memories nine

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Enjoy the story~

Idolish7 is currently resting at the hotel they booked. Ryu's step father's hotel. They were all still fast asleep, probably due to the exhaustion of the long journey.

It wasn't long before Riku woke up. He glanced to his left, the place where Tamaki was sleeping. Yes, he is in the same room with Tamaki. Why not with Iori? Because Tamaki keeps whining about wanting to sleep with Riku.

"Whoa" he stretched his arms up. Riku lightly scratched his cheek. Still feeling sleepy, but the thirst overcame the sleepiness.

Just as he was leaving, the door next to him also opened. Showing Sogo there accompanied by a sweet smile.

"Riku-kun.. it turns out you're awake" he greeted.

"Ah Sogo-san, konbanwa" Sogo nodded hearing that. He walked over to Riku.

"Want hot tea? So that your throat doesn't dry out" Riku nodded enthusiastically at Sogo's offer. Sogo chuckled softly, then invited Riku to his room.

"Waa Sogo-san slept with Nagi, and this full of magicona pictures" said Riku with his eyes looking around the room.

"Riku-kun, here is the tea" Sogo gave the tea he just brewed to Riku and was very well received by Riku.

"Ouh coconaa, I love youu desuu~" Nagi muttered in his sleep.

"awhh marry me coconaa" he mumbled again making Riku and Sogo glance at Nagi.

"pfft- Nagi is delirious" Riku said as he covered his mouth holding back laughter. Sogo gently massaged his temples.

"You know Riku-kun.. Nagi-kun did that from the start he fell asleep" he said making Riku widen his eyes in surprise.

"Gosh.. you're so great Sogo-san" said Riku while drinking his tea.

"And as usual, your tea is delicious Sogo-san" Sogo smiled gently.

"Thank you Riku-kun. How about we go out after this?" Sogo bargained, Riku nodded hearing Sogo's offer.

Not long after, Nagi woke up. With messy clothes and hands still holding his magicona doll.

"Ouh hi Riku, Sogo." Riku waved his hand while smiling.

"Nagi-kun, would you like some tea?" Offer Sogo

"Of course" Nagi took a seat next to them, enjoying Sogo's tea.

After their tea was finished, they prepared to take a short walk outside. Sogo and Nagi took his jacket, then escorted Riku to his room to get his jacket too.

"Rikkun where have you been?" Tamaki asked with a look that was looking at his cellphone. He is playing a game.

"Ah Tamaki, apparently you're awake. I just came from Sogo-san's room, and now we want to take a short walk outside" Riku took his hanging jacket.

"Would you like to come with me?" Offer Riku. Tamaki then nodded and finished the game. Take the jacket and immediately took Riku's hand.

"Saa Let's go rikkun" Tamaki exclaimed. In front of the door, there were Nagi and Sogo waiting for them.

"Tamaki-kun is also coming, then let's go now"

"Yess desu, walking outside would be fun" Nagi exclaimed.

They started walking out of the hotel, walking along the Okinawan beach. Sometimes filled with laughter from their jokes. Suddenly, Riku accidentally bumps into someone.

"Oops I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" said Riku while bowing his body without seeing who he hit.

"Riku-kun?" Asked the person Riku bumped into earlier. Slowly, Riku raised his gaze. And what he saw was, the ero ero beast. Tsunashi Ryunosuke.

"Tsunashi-san!? Sumimasen, I didn't mean to" Ryu smiled, then patted Riku's head lightly.

"It's okay Riku-kun, I don't even feel the slightest pain" Ryu said with a smile.

"Are you guys working here?" Ask Gaku. Sogo shook his head.

"Ah no, we're on vacation for 3 days. And decided to vacation here, how about you Trigger-san?" Answer Sogo.

"It just so happens that we have work here Sogo-san, you guys are walking right? Can we come with you?" Sogo, Nagi, Tamaki, and Riku nodded their heads in agreement.

"Of course kujoshi, the more crowded the more fun desu"

After that, they returned to continue their activities.

"Riku, wear this scarf.. don't let your throat dry" Tenn offered to Riku.

"Eh tenn-san.. is it okay if I wear it?" Ten nodded.

"Yeah, just use Riku. Ah sorry I should have called you Riku-san" Tenn scratched the back of his neck that didn't itch. Riku shook his head, making him look adorable.

"I-it's okay tenn-san, I'd prefer it if you just called me Riku"

"Then why don't you just call Tenten no frills   -san rikkun?" Ask Tamaki.

"Ah I guess I can't do it" they all frowned.

"So what's wrong Riku-kun?" asked the ero ero beast.

"Well I feel, if I have to call tenn-san politely, even though we are the same age.. I feel that he is older than me and I should call him with appendage -san" Riku replied awkwardly, he scratched his cheek softly.

They all nodded at Riku's words.

'and I will wait, until the time comes for you to call me tenn-nii again' Tenn thought with a sad smile.
*Sumimasen : I'm sorry
*Konbanwa : good night



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