Shake and Date ~ Episode 13, Two's Company

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Hey guys!
I'm sorry for how long it took me to post this. The good news is, I've got another day done as well, so that should be up relatively soon.
In other news, happy Pride Month!!! Shout out to my rainbow family and all of our supporters. Fun fact, I'm actually asexual/biromantic, which makes writing these stories a bit interesting and even challenging sometimes. Specifically the more sexual attraction bits. Why do you have to have an instant spark of sexual attraction to have a meaningful relationship? Things like that are hard for me to understand.
Anyway. Some extra love to all of my readers. I hope you get all the love and support you need/deserve.

Welcome back...
To Love Island!
Yesterday, our Islanders started the day in style with brunch on the lawn.
Ibrahim - Let's grab some. I'm famished!
Then things got messy in the afternoon's challenge...
Noah - You're already nice and slimy.
And all this was topped off with some top-quality arguing!
Priya - You don't get to insult me and walk off again.
But that was yesterday's news.
After having slept on it, I'm sure our Islanders are fine now...
Let's change that.
Cue the hot new boys!

I groan when I wake up. Everyone else is asleep, at least as far as I can tell, and I want to be, too. I decided to sleep in an empty bed last night, and I forgot how good it felt to have a bed to myself. Still, sunlight is starting to filter through the window and I know that if I do fall back asleep it will only make me more tired. Instead I drag myself out of bed and get myself ready for the day.

When I'm done I head up to the terrace for some fresh air. Normally I prefer to sleep in, but it's actually nice to wake up early once in a while. The air is fresh and I can hear birds chirping in the distance. Since I'm the only one up, I don't have to listen to all the noise and bustle of company. Instead I can take in deep breaths and relax. No one is around to ask me why I didn't sleep with Ibrahim last night. Gary isn't up to graft on me. Hope can't make passive aggressive comments about my friendship with Noah. Ibrahim can't send me wounded looks. I don't have to worry about Lottie and Priya deciding they want to fight instead of giving each other a chance.

It's peaceful, and it's lovely.

I sit here for a while, just watching the sun rise and listening to nature. I shut my brain off; I can worry about everything later. For now I just want to be.

I've almost drifted off when I hear splashing and voices talking. I look down at the pool. I initially figured some of the other Islanders woke up, so I'm surprised to see two unfamiliar people laughing and sitting on the edge of the pool.

"I can't believe we're really here!" one of them says. They're dripping wet.

The other one replies, "Tell me about it! I can't wait to meet the girls..."

We have two new Islanders, and they're boys.

I stand up and stretch. Maybe my prince charming has arrived. I'm tempted to go find out, but I figure I should wake the other Islanders first. It's only right.

The lights are still off when I enter the bedroom, and everyone is still asleep in their beds. The only sound is Noah's snoring.

"Guys," I call, trying not to be too loud. People start to stir.

"Is it time to get up?" I hear Ibrahim ask. He looks up at me. "Thanks for being considerate."

Hope peeks out from under her covers. "Huh? Why are you up so early?"

"There are two new boys outside!" I hiss excitedly.

Ibrahim looks startled. "What?"

"No way..." I notice Gary sitting up in bed.

"How exciting!"

Even after Gary and I's talk last night, he still looks disappointed at Marisol's eagerness.

"Quick!" Priya pulls herself out of bed. "Let's all get ready."

Lottie, Hope, and Marisol all follow suit. As a group we head to the dressing room. I'm already dressed, but I don't want to head out alone.

"This is amazing!" Hope cheers.

I look at her. "What about Noah?"

"It's fine, I just want to check out the eye candy. That's all." For some reason I don't buy Hope's excuse and I'm surprised. She's been so possessive of Noah, but now she wants to get to know new boys?

"We should go all out for this," Priya urges us. "Girls, get your cutest bikinis on!" I help the others tie strings and fix hair. When we're all done she claps her hands excitedly. "Let's go!"

All the girls start to whoop and cheer as we head outside. I stay quiet; that's never really been my thing. Hope is leading us all, and I keep myself in the middle of our pack. I don't want to seem too eager, but I don't want to seem uninterested either.

"This is so exciting!" Priya exclaims. "I wonder what these guys are like..."

We're within hearing distance now, and Hope calls out to them, "Hey boys! So who are you?"

The boys have gotten up from the pool edge by now and are watching us. "Hey there, girls! I'm Henrik."

23, from the Isle of Wight
Climbing and Wilderness Survival Instructor
Won second place in a Thor look alike contest

I recognize Henrik as the soaking wet boy I spotted from the terrace. His hair is long and blond with a slight wave. He's lean and strong, and wears a large grin that reaches his eyes.

