Library Troubles

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It was a normal day in Hope's Peak Academy, students were at this hour studying either in their dorm room or in the library. Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri and Toko Fukawa happened to be the only ones in the library. Byakuya was reading a book, it was a novel containing a heavy murder and multiple detectives trying to figure out what happened. The Ultimate detective, on the other hand, was studying for an upcoming test, even if she prioritizes detective work, she still had to work hard on school. Then there was Toko, in the dark corner of the library, pretending to read a book. In reality, she was looking at the heir, she loved him even if he was brutally honest with and mistreated her. 

It had been at least two hours the three of them had spent in the library before Byakuya decided it was time he'd insult Toko. Everything from the way she looked, the way she acted even going into her past to tell her how horrible and worthless she is and that no one is ever going to like her. Kyoko understands that he felt uncomfortable with the fact she was stalking him, but there were better ways to deal with it than straight-up insult her. Toko stayed there, she always did, shook about the sudden outburst, she loved her "master", but she'd never admitted that it actually did hurt what he would say even if she did say she liked it. 

When he called her fat, she wanted to stop eating, that way maybe he'd like her more. When he'd say she is ugly, maybe she could start doing her makeup. When he told her she smelled bad, she'd force herself to take a bath even if she feared it. She'd do anything for him to like, so he could find her worthy. She was aware she'd go too far sometimes, but how was she suppose to express her love for Master, he was perfect. He was the perfect love interest.

Though this time, he took it further than he usually does, she had told him about her past, maybe he would understand her better, but instead, he used her past as a way to hurt her... but this time she couldn't say she liked that, she would always love Master, but she felt hurt, she lowered her head and exited the library quietly. 

It was Kyoko's turn to be surprised by the outburst and the harshness of the interaction. She looked over at Togami, he went back to reading his book like nothing happened. She couldn't help but feel bad for Toko, sure she was stalking him which was definitely not okay, but for him to say these things was also wrong. 

"Togami, was it really necessary for you to yell at her like this." She asked still writing down notes from her school book. "Well this pest invades my personal life and it seems this is the only way she gets away from me, so I imagine it is effective." He answered with his snob tone. "There must be a better way for her to get away from you without dragging her back into her past, I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if she did that to you.", "She'd never have the nerves, she admires me too much." , "Maybe she doesn't, but I would." 

They both stared at each other in silence, "I'm not going to let you hurt her more than she already is, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves." She regretted saying this as it sounded like something Makoto would say, perhaps she has been hanging out with him a bit much. Togami stared at her bewildered, he knew this wasn't something Kyoko would do, but perhaps he shouldn't underestimate her, after all, her father is the principal and she's a talented detective. "So what you're going to spill my darkest secrets, should I be scared?" he said with a smirk. "That would be a contradiction of what I just said you shouldn't do, don't you agree? But do you think the teachers and higher ranks in this school would appreciate you bullying a girl because she is in your personal life, instead of coming to them for a solution? I'm sure this would hurt the heir's reputation if you were to get kicked out for this reason." Kyoko said bringing her attention back to the notes she was writing. 

Byakuya was stunned into silence. It was odd for Kyoko to react like this, it is true he usually didn't do it in class and in front of the others, well as minimal as possible, but he does agree with her. He scoffed and left the library. She'd hope it would calm him down, but she felt as if it wasn't enough. Even she rarely showed it, she cared and right now she felt it was important for her to check on Toko to make sure she is okay.

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