Garden Venues

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Screams fill the room and puncture Taehyung's eardrums. Were he not in his classroom, he'd worry someone is actually hurt, yet this is just the children hyping themselves up for lunch. Finally, the bell rings and even more cheers fill the tiny classroom as the students leap from their desks.

"Be careful, everyone! Remember, don't push!" Taehyung chides as the students file out the door, gifting him a brief moment of silence. Taehyung flops into his chair behind his desk, letting out the deep sigh he's been holding in all day. He and Jungkook had a long night at another book signing, which does not make his early school schedule any easier. He gently massages his temples with one hand as the other reaches in his desk drawer for the lunch that Jungkook packed for him. He smiles when he sees a cheerful note fall from the bento box lid, loving how Jungkook encourages him, especially on these difficult mornings where sleep deprivation kicks his ass. A knock sounds on the door, drawing Taehyung from his fatigue-induced meditation when he looks up and sees Jimin and Hoseok in the doorway with their lunches in hand.

"Can we join you?" Jimin asks with a bright smile that instantly brings a grin to Taehyung's lips. He clears a spot at his desk and taps the surface, gesturing for his friends to sit with him.

"You look exhausted, Taehyungie," Hoseok exclaims, setting his lunch and drink down on the desk before pulling over two extra chairs for him and Jimin.

"I had a late night with Jungkook..." he quietly mumbles, taking a bite of food as Jimin and Hoseok look at him with a smirk on their lips. It takes Taehyung a moment before realizing how that sounds and he blushes, "Not THAT kind of a late night. It was a book signing!"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't really believe you," Jimin teases, nudging Taehyung playfully, "Especially after you told us about that erotica incident,"

Taehyung blushes even brighter, "I told you that in confidence!" he cries, smacking Jimin's shoulder as the two friends start laughing.

"Seriously, Tae Tae, I think only you would get turned on from that," Hoseok teases, "Although--" he's suddenly interrupted by Taehyung's phone loudly ringing on his desk. He looks at the Caller ID and frowns, yet he answers the call.

"This is Kim Taehyung," he says.

"Hello, Mr. Kim, this is Amber, the Events Coordinator for Seoul Gardens. Do you have a moment?" she asks.

"Yes, of course. How can I help you?" Hoseok and Jimin quietly eat their lunches, watching Taehyung's face as concern crosses his brow.

"I hate to inform you, but we, unfortunately, have to cancel your reservation for the gardens on September 21st," she explains, her words causing Taehyung's heart to sink with dread.


"I do apologize, but our gardens are unfortunately going to be used by the execs that day and--"

"But, we've had this reservation for almost a year now! You can't just cancel--"

"Actually, we can. We have the right to cancel reservations up until the month of the event, and since it is only May, we still are within that window," she briskly states, "Again, I'm sorry it has come to this, but you will have to find a different venue. Good day," and with that the woman hangs up, leaving Taehyung stunned in the wake of her words. Hoseok and Jimin look at their friend with concern. Taehyung slowly sets the phone on his desk, anxiety and worry flooding his veins.

"They canceled the venue...the place where we were gonna get married..." Taehyung mumbles, shocking his friends.

"What? Why?!" Jimin screeches and Taehyung sighs, running his hands through his hair.

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