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The group stops cleaning for supper, forced by Ann Marie and Jin. They wash their hands before going into the dining room, gawking at the delicious meal laid out for them.

"Jin, you didn't have to..." Namjoon murmurs, kissing the top of his head before sitting down next to him.

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. How else were you going to get energy for all the work you're doing?" Jin teases, enjoying the chorus of thank yous that swarm the table. Talia and Victor join them for supper, talking about what they did throughout the day, and laughing at all their jokes.

"Jin, love, you are going to have to give our chef the recipe for this. It is divine," Ann Marie says as she happily munches away. Jin smiles and nods, his ears tinted pink at the compliment. The night is jovial and filled with laughter and chatting, yet Jungkook can tell Taehyung is slightly distracted. His smile isn't as bright as it normally is, so Jungkook rests a hand on his thigh, squeezing it softly to pull Taehyung from his thoughts.

"What's wrong, love? You didn't eat that much..." Jungkook whispers, his lips against Taehyung's ear. Tae slips his hand in his pocket and shows Jungkook the image of the laughing group.

"I just miss him...I think he'd love you..." Taehyung whispers, their movements, and conversations covered by the chatter and laughter of the others.

"I wish I could've met him," Jungkook honestly says before kissing Taehyung's forehead, "He inspired you, so all the more reason for me to think he's a pretty cool guy,"

"He had his flaws, for sure, but he was still my dad, and still accepted me for who I am. Just like your parents accepted you," Taehyung mumbles, watching Jungkook's face light up at the mention of his parents.

"Speaking of...guess who is going to make the ceremony?"

"No way, really!" Taehyung cries, drawing the attention of everyone at the dining table.

"What is it?" Ann Marie asks and Taehyung smile widens, the blinding boxy grin drawing in everyone.

"Jungkook's parents are going to fly out for the ceremony!" he cries, and Jungkook laughs softly at his enthusiasm.

"They didn't think they would be able to take the time off of work, but I got a message earlier today saying they'll be here," Jungkook adds and Ann Marie smiles brightly.

"That's wonderful, dear! I was going to ask where they were, but I didn't want to pry in case it was a bad reason," she exclaims.

"No, Jungkook's parents love him and Taehyung," Namjoon says with a soft smile as he thinks about Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, "They just are workaholics,"

"Like their son," Taehyung teases.

"What do your parents do?" Talia asks politely.

"My dad is a banker, and my mother a waitress, so they don't tend to take time off in the middle of the week. Or at all," Jungkook says.

"I can't wait to meet them. I bet they are wonderful. After all, they raised you," Ann Marie chimes, her words causing Jungkook to sheepishly look at his lover.

"I wish I listened to them more sometimes...y'know, typical rebellious teen stuff," Jungkook says with a light chuckle, "If I'm honest, the person who taught me the most is Tae. He made me the guy I am today,"

"Cheeessssyyyy" Jimin coos and all the guys start laughing. Including the lovers.

"It is cheesy, but it's true!" Jungkook cries, his words drowned out by the laughter.

The Wedding Date: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now