"Goodness, look at all of you. I'm Lucas..."

27, from Oxford
Once gave a girl a foot rub on the first date

Lucas looks a bit more refined than Henrik. His dark hair is short and clean. I can spot a tattoo sticking out from under one of his sleeves.

"So, what do you boys do?" Hope asks them.

Lucas opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off by Marisol asking, "How are we coming across to the public?" This makes me realize that these are the first new Islanders we've had that have had a chance to watch the show so far.

"How much can you bench press?" That one comes from Priya.

The boys' eyes go wide and they look overwhelmed. "Guys," I raise my voice above the girls, "give them a chance to breathe!"

The girls quiet down, looking sheepish, and Lucas and Henrik meet eyes. "I knew they'd be a handful, but this is something else!" Henrik laughs. Lucas smiles faintly and looks back at us.

"I'll show you who's a handful..."

Henrik smirks at Lottie. "Oh, you're even feistier in person." He looks at all of us. "We've gotten to know you all a bit before coming in here."

"It's been quite exciting," Lucas adds.

Marisol inquires, "What've you seen?"

"Oh, all sorts. I'd say some of the sneaky kisses are probably the most entertaining..." Lucas tells us.

I catch Lottie shifting her eyes around the group.

"Sneaky kisses?" Priya asks. "Who's been doing that?"

"That's not our place to say. That would be kiss-and-tell by proxy."

Henrik looks at Lucas. "Why phrase it so weirdly?"

"That's... just how I talk."

"We won't force you to tell," I say. "Definitely interesting, though."

"I agree." Hope checks the girls out. "But we're coming back to this at some point."

One of the girls stifles nervous laughter, but I can't tell who. I just hope this doesn't trigger another fight with Priya and Lottie. I know Lottie is already having a hard time trusting Priya, and I wouldn't put it past her to assume it was Priya having 'sneaky kisses'.

"Anyways..." Priya changes the subject. "What do you guys do?"

"I'm a physiotherapist."

I check Lucas out. "You must give the best massages."

"Well... I've had no complaints. But I'm also good at giving people a real good stretch..."

Priya bites her lip. "Perhaps you could show us some exercises later."

Lucas looks taken aback and doesn't say anything.

"And I'm a climbing and wilderness survival instructor," Henrik jumps in.

"That explains the body," I hear someone say.

"It just comes naturally. Climbing is all about pulling up your own body weight, after all. And spending a lot of time outdoors will always be good for you."

Marisol ponders, "What are you interested in?"


"Well... yeah. What else?"

"I love anything outdoors. Trekking, camping, water-sports. Anything like that, really."

"That's impressive," I compliment him. "It's not really my thing, but I admire the people who can do all of that."

"It's the best kind of life you can lead, I think."

Lucas clears his throat, catching our attention. "I also like water sports. I mostly enjoy a good bit of rowing."

"That sounds a bit romantic," I admit. "I don't mind a day on the water with the right company."

"Oh, it can be. Find the right lake or river? Nothing better. I've done my fair share of competitive rowing against teams of other rowers," Lucas brags. "But give me a simple two-person rowboat any day. I'm partial to doing it in Cumbria. On a good day the views are just breathtaking."

Priya is looking at him, stunned. "I've never met anyone who speaks as posh as you do."

"It's amazing..." Hope drifts off dreamily.

Lucas looks unsure of what to say, and is saved by the Gary. "Oi oi!"

We all turn around to see the boys running out of the Villa. I'm surprised it took them this long.

"Alright boys?" Henrik calls out.

"Hey! What's cracking?" Bobby grins at Lucas and Henrik.

All of the boys swarm around the newcomers, cutting the girls off. I have a feeling it's intentional. I know how nervous the girls were when Priya came in, and that was only one new contender. Now the boys have two new competitors. I let it go, anyway. Lucas and Henrik seemed overwhelmed with just the girls, and can't imagine how anxiety inducing all ten of us are.

Eventually the other girls move the boys around so we can all breathe. Only Gary stays in place, positioning himself between Marisol and Henrik. I have to admit I'm a little hurt by this. Maybe it's because I'm a one guy at a time sort of girl, but it stings that Gary is still so attached to Marisol after expressing the desire to couple with me.

"Hope you don't mind us butting in," I hear Ibrahim say. "We just wanted to get to know the new guys."

"The poolside ain't the place to have this conversation. Let's go to the fire pit where there's seats and stuff," Gary urges us.

"You lads are in for a right grilling. Get it?" I roll my eyes at Bobby.

