Emissaries of the Sun God

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April 3, 1943, 50km off of the coast of Ogasawara

Fleet commander, Major General Tanaka Kuzuki of the First fleet of the Eastern Fleet

Looking out of the tower of the Kii fast battleship.

They've been sailing for a couple of days now, and are nearing their planned location.

"Beautiful isn't it?" asked Galeos, his chief of staff for the Eastern fleet.

"Yes, it's nice and calming, nothing but water for hundreds, no thousands of Kilometers, so sad that at one point this area may become a battlefield against the American Navy!" He said jokingly, in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

It has been tense for most of the trip, they were told to head 50 km off of the coast of Ogasawara for the reason to head to another world.

He didn't want to believe it at first, why would the imperial family make such a fleet for the mere reason to head another world, and defeat a demon lord for crying out loud, that's what he had been told. But apparently the entire Imperial family had a dream from the Sun God Amaterasu, telling them to order the construction of this fleet for the mere reason to save another world. But if what they say is true then the gods are caring just in their own different way.

He shook those thoughts from his mind he needed to be vigilant and be on his toes, not dwell on whether or not what the Imperial family says is true.

He slapped his cheeks to wake himself up a bit.

"General?" his chief of staff asked in a bit of concern for his superiors mental state.

"Don't worry Galeos, I'm fine, just a bit afraid of the fact that we might be heading to another world, to help another world for all we know could be hostile to us!" The general said.

Their conversation was quickly interrupted by a sailor coming in with a report. General Tanaka quickly changed to his professional self.

"Report General Tanaka!" The sailor said, giving a swift salute, the General returned. The general just nodded to allow him to continue to speak "General Tanaka we have spotted an anomaly, chances are it is where we are supposed to head for our mission orders. Orders, sir!" The sailor said clearly with no stuttering whatsoever.

"I see, send a message to a wide fleet, and a message to the second fleet, to head through it immediately."

"General, according to spotters it isn't big enough for the entire fleet."

"Well, once we get closer to it we shall figure out how to get the entire fleet through!"

After that a fleet wide message was sent, to advance on to the anomaly. When the ships got closer it mysteriously got bigger, but the General didn't care as long as he was able to carry out the emperor's will, he didn't care.

Once the fleet got closer to the anomaly it got bigger. The same sailor from before came by. "General, the anomaly, it got bigger. Sir!" He said without stuttering.

"I see, I think god is in fact trying to help us complete both the emperors, and the gods will! Bring all ships to high Combat Alert Alpha, be ready for anything on the other side, we're going in blind!" The General ordered.

"General, you sure?" His chief in staff asked in complete worryment, for the fleet.

"Yes, I'm sure, we don't know how long this anomaly will stay open, and once it closes we will have failed the emperor's will, you understand what that means?"

Galeos quieted after that. The sailor complied, and sent out orders, to have the entire fleet to go through the anomaly.

Other side of the Anomaly, 25 kilometers Northeast of the Rodenius continent

As the last of the ships entered, the other side of the anomaly, it closed.

"General! The anomaly, it closed! Not only that, we have spotted land, to the southwest!" The sailor said.

"I see, so if it closes then we must complete our mission and chances are it may open again once we're done. Send out reconnaissance aircraft, to scout the land mass to our Southwest, and make sure they're armed, in the chance there is anything hostile." The General ordered.

After that, on the aircraft carrier Kanashī, launched a squadron of Type Zero's.

The Sacred Forest

The green god was praying to the higher gods in desperation. "God of the Sun, please save us, please!" Her prayers were getting more, and more desperate, eventually the Sun God answered.

"I shall, send my emissaries, from the Land of the Rising Sun." The sun god answered her prayers, then a silent buzzing could be heard off from the distance.

Up in the sky one of the demon lords, demon dragons, was looking for aerial targets of interest, as expected of such a primitive civilization.There were none.

The demon heard a slight buzzing sound, like those pesky flies these areas have.

He looked up and as soon as he saw it, he was destroyed in, within seconds by light bullets.

Then as a domino effect happened, more of the demon lord's dragons fell one after another, the Sun God, answered the Green Gods prayers, as promised.

The elves looked up, they were divine flying ships, their crests bearing the sun in the name of the sun god. The ground was scorched under their magic hail fire, they moved faster than the Demon Lords Dragons, more elegantly, although they didn't flap their wings, it felt like something the Sun God's Emissaries would make.

At the mere sight of these elegant beasts, he felt his faith increase tenfold.

Demon lord Nosgoranth was looking at this sight. It was, it was impossible! He was created as a supersoldier of the Ravernal Empire, and he was losing to some... what metal dragons? that couldn't possibly even fly, without the aid of magic!

He was angry, very angry. Then another sound began to form, a rumbling, like it was stampede coming at him.

The fighting on the ground at this point stopped, then a metal rhinoceros with an annoying horn sticking out like it's saying, hey I'm here! You see me! Came over through the tree line. The Orange Ogre jumped in front of Nosgoranth.

"Orange Ogre take out that annoying animal!" He ordered. Obediently the Orange Ogre, charged at the metal animal. Then the Orange Ogre was sprayed in a hail fire of light bullets. The Orange Ogre winced a bit, but his healing magic did the job, but then the most unexpected thing happened, the Orange Ogre exploded, despite over shadowing the metal animal, and detecting no magic at all from the metal beast, the Orange Ogre was killed like it was, nothing more than child's play for it. Its annoying horn then turned to him, he noticed there was an opening.

"Shit! It's a weapon!" He cursed to himself, he then unfurled his wings, and flew away, he quickly gave out orders to retreat from the Sacred Forest as the battle was lost.

Obediently the lower Demons retreated, and the defenders yelled in victory.

This would be one of the many defeats, of the already smooth, and flawless victory, for the demon lords armies, was crushed by the Virtually non-existent and the already disbanded, Imperial Japanese Navy Eastern Fleet. Being only known by the interracial alliance, as the Another World Navy, and Another World Army.

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