for me.

The director yelled 'cut' bringing me back to reality. It's been a few days since Mr. Kim was hospitalized. He would call every now and then to check on us and ask me if Chan was giving me a hard time. Which wasn't. He was doing well, honestly.

He barely caused trouble except for the once he made a fuss about his face cut makeup that he wanted it more profound and his makeup artist said that it looked fine so he kept whining and nagging till I threatened him that I would be making a permanent cut to his face if he doesn't shut up and move to the set.

Today is the last day of shooting and he'll be having a break for a while before he starts a set of commercials and interviews. I really felt like a manager or an assistant. I was almost forgetting how to use a gun or a knife.

Chan was walking in my direction as they were having a break. I stood up once he approached. Yes, I was still his ass heater. He sat on the chair and I handed him his juice. "Thank you." He mumbled.

"You know you have to go to the movie ending dinner later?"

"I clearly said that I don't go to those dinners."

"And I clearly said that you have to. All staff around the set are talking about that for the past three days. That you are arrogant who doesn't attend group dinners."

Adrenaline: No One To Trust. |Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now