"No?" Henrik admits.

Lottie groans. "Oh my days, Bobby..."

"Grilling! Because it's a fire pit and you're going to be asked a bunch more questions..."

Lucas smiles at him. "Well done, Bobby. You know what they say? Jokes are always at their funniest when they need explaining."

"Aren't they just?"

"Indeed. Have a cookie."


"Cookies? I thought we were going to get some barbecue? I could really go for that." Henrik was going to need to keep up if he was going to last long in the Villa.

"Sure Thor junior... let's go and get that barbecue."


We all make our way to the fire pit and settle down on the benches. Hope sits on Noah's lap, which raises a few eyebrows. Gary positions himself between Henrik and Lucas. He makes me think of a gatekeeper. Ibrahim sits on the outer edge of the group and looks at me invitingly. I ignore him and place myself between Priya and Hope and Noah. I catch both Lucas and Henrik looking at me.

Gary claps Henrik's leg. "So lads, the big question... What's your usual type?"

Lucas looks stunned. "Straight to the point with you, eh?" I'm starting to get the sense that he's a slow and steady type of guy who takes his time.

"What can I say? I like to be direct."

Henrik doesn't hesitate to answer. "I like a girl that's outgoing, adventurous, doesn't take herself too seriously..." I think the closest girl to that is Priya, or maybe Lottie. They're both definitely outgoing. "In terms of looks... The last few girls I've dated have been brunette. I just have a thing for dark hair. I also have a real weakness for good tattoos. Ones that have had a lot of thought put into them." I catch Marisol looking at Lottie.

"What about you, erm, other guy?"

"Gary..." Marisol groans at him. The other boys chuckle.

"What? I've only just met the bloke."

"It's fine, I quite understand. Besides, I'm like Rumpelstiltskin, If you ever say my name, I'll disappear."

"Really?" Bobby asks in delight.


"That's good. The fun's only just beginning!" Gary forces a laugh and nudges Lucas.

Lucas gives a tiny smile. "But yeah, my type... I guess I'm used to girls who have a more decent taste. Who knows what they want in life and how to get it." That sounds a lot like Hope to me. "I like blondes usually, can't lie. And someone who knows how to dress to impress. But I don't stick to some rigid type format usually."

"Alright, alright, that was an easy question. Who else has one?" Gary looks around at our group.

"Oh oh!" Bobby shouts.

"Yeah Bobs?"

"What're your numbers?"

Priya smirks. "Ooh, spicy!"

Numbers? I'm confused, and I'm not the only one. "Why do you need that?" Henrik asks.

"Because it's fun!"

"Yeah. What's wrong? Are you a little ashamed?" Gary eggs him on.

"No... I'm a little confused, but fine. It's zero, seven, eight, four, one..."

"Wait, which one is it?" Marisol looks lost.


"Mate!" Gary looks frustrated. "Are you giving us your phone number?"

"You asked for our numbers?" I'm on Henrik's side. I don't know what they mean by 'numbers'. Although, I am pretty sure they wouldn't ask for phone numbers on TV.

"Oh... erm, Henrik. They meant sexual partners," Noah explains awkwardly.

People actually ask that?

"Oh, did they? How could I be so oblivious?"

"I didn't know either, Henrik," I console him.

He smiles at me. "Anyway, it's thirteen, for me."

I don't know if that's below or above average. I didn't know that people kept count. It actually bothered me a little, like the idea of someone keeping notches in their bed post for every 'conquest'.

"Fair play." Gary presses, "What about you, Lucas?"

"Well, again, I hate to kiss and tell, and this seems a tad vulgar..."

I agree with Lucas. "You don't have to tell us." He smiles at me.

Gary frowns. "What? Where's the fun in that? Tell us!"

Lucas lets out a sight. "Very well... My magic number is seven. I'm not the sort of guy who beds everything that walks..." He gives Gary a look.

"So, guys," Noah moves on. "Time for the big question. Who do you fancy?"

"Noah! You actually spoke!" I look at Bobby in confusion. Yes, he spoke, that's something that he does.

"I do when I have something to say."

"I'd forgotten how silky-smooth your voice was..."

I mean... Noah does have a nice voice.

"Settle down, Bobby."

Bobby looks like he wants to go on, but refrains. "Okay."

"Anyway, boys, who do you fancy?" Noah reiterates.

"I'll go first..." I'm surprised to hear Lucas speak up before Henrik, and even more surprised when he looks at me. "For me, it's got to be Ellie. You're definitely the type of woman I go for, and I'd love to get to know you better."

"You might have a hard time separating our group," Gary speaks up.

