Chapter Twenty-Five: Surprises and Secrets

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Breakfast after that goes relatively smoothly. Ann Marie doesn't mention the inheritance again, which Taehyung appreciates. The money doesn't mean anything to him. He doesn't care that Talia will get his cut or that there was even a share for him to begin with. What he cares about and what hurts the most is that Talia knew about it and tortured him because of it. Money shouldn't trump family, yet that is all that the Hardings seem to care about. And Ann Marie knows this. She's fought them about their greed for years.

The quiet morning is ruined as soon as Jungkook and Taehyung step out of the comfortable library. The two boys hold each other's hands, Jungkook squeezing Taehyung's softly, not really liking the gloomy pensiveness that has consumed the blond-haired boy. Taehyung looks up at Jungkook and softly smiles as they wander down the hall to the main foyer area where everyone is loudly chatting and gathering for one reason or another.

"I'm okay," Taehyung says before Jungkook can even ask him. Jungkook just smiles, giving Taehyung's hand another supportive squeeze.

"I know that, but--"

"Tae!" Juliet calls out from the other side of the foyer, running over to the two of them, her body clad in a bright pink sundress and strappy sandals, "There you are! I was looking for you,"

"Sorry, I was having breakfast with my grandma and Kookie," Taehyung replies, softly smiling at his friend, "Why? What's up?"

"What's up?! Everyone is getting ready for the festivities! You're coming, right?" Juliet asks with a big grin, not realizing her words cause Taehyung's heart to race with anxiety.

" mean like the bachelor and bachelorette party?" Taehyung quietly says and Juliet nods.

"Yeah! I mean, I totally get why you wouldn't want to go with Daniel and all, but others will be there. It'll be fun!" Juliet chimes. Taehyung tries to smile, yet he can't get over the thought of being around Daniel and Talia. Worse a drunk Daniel and Talia. These two are far worse when intoxicated. Jungkook can see Taehyung's panic. Can feel the grip on his hand tighten almost subconsciously, yet before he can say anything or make an excuse for Taehyung, Ann Marie walks over to them.

"Taehyung, darling, there you are! I am so sorry but I forgot I actually need a favor from you," she states as she approaches the three of them. Jungkook and Taehyung both turn to face her when she stops beside them, their actions mirroring each other almost perfectly.

"What's wrong, Grandma?" Taehyung asks. Juliet sighs softly, realizing that Taehyung will always choose to help Ann Marie over partying with them.

"You and I will just have to hang out another time..." she exclaims before walking away. Taehyung lets out a small sigh of relief. He looks up at Jungkook for a moment, quirking his head slightly as he stares up at him.

"You were going to lie for me...weren't you?" Taehyung softly mumbles in Korean and Jungkook nods with a soft smile.

"Sorry I couldn't come up with an excuse fast enough..." Jungkook quietly replies, running his fingers softly along the back of Taehyung's hand where they are entwined together.

"Well I wasn't lying when I said I do need a favor," Ann Marie teases the boys by speaking in Korean as well. Taehyung lightly blushes before turning his full attention to his grandmother.

"I'm sorry, Grandma...what is it I can do for you?" Taehyung asks.

"I was told your aunt, Pearl, didn't show up for breakfast this morning. I know that she went out to her greenhouse garden earlier, and of course, she is a grown woman she can do what she wants, I just worry..." Ann Marie mumbles before looking at Taehyung sheepishly, "Do you mind checking on her?"

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