Two Lies One Truth ~ Episode 4, The Game Begins

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Delaney here again. We're starting Day 2! I want to thank you all for the support I'm already getting. It means a lot!
So as I start to post more, I have a question - Would you rather I wait and publish 1 day (so 3 episodes) all at once? Or would you rather I start uploading more often with just an episode?
As always, let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Love you guys!

Previously, on Love Island...
Our Islanders were happily coupled up...
Some more happily than others...
Gary - I wasn't sure if I was your type.
Hannah - You're like my knight in shining armor!
Until our little ship of joy came upon an iceberg!
Priya - I'm so glad you girls aren't judging me for gatecrashing your party.
As Priya gets to know the boys, who'll keep their cool, and who'll be lost at sea?I
t's all hotting up...
Hannah - Guys, I got a text!
Hope - Uh oh...
On Love Island!

When I wake up, sunlight is streaming through the windows. It takes me a minute to remember where I am, and then it hits me. I'm on Love Island! My eyes adjust, and I take a look around the communal bedroom I now share with ten other Islanders. It looks like a hurricane has swept through. Bedding and clothes are everywhere. I wonder who makes the beds. The Islanders sure don't.

I roll to face the other side of my bed, and find it empty. Ibrahim must be out with the others already. I think about last night. I definitely heard some of the Islanders getting extra familiar. I hope Ibrahim isn't upset that I didn't kiss him. I know things go fast in the Villa, but I've always been more of the slow and steady type. Even if we didn't kiss, I do really enjoy Ibrahim. He's sweet, and his attempts at being smooth are adorable. I know he wants to work on his chat, but I honestly like it the way it is.

I look around the room again, and I wonder if I'm the only one still in bed. I don't want to waste time today, especially now that Priya is here. She seems nice, and I'm excited to get to know her. I also know, however, that she's excited to get to know the men, including Ibrahim. She even said last night that Ibrahim had caught her interest.

I start to pull myself out of bed when I hear two familiar voices coming from beneath a duvet.

There's giggling, and then I hear Hope whisper, "My hair does not look like that!"

"No... you're like..."

"What am I like?!"


Hope and Noah seem to be enjoying a morning in. I wonder if Hope is just trying to bond with Noah, or if she's being strategic. If Noah is inside with her, he's not out getting to know Priya. I decide it's best to leave them to it either way. I try my hardest to be quiet as I slip out of my bed and to the dressing room. It works. The giggling continues.

I sort through my swim suits and pull out my favorite. I can't let Priya out shine me. Once I'm dressed I head to the lawn, where most of the Islanders are hanging out by the pool. Priya is sitting among Bobby, Gary, Rocco, and Ibrahim. All of them are giving her their full attention. Lottie is sitting further away on the ledge of the pool, but close enough to hear.

Priya spots me first. "Hey, Ellie! Take a seat! I'm just quizzing the boys a bit."

"There's a quiz?" Ibrahim looks worried.

Gary shakes his head. "Figure of speech, mate."

"I mean," Priya tells us, "I'm trying to learn about the couples here. I need to figure out my options, you know? Want to play my 'good cop', Ellie?"

I hear splashing in the pool and see Lottie swinging her legs in it. She's looking at me pointedly, and I know if I say yes to Priya I'll be a 'traitor' in Lottie's mind. I say yes anyways. "Sure, sounds like fun." I sit down on a bean bag next to Ibrahim. I can hear Lottie huff, but she can deal. There's no sense in giving Priya the cold shoulder, it won't solve anything. Plus, this is a good chance to get to know the boys.

"You're in law school, right?" Priya asks me.

I correct her, "That's Marisol."

"Ah, right! Maybe I should leave it to her to grill Bobby."

Lottie gives up, then, and gets up. She walks to us and plops down on another bean bag. "You make it sound hot."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic."

"Why not? Everyone loves authority figures, right?"

"Ah, leave it out, Lottie," Gary scolds her.

"I know, I know. Sorry."

"We're all just having a chat," Rocco tells her lazily. "We'll be in here together for a while, you know?"

Bobby wiggles his fingers and does his best Dracula impression, "Until de-e-a-a-th!"

Lottie rolls her eyes, but the tension has been broken. "I said it was spooky in here yesterday!"

Priya frowns and sighs. "I guess I must have missed that, too." We all feel a bit awkward and no one says anything.

I'm staring at the grass, but look up when I feel eyes on me. I see that Lottie and Priya are both staring at me expectantly, and I realize they are waiting for me to say something.

"So..." I'm not sure what to say. I think it might be good to turn the attention to Lottie for a bit, though. I have a feeling she feels left out now that Priya's here to steal the spotlight. "Lottie, Rocco, how are you two getting on so far?"

Lottie looks at me gratefully.

"I think Lottie seems like an adventurer. I'm looking forward to following the map of her tattoos, in fact."

I raise an eyebrow at Lottie, who's frowning. Rocco seems oblivious to the fact that he just said something so cliche.

"Are you serious?" Lottie asks him.

"My ink represents my journeys through life. I'm sure yours does, too. I've been searching for a woman printed with stories of her own."

"Oh, please!" She's trying to look annoyed, but she's silently laughing at the same time. I can see she's glad to have the attention back on her. "So, Priya. How are you going to decide who to pick?"

I'm a little nervous to hear her response.

"I feel like I can't just pick based on who's the fittest. It's about feeling that connection with someone, right?"

"Absolutely. Do you believe in vibes?" Rocco is staring at her.

"As in vibrators?"

"Vibrations! Like, positive vibes!"

We all laugh, even Lottie, as Priya blushes. "Oh my gosh!"

Bobby starts to sing, pumping his arm. "It's such a good vibration." Priya buries her face in her hands but Bobby doesn't stop. "It's such a sweet sensation."

Ibrahim groans. "I'll never be able to hear that song the same way again!"

"Me neither!" I agree with him.

"Making good memories in the Villa already, Mr. June!"

Ibrahim frowns at Gary. "Please don't call me Mr. June."

Priya leans forward, happy it's not her being teased now. "That's right, weren't you in a 'Hot Men of Golf' calendar?"

Ibrahim's cheeks turn red. "I- It was just called 'Men of Golf', and it was the most embarrassing photo!"

Bobby continues the teasing. "Can we call you 'Ibrahim The Dream'?"

"You are pretty dreamy," I tell him.

"Please don't. My friends call me Rahim."

"Can I be your friend, Rahim?" Priya asks him.

"Hell no."

We all look at him in uncomfortable silence until Priya speaks up. "Oh?"

Rahim notices his mistake, then, and quickly and awkwardly attempts to fix it. "Uh, not that it's bad to be friends. Or even to watch 'Friends'." He facepalms and takes a breath before explaining, "With a beautiful lady like yourself, I'd wish to be more than friends."

"Oh! I see!"

I look at Rahim wide eyed and then nudge him. He looks at me. "Babe! I'm right here!"

"Oh, right, sorry. I didn't mean..." he drifts off.

"We'll work on your chat a bit, Rahim," Gary tells him.

"Seeing as how we're getting to know each other," Priya swiftly changes the subject, "Tell me Bobby. Have you ever done it in a kitchen?"

Bobby grins. "Funnily enough, there's only one time when I've come close."

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