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Kyoko was already sitting in class, reviewing the notes of the last class. She would usually read them at lunchtime, but she had to go over a file, as she was about to turn the page, a hand appeared in her vision, she looked up and saw the heir, "She's back, didn't I tell you to keep her away from me."

"I didn't do anything, when I checked up on her she was asleep at her desk. And as far as I know, I'm not your servant. If you want her out of your sight, just ask her or go to a higher rank."

"Then may I ask you to do something."

"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?"

"We will see how satisfied I am, I want you to spend your free time with Toko."

Kyoko stayed quiet and looked back down at her notes, "I barely have any free time."

"Just do it, I'll stop bothering you if you do."


Byakuya grinned, "Happy we could come up with an agreement." 

Kyoko finished what she was doing and started thinking of how she could spend time with Toko, she loved reading perhaps they could meet at the library. 

Toko arrived, on time, and sat down at her usual seat. She was relieved she wasn't late, not because she would be punished, but Ishimaru's lectures were a bit too exhausting to listen to. 

The class went on as it usually does, Toko looked at Togami, like she used to, but she notice how it felt different... she didn't feel the need to... it was like a reflex. She looked over at Kyoko, her eyes focused on the material, her lavender hair falling down her shoulders like a waterfall... 

Toko's mouth hanged opened as she looked at her, a slight line of drool escaping. She stayed like that for the entire hour, the bell is what snapped her out of her fantasy. Byakuya turned around and his expression turned into disgust, "Are you really drooling over me, you're pathetic." 

Kyoko turned around hearing this, though her expression remained unfazed like it was normal for this to happen. She wiped her mouth and with a tissue cleaned the drool from the desk. She packed her stuff as fast as possible until she felt a hand on her shoulder, the lavender-haired detective stood there, "Would like to go to the library with me? We can study together." 

"S-Sure... but why are are you being nice to me?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"N-No... just go ahead... I'll join you."

Kyoko nodded and left the classroom. Toko finished packing and headed to the library. When she did, Kyoko and Byakuya were there... She stood there and looked over at Byakuya... the last time he insulted her... she used to like it, but now it's just a reminder of how much of a... disgusting human being she is. 

Byakuya lifted his head, his features growing annoyed, he let a small "tsk" out which brought Kyoko's attention on Toko, she pulled the chair beside her and Toko rushed to sit there. No one talked, Byakuya was way too focused on his book and Kyoko on her math homework. Toko on her side seems to struggle with the physics homework. The detective noticed that "Do you need help?" 

"I'm f-fine," Toko muttered out. 

"Will you be quiet I'm trying to read," Byakuya said, not lifting his eyes from his book.

"I'm-I'm just gonna go to my room then...." Toko mumbled before getting up and rushing out of the library.

"Wait Toko-" Kyoko tried to call her but it was too late, she turned towards Byakuya, "You really are a jerk you know... no wonder Makoto doesn't like you." 

Byakuya's eyes widen while the detective grabbed her stuff and rushed to Toko's dorm. She knocked on the door and heard a faint "come in". Toko was sitting at her desk, her physics book open. "Did you still need help?" 

"Y-Yeah... I had a hard time focusing today..." 

"How come?"

"I-I just had trouble... staying awake..." she lied.

"You should sleep more then."

"I-I know... you don't need to remind me..." Toko grunted

Kyoko let a small, soft giggle and proceeded to help Toko with the homework. Toko barely noticed what she was saying, she was too busy replaying that laugh she heard... it was like a melody. In the end, Toko did eventually understand and both she and Kyoko finished their homework before dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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