memories two

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"Otanjoubi omedetou Riku-chan / Riku / riku-nii" Riku blew out a candle in the shape of the number 18 stuck in his strawberry cake.

"Make a wish riku-nii !!"

"Hai 'kina-chan" Riku nodded, then said his wish in his heart.

"Saa, what do you want Riku-chan?" Asked Mrs. Haruka

"Idol !!" Riku replied.

"Aree? Chotto Riku .. explain first, kai-nii don't understand" Riku showed a form sign that he was accepted in takanashi production.

"AREEE RIKU-CHAN WANTS TO BE AN IDOL?" Asked kaa-san and tou-san in quite loud voices. Riku nodded happily.

"Yada Yadaaa. Riku-nii stay here !! What if Riku-nii gets more frequent relapses? Riku-nii stays here accompany Kina-chan" Kina hugged Riku from the side. Kaito and his parents nodded in agreement with Kinari's words.

"Demoo, I want to become an idol tou-san, kaa-san, kai-nii, kina-chan, I want to give people dreams of dreams. I Want to make them smile just by watching and hearing me sing" Riku's reason is enough to make them think again. . Nakagawa nodded.

"Hai ', tou-san can't do anything if it's Riku-chan's wish, tou-san just wanted to say .. Riku-chan don't push yourself !! If you feel sick, then Riku should say it !! Take care of your health Riku !! Don't let Tou-san hear that Riku suddenly went to the hospital. "Nakagawa ruffled Riku's hair. Riku widened his eyes.

"Hontou! ?? Arigato tou-san" Riku hugged Nakagawa, making the others sigh.

"Hai', Kai-nii agreed"

"Kina-chan also agreed, although a little unwilling" Riku chuckled

"Now if tou-san says that, how can I refuse?" Riku sees them all, hugs them.

"Arigato !!"

"Saa, when did you leave Riku?" Kaito asked.

"Tomorrow !!!!!"

"Jaa, kaa-san will help tidy up your things huh?"

"Kina-chan also wants to help !!"

"Hai'hai ', come on Kina-chan, Riku-chan" the three of them went to Riku's room to clean up Riku's belongings.

The next day..

"Ittekimasu" Riku hugged them one by one, Mr. Haruka and Mrs. Haruka kissed Riku's left and right cheeks, Kina-chan hugged Riku again and Kaito patted Riku's head.

"Itterasai Riku / riku-nii / Riku-chan"

In takanashi production ..

"Ah konnichiwa ogami banri-san" the blonde haired girl bent her body 90 ° in front of the man with long blue hairs who were tied with a pony tail.

"Ah hai', Omedetou Tsumugi for receiving you in Takanashi production"

"Arigatou, from now on yoroshiku onegai shimasu"

"Hai' yoroshiku mo"

"Saa, Tsumugi-san you will become manager of idols" said Ogami-san.


"Chotto Ogami-san, isn't it too hasty to immediately make me the idol manager?"

"Ie iee, takanashi production tries new things by gathering talented young people. If this project is successful, then the bento will be better than before." Ogami-san led Tsumugi to a room.

"Saa, let's see your kaiseki bento" Ogami-san opened the door to the room.

"Kaiseki bento?" Tsumugi muttered.

They entered and found 7 young men playing basketball 3 on 3 and one of them was the referee.

The 7 youths didn't even notice that there were banri and tsumugi there until their game was over.

"Yaa minna, gather here" Banri's words caught their attention.

"Hai' " they said together.

"She is your manager"

"Hai' Takanashi tsumugi desu, yoroshiku onegai shimasu" Tsumugi bent 90 °.

"Please cooperate, manager," said the orange-haired young man.

"Manager, I'm hungry" said the young man with his light blue mane in a lazy tone.

"Horaa tamaki, the manager is not your mother you know" Riku admonished Tamaki.

"I'll go first, because your audition will start" Banri returned to his place.

They also introduced themselves to Tsumugi.

They also started the audition

Even though they will all be accepted, they have to still do auditions so that Tsumugi can find out what their skills are.

After the audition, they spent all night thinking about the name of the group, which in the end they chose the name 'idolish7'.

"Yoshh I will make a site and prepare some of your first concert needs. Now, I will take you to the dorm, you will live there now" they all nodded at the speech of the manager.

It didn't take long to reach their dorm, because the place is not far from the office.

"Yoshhh, let's clean clean !!" Izumi mitsuki replied.

"Let's clean together desuuu" said Nagi with a strange accent.

"Yosh yosh onii-san can't do something that is too badly crushed" Nikaido Yamato, as the oldest member stretched his hands up.

They also clean the dorm together, choose a place for their room, and tidy up their personal belongings.

"Aaah Tsukareta, oyasumi minna. I'll go straight to sleep" said Riku.

"Otsukaresama riku-kun, sweet dreams" Osaka sogo, the purple haired man said in a soft tone.

"oyasumi haruka-san" Izumi iori, the raven haired man with his tsunderer attitude.

"Oyasumii rikkun" yotsuba tamaki, chanting in his lazy tone, as usual.

"Oyasumi Riku"

"aah Good night rikuuuu" rokuya nagi,with a strange accent.

"Hai' hai' oyasumi Riku, don't wake up late tomorrow" Izumi Mitsuki, a member with her maternal aura.

Morning has arrived, all the members are awake. Mitsuki cooks in the kitchen accompanied by iori. Tamaki who is still lazy to open his eyes but doesn't dare because there is a Sogo beside him, Nagi with his magical Cocona action figure, Yamato who is busy watching TV, and Riku who is calling his family.

"Hai' hai' kai-nii, don't worry too much, I'll be fine"

"Huum, jaa na" Riku turned off the phone, sat down beside Nagi.

"Minna, this is the food"

"Arigatou, Mitsuki, iori"

"Ittadakimasu" they ate the food made by Mitsuki and Iori.

Until the voice on TV distracts them.

"Aah trigger, sugoi ne? They are already very famous even though they just debuted last year" said Yamato

"Yes desu, especially their center. Kujo tenn, isn't he very talented desu?" They all nod at Nagi's statement.

Riku glanced at the TV, precisely at Kujo Tenn who was attending the talk show.

"Kujo tenn?"

*Otanjoubi omedetou : happy birthday
*Chotto : wait
*Sugoi : Cool
*Ittadakimasu : Enjoy your meal
*Oyasumi : good night
*Arigato : thank you
*Otsukaresama : Thank you for your hard work
*Tsukareta : Tired
*Kaiseki bento : Lunch

Hi I'm here again, hehe^^
I hope you guys enjoy the story..
Maybe some parts won't match the original, because this is fanfiction hehe. I want to make a different plot .. so hope you guys enjoy it !!

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