But One Must Go ~ Episode 7, Breakfast For One

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Previously, on Love Island...
The girls were shook after newcomer Priya stole Ibrahim from Ellie...
Marisol - Now you'll have to take one of our men if you don't want to get dumped.
Another text announcement puts the Villa in jeopardy.
But first, breakfast in bed takes an unlikely turn...

When I wake up, the sun is already shining brightly. I'm surprised I slept with all the light. Last night had been rough, though, so I wasn't too shocked. It turns out bugs are more fun to listen to than to sleep with.

I pull myself out of bed. Lottie's not with me anymore. I have a feeling she's with Rocco. I'm happy she has someone, although he still gives me bad vibes. I don't dwell on it. I go to the dressing room instead, and admire my hair. It's still soft from when Noah brushed it, just a little ruffled from sleep. It brushes easily. When I'm done I turn to my closet. I find my prettiest bathing suit and change. I'm ready to turn heads.

My next stop is the kitchen. I'm starving. Marisol and Hannah are already in there slaving away. It smells delicious. Marisol is tossing things in a frying pan, steam billowing up. Hannah, on the other hand, is mashing some avocados.

"So really, Bill's character was like Hemingway's version of Priya," Hannah goes on.

"Wait, which one was Bill again?" Marisol is more focused on her cooking than Hannah.

"I literally just told you! It's like you weren't even listening to anything I just said."

"Sorry, babes, just multitasking. But fiction isn't really my thing. More of a true crime girl."

"There's nothing wrong with fiction! Just because it's made up doesn't make it childish."

"I never said..."

"It's not all glittery vampires, you know."

"I love reading fiction," I say, announcing my presence. "When it comes to non fiction, I'd rather listen to podcasts."

They turn to me and Hannah's face lights up. "I had no idea you were into books, Ellie. We should totally, like, swap our top ten lists sometime. Or maybe you could read my memoirs once I'm done writing them?"

I smile at her, touched. "I'd be honored." I know sharing your work isn't always the easiest to do.

I step over to the sink and fill up my water bottle. "I should make some sun tea," I think aloud.

"Sun tea?" Marisol asks.

"My mom and grandma used to make it a lot back home. You fill a pitcher with water, add some tea bags, and leave it outside in the sun for a while." I sigh. "Obviously it's not sunny enough in Galway to make it."

"American's really drink tea weird."

I laugh at Marisol's statement. "You're not wrong." I walk over to her to see what she's making. It smells amazing; I hope I can convince her to share. She smiles at me when I reach her and look over her shoulder. "Mmm," I groan. "That smells amazing. Save some for me?"

She grins. "Sorry, not this time, babes."

I look at the large portion she's making. I know she's not going to eat all that by herself. "Are you making some for Bobby?"

"Well..." She looks at Hannah. "I was actually gonna give the other half to Gary.

Hannah whips around and frowns at us. She and Marisol start a stare off. "Wait..." Hannah starts. "You were cooking for Gary this whole time? But I was cooking for Gary!" She looks down at her avocados. "Now I don't know what to do. I really felt like this was my one chance to win him over."

"You shouldn't be putting all your avocados in one basket, sweetie," Marisol warns her. "Why do you think I'm cooking for him?"

"Wait," I interject. "Hannah, do you even want to win Garry over? I thought you didn't think you were right for each other?"

"Well, he's my best chance," Hannah admits. "I don't like anyone else. I feel like Gary and I deserve a chance."

I look at Marisol. "She is his partner, babe. Besides, how would Bobby feel? Have you talked to him about this?"

Marisol frowns. "Somehow I don't see Gary as an avocado kind of guy."

"It's just..." Hannah stares at Marisol and for a brief second resentment flashes in her eyes. "You're so beautiful and smart, Marisol. So if it's between us, and he's picking... It's fare thee well for me, I guess."

Marisol sighs. "Honestly, you may be right about him not choosing you... but I don't think that's because I'm any smarter or prettier than you. You're just not his type. You've got loads going for you, babes, and the right guy will see that. You should be getting out there and grafting on the other boys rather than trailing someone who's not interested."

Hannah frowns and stares at the food. "Can't you just give yours to someone else instead, Marisol?"

"Why? You don't have any more at stake with Gary than I do."

"Marisol," I start. "I think you need to put yourself in Hannah's shoes. She's not interested in anyone else, and they're in a couple. You should respect that."

Marisol crosses her arms and looks disappointed with me. "Fine then. More tortilla for me anyway." She grabs her food and storms off.

Hannah is next to me, cowering slightly. I pull her into a hug. "Are you okay?"

We pull back and she plays with a strand of hair that's come out of her braid. "I don't really do too well in arguments. Everyone's so much more fiery than I am. I get worried sometimes that I'll get pushed out because of it, and then my summer will be over."

I rub her arm. "Listen. Marisol got one thing right. The right guy will look at you, and everything you see as flaws, and love you all the more for them. Okay? You are who you are, you should embrace that. At the end of the day, you are stunning, Hannah. And so smart! Maybe not in the same fields as Marisol, but in your own areas. So stop comparing yourself and be proud of who you are. I am."

Hannah smiles at me with shining eyes. "Thanks for saying so, Ellie. And for siding with me earlier, too. That means a lot to me. I know I should probably take Marisol's advice and think about who else here could like me... But what if nobody does?"

"Then they're blind, and someone else will come and sweep you off your feet." I grin at her and nod toward her breakfast. "For now, you better get over there with Gary's breakfast."

Hannah's eyes widen. "The toast is getting cold!" She quickly grabs the plates and rushes to the bedroom.

I make myself some coffee and some toast with jelly and eat it quickly before heading back onto the lawn. Everyone is spread out, enjoying each other and the sun. I decide to make my rounds, starting with Hope and Noah who are sitting on the daybeds nearby.

Noah is relaxing on the bed while Hope paints his nails. It's cute, and I say so. "You two are adorable." I laugh. "It's a good thing Hannah's not here. She'd freak if she saw your toes out again, Noah."

They both laugh and Noah tells me, "Being confident in your masculinity means being okay with losing it for a while. I used to let my little sister paint my nails all the time."

"That's so sweet!"

Hope agrees with me. "The sweetest." She pats a spot on the bed next to her. "Maybe you can help with this one, Ellie. Noah keeps humming this tune. I swear I've heard it, but I can't figure out for the life of me what it is. The only clue he's given me is that it didn't come out recently, but that doesn't narrow things down much."

I look at Noah. "Let's have it, then." He starts humming and I recognize the tune instantly. "Oh, that's Africa by..." I pause, I'm horrible with names. "Toto?" I guess.

"Bingo," Noah tells us.

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