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"Commander" he called out, and Ahsoka looked over "I-ah. Maybe this will help. I think he'd want you to have it." He said, stretching the very crumpled piece of flimsy into her hands.

Taking the piece of paper into her hands, she gently unfolded it, careful not to rip to edges.

And her breathing stopped. Her whole body went still. Her fingers trembled slightly as her eyes scanned over the image.

It was beautiful.

Thousands of colors popped from every line.

Red, yellow, and orange all mixing to get that very specific color - her color. Different shades of blue swirled around in the two blue eyes on the paper that made them look like an ocean of color.

It was hypnotizing, fascinating.

But her eyes were stuck on the bottom left corner, where only the color black was used.

And written on it in a scribbly handwriting was the name of the artist.


__16 rotations earlier___

"Blunder." He sighed, watching everything in the clone's hands fall to the ground.

"Sorry, Commander Wolffe." he said, frantically dropping to the ground and grabbing the fallen flimsy and pencils, collecting them into a messy pile in his arms.

"Sorry, Commander. I-I'm sorry." Blunder said, keeping his eyes down, focusing solely on gathering his supplies. He shuffled some papers into a messy pile and tried to gather the pencils that were rolling away.

"Blunder, I thought I-"

That was when Wolffe first noticed it.

The colors.

A burnt orange, a bright white, and a deep navy blue.

Those colors were familiar.

"What is that?" Wolffe asked, as his eyes caught sight of a piece of flimsy that had a very familiar figure on it.

"Nothing sir!" Blunder said, standing up at attention and shoving the paper behind him.

"If it's nothing, then there shouldn't be any problem with showing me." Wolffe said, putting his hand out.

Blunder looked nervous. Very. Nervous. Slowly, he brought the paper in front of him and held it out. Wolffe snatched it from his hand and looked.

His breathing stopped.

On the paper was probably one of the best drawings Blunder had ever attempted.

"I'm not finished yet." Blunder said meekly. "Still need to do some shading."

Wolffe's eyes scanned over the figure.

It was amazing.

Her lips were turned into a grin that seemed playful, determined, and mischievous all at the same time. Her left arm was outstretched in the trademark Jedi way and her right was holding her green lightsaber in a reverse grip.

And her eyes.


Wolffe could see the mix of different shades of blue that were all swirling in them. Blunder had obviously put most of his effort into them. Wolffe could practically see her light shining through them on the page. It was phenomenal.

And behind her... stood the 104th. Their battalion, dressed in their shiny white armor, standing behind their Jedi, ready to defend and attack.

And faintly in the background, was the first shapes of some kind of... thing behind them all. It was still just a bunch of circles and lines, so Wolffe couldn't make out what it really was.

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