Chapter 2

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Lucy's P.O.V

When I woke up it was already 3am. did I seriously sleep that long? I went to bed at like 2pm! I swear if I was an animal I would be a sloth or a whale

....Probably the whale

Rolling out of bed I wobbled into the bathroom and re-applied my makeup (concealer, mascara and gold eyeshadow of ya wanted to know)

Wearing (Outfit at top or at the side) I snatched a big packet of Oreos from my kitchen and turned on my computer. I had a few missed call from delirious and my GTA video was finally uploaded! That took a while

I called him back and he answered immediately, desperate much?

"Where were youuuuu" he whined and I bet he was pouting but he had on his stupid hockey mask so I couldn't tell

Yeah, yeah I get it. he doesn't want to show his face or whatever

"I was sleeping" I said in a 'duh' tone

"Don't sass me girl" he clicked his fingers in a Z shape making me laugh

"Are we defo playing prop hunt?" I asked shoving two Oreos in my mouth

He nodded "yeah but could I invite some other people to join?"

"Yeah dats fine but let me brush my teeth first" the Oreos almost fell out my mouth

He nodded in approval and hung up as I put the Oreos away

~ time skip ~

When I got back he was calling me

I answered and was greeted by delirious and 6 other people

"Hey Lucy! Guys this is Lucy also known as LittleMissGamer and Lucy this is Evan (vanossgaming), Tyler (IAmWildcat), terroriser, Craig (miniladd), David (daithidenogla) and Lui (Lui Calibre)" delirious said

"Hai guys" I waved shyly

"OMG She's so cute! I think she lives in Forever 21 cause she looks fa-bu-lous" Daithi said in a valley girl accent

I burst out laughing "you sound like me!" I squealed and everyone laughed

"Who wants to do the intro?" Evan asked

"Lucy since she's the only female" Tyler said in a 'duh' tone

"I think Evan should do it" I said smiling at Evan, he's really cute


"I vote Lucy!" Evan smirked at me making me glare at him

"Lucy!" Lui shouted in his squeaker voice

"Fine" I huffed and fixed my hair

"HEY GUYS! LittleMissGamer otherwise known as Lucy here! Today I have another prop hunt video for you and I am joined by all these doofuses and they're links will be in the description below, don't forget to leave a like and enjoy!"

~time skip~

We've probably played 9 rounds and I was the only prop still alive

the guys kept getting frustrated because they couldn't find me, it was hilarious

I was a toilet behind the house, don't ask, I got stuck when I was running away from daithi

I could see Craig across the map "What are you?" He whined shooting random things around him

I went really close to the mic and whispered "I'm batman" they all laughed

"I SEE HER, SHES A FREAKING TOILET!" Evan screamed making me jump with fright and he shot me

"You fucking whore, OMG you whore, you're such a fucking whore" I said in a valley girl accent

They laughed and I shoved an Oreo in my mouth

"Is someone eating?" Terroriser said in his terminator voice
"Maybe" I said crunching

"I bet it's mini!" I screamed shoving some more in my mouth, they all laughed

We played it again and this time I was still the old man but I had glitched into a tree

"You wanna touch my trunk nogla?" I said seductively while biting my lip to stop myself from laughing

"Where are you?" Lui asked As he ran past me. I stayed silent

"Lucy...come out come out where you are" delirious said in a creepy tone

Daithi walked over and shot the tree I was in and I fake moaned

They burst out laughing "I found her!" Daithi screamed and vanoss came running over

Then he shot me and I fake moaned again

They eventually killed me and I sighed "that felt good" vanoss laughed

His laugh is so adorable

We continued playing for about 2 hours until we had enough footage

"That was so fun!" I laughed as the boys finished their outros

"Yeah it was, we should do it again sometime" Daithi laughed with me

" well I gotta go, it was lovely meeting you Lucy but now I must edit and sleep because I am tired as fuck" vanoss said trying to do a British accent

I laughed "bye!" I blew a kiss to the boys and hung up

I should play with them more, I really enjoyed it

God that sounds dirty

Behind The Screen // vanossgaming ((#wattys2015)) *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now