I ignore him and feel myself blush as I smile at him. "I'd like that." I would.

Lucas grins back at me and claps Gary hard on the back. Gary doesn't look happy about it.

"I'm definitely into Lottie," Henrik tells us. "She's my type all over."

Lottie tries not to smile. Rocco wraps both of his arms around her and pulls her close, like he's making a protective bubble around her. "You'll have to get through me first!" Everyone laughs lightheartedly, but Rocco doesn't look very confident.

Gary sinks back into his seat looking more relaxed. I suppose he's relieved that they didn't say Marisol. "Well boys, looks like you've got some competition. Are you prepared for it, Ibrahim?"

Ibrahim looks down. I guess not everyone knows yet, and I'm surprised. "Always..." I hear him mutter.

"Right, then, I guess I should give you a tour of the Villa." Gary stands up, ready to show them around.

Marisol raises an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that be a job for us?"

Gary's face falls for a moment before he perks back up. "Nah, babe. We should do it as a group."

"Fine, I suppose we should get started, then?"

Henrik cheers. "This sounds good. Lead on, Gaz!"

"It's Gary."

Lottie smirks. "Sure, Gaz."

"Don't you start!"

"Well, that nickname is sticking," Bobby laughs. Gary doesn't respond.

I follow the group across the lawn but split off when we reach the daybeds. Noah, who's in the back of the group, notices and hangs back with me. "Not interested in showing the new guys around?"

I sit down on the edge of a bed and he sits next to me. "I don't think they need ten people to show them around a Villa they've already seen."

He chuckles. "Probably not. I thought you might want to spend some time with the guys, though. Lucas said he was interested."

I sigh. "I think they have enough on their plates right now. I do better one on one or in small groups, anyways. As for Lucas... I don't know. I definitely would like to get to know him, but..." I flop back on the bed. "Remember what I told Marisol about 'the spark'?"

Noah lays back next to me, albeit a tad more gracefully. "Are you having doubts?"

I scrunch up my face in thought. "It's just... There are people I want to know, right? Most people here, really. But I don't really feel pulled towards anyone." Except you. "I keep hoping I'll find it somewhere, maybe unexpectedly. But we don't have much time in here. I don't know if I'll find it in time."

"You haven't felt it at all?"

"I mean... I have, with someone, but... It's not gonna happen." I don't want to tell him it's him. I'm still fine with being friends, and I don't want to ruin that.

"With Ibrahim?" I don't answer him and he assumes he's right. "It sucks what he did to you, but do you think you could forgive him?"

"It's not that simple." I turn and look at Noah. "Ibrahim didn't just lie to me about his feelings, he told me what he thought I wanted to hear. Even after we made it clear that we were fine with each other getting to know other people. He didn't even give me a chance to tell him it was okay." I sigh. "I need someone who will be honest with me about their feelings, not just do and say whatever they think I want. I want a partnership, not a matriarchy."

Noah nods. "I get that." He meets my eyes and grabs my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You'll find him."I give him a grateful smile. "Thank you."He lets go of my hand and we just lay there for a while. We can hear Gary leading the tour group around and pointing out the obvious. I feel like I could doze off.

"Hey!" I jump and hear laughing. Bobby is standing over Noah and I. Noah looks just as out of it as I am. We both sit up, and I see that Bobby is holding three steaming mugs. "I noticed you weren't with the rest of us and then realized no one had made a brew yet. So here you go!" Noah and I each take a mug with thanks. "I almost didn't want to wake you, you looked so cute."

I blush, and Noah avoids eye contact by staring into his cup. I take a sip of my own, and it's probably the best tea I've ever had. "This is amazing! Thank you."

"You're welcome. I was always told I had a knack for making tea. I don't get it, though. It's not hard. Just hot water on some dried leaves and all."

"I don't know why, but my tea always turns out rubbish," I admit.

We hear some laughter and Bobby frowns. "I guess I better rejoin the Gary Tour Bus. Enjoy."

"Good luck!" I shout after him as he walks away. "Bobby's really nice." Noah gives me a look and I shake my head. "He's sweet, but I can't see us being more than friends."

We resume our silence while drinking our tea. I feel even more relaxed, even after admitting how I feel about the boys.

Better watch out Ibrahim, Lucas's got his eye on Ellie.
Coming up!
Sparks will fly when the new boys get to pick which girls they take on a date.
Lucas - The first girl I'd like to take on a date is...
But will Ellie get to be an extra lucky lassy?
And just what has Bobby got planned?
Bobby - Keep him distracted! I'm going in...
Find out next time...
On Love Island!

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