ложь (Lies)

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"I'm going to kill you!" Bucky storms out of the bathroom and into the living room where Sam and Zemo are discussing were to look for the flag smashers. "I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU!"

I throw on a pair of pants and a tank to follow him. He storms straight up to Zemo and knocks the tea right out from his hands.

"You fucking touch her again, and I'll brake more than just your fancy China." He threatens getting up in his face.

"STOP!" I yell at Bucky.

"You-" he turns his anger on me, "how could you lie to me? How could you lie to Sam?!"

"Wooh, wooh. What is going on here?" Sam interjects to tries to lesson the tension.

"Them!" Bucky motions between Zemo and I. "They were together. She's actually the lynx."

"James." Zemo starts but is cut short.

"Let's all calm down for a moment ok?" Sam attempts to cool off the situation. "I already know she's the lynx."


"Bucky. The girl dyed her hair. That's it. Which, by the way-" Sam directs his comment to me, "I like it black. Suits you more."

"Agree to disagree on that one." Zemo says under his breath.

"Shut up." Bucky threatens.

"You weren't supposed to find out like this." I focus my attention on the angry half naked man feet away from me.

"Wasn't supposed to find out like this, or find out at all. Because I think it's the ladder."

"Bucky, please-"

"Don't." He breathes out and walks back into the bedroom and closes the doors. I can feel my heart begin to shatter.

Following behind him, I press my palm against the flat, cold wood of the door and whisper into it, "I'm sorry."

"He was bound to find out sooner or later about us, Китти."

"You!" I turn and unleash my anger on Zemo, "You have no right to waltz yourself back into my life and tell me how things work. News flash you sick bastard, I'm a free agent. That means no more taking orders from you, and no more US. So do US all a favor and let Karli Morgenthau smash your head in, okay?"

I go back to the door and get ready to kick it in in order to talk with Bucky, but he opens it and stands there in the doorway with no expression on his face. I push him back into the room and lock the door behind us. "I get that you're angry at me, but please listen to what I have to say." He simply sits down and doesn't say a word. "Okay." I take a deep breath and kneel in front of him.

"I was so young when I was taken to the Red Room. I don't even remember what my life was like before there, or before Zemo at this point. I think it has something to do with the mind control both parties put me under. Anyway, Zemo's the closest thing I have to family, I had the right to grieve for him when I thought he was dead. You can't be angry at me about that. And about the two of us being intimate together, that was before I met you. I'm not going to chastise you about any of your previous partners, you have no right to do that to me."

The entire time I rant he continues to stay silent, I'm half expecting him to get up and leave, but he stays. "Yes I'm the lynx. I didn't plan on telling you because that part of my life is over, and that includes everything between Zemo and I." I grab his Vibranium hand and put it against my cheek. "The point is, you're my everything now. No more lies, no more deceit. Only truth."

This time he gets up and pulls his hand away from my reach, walking to look out the window. Silence.

"Bucky, please. Say something." No response, "please. I'm begging you, just say anything." Tears start to trail down the side of my face. I get up and turn the man who holds my heart around, "Look at me, James. I'm all shades of fucked up, I know that-" he crashes his lips into mine.

He kisses roughly, completely unyielding. His hands are on the back of my neck holding me in place. For a long suspended second I am frozen, unsure if his lips will disappear as quickly as they ended up on mine. Then all at once the heat of our passion thaws me. I kiss him back.

As I suspected, his lips and body slips out from my reach. "I can't be with you." His voice shatters me.

"What?" Tears begin picking at my eyes.

"I just got out of living a lie, and without even knowing you put me back into one. You are the best thing that has happened to me since 1943, and I just found out that it was all an act."


"Please, Elizabeth, just, leave me be."

And with that, he walks out of the room, taking my heart with him.

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