Talk To Me

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Toko was in front of her mirror looking at herself. Byakuya was right, she is ugly, she smells and she is unworthy of anyone's attention. She could die and no one would care about her. She brought her knees up to her chin, why did she even like him... except the face he was the perfect guy, why did she feel like that towards him. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, "W-Who is it?", "It's Kyoko, can you let me in?". Toko froze up... why was she here? She was usually too busy with work to socialize with anyone... She got up, reluctant,  and opened the door, "W-What do you want?". "I just wanted to make sure you were alright... you seemed particularly affected by what he said." Kyoko said in her calm demeanour, "It's Master, of course, it's normal he's going to tell me stuff like that. That's because he loves me!" Kyoko looked to the side, I knew she was going to say he didn't like me, but surprisingly she didn't, "If you need to talk... you can always knock on my door." as she said that she made her way to her dorm which wasn't too far from Toko's. 

Toko stood there, still processing what happened... Kyoko cared? First of all, why would she care and second of all... why does she care how I am feeling? Toko sighed and walked over to her desk flopping on her chair, perhaps writing a bit could help to change her mind off this.


The next day at lunch, Kyoko was on her way to her dorm, she rarely ate with the others, not because she didn't like it but because she could spend this time focusing on things she needed to do. She was leaving the dining hall when Byakuya called her name, she turned around to see the heir walking faster towards her. "Kirigiri, I need you to do something for me.", "No." is what Kyoko answered the question, she didn't want to do anything for anyone, she was already busy. He scoffed, "At least hear me out I thought you cared about Toko's well-being. Look I don't know what you did, but she didn't bother me all morning, so whatever you did please keep doing so it would be appreciated." and after he said that he turned back to the table where Celeste was trying to convince him to gamble with her. 

Toko didn't follow Byakuya, this itself is weird and now that she thought about it she wasn't in class either this morning. They weren't mandatory, but she would always attend if Byakuya did. She decided to stop at Toko's dorm before going into her own. She picked up some food for Toko, since she hadn't seen her in the dining hall either, and headed there. 

She knocked on the writer's door without an answer, she turned the doorknob and to her surprise, it opened. The first thing she saw was Toko, asleep, at her desk. She looked so peaceful. She placed the food on her desk and took one of her bed covers and put it over her shoulder. She wrote a quick note and stuck it on the bag of food and made her way out closing the door behind her. She headed back to her room and did her work while eating. 

Back in Toko's room, she was still sleeping peacefully, until her phone rang, it was Aoi... She picked up and with a raspy voice answered, "Hello?", "Ah, Toko! We were worried, you didn't show up to class or lunch... are you okay?" Toko looked at her surroundings, she had fallen asleep on her desk while writing a chapter for her upcoming book, but she noticed she had a blanket over her shoulder and a bag containing food with a post-it note that said "You didn't show up for class and when I came to check on you I found you asleep, so I brought you some food." She reached the bottom of the post-it where the neat signature of Kyoko was. "Toko?" Aoi's voice interrupted Toko's thoughts, "Yes I'm f-fine, I just overslept, why do you even care, idiot swimmer girl." Toko answered, still shocked by the fact Kyoko had come into her room, "Jeez, someone is sure in a bad mood today, well if you're feeling good that's all that matters, see ya later Toko!" She hanged up and took a second look at the note.

She placed it somewhere on her desk and opened the bag, picking at the food Kyoko brought, eating barely any of it and headed to class. She found herself becoming interested in Kyoko's sudden change of attitude, but at the same time, Byakuya was the only one she really loved...

What was going in that girl's head?

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