Dinner scandal~♡︎ Ch.3

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The awkwardness in that dinner event party whatever you want to call it couldn't even be sliced by the kitchen ladies newly sliced knife. Jema was so good at calming everyone down and easing the tension but ofc I embarrass myself by my random outbursts. We finally change I should've just worn my black turtle neck with this black trench coat I bought but it wouldn't have matched my purple died hair. I'm dying it back to black tonight but I gotta find out how to sneak out with all these bodyguards and gates around. They have so many things in this house except hair dye⁉️ Doesn't matter tho with the allowance dad gives us I could easily bribe a guard to let me out not like I'm smoking a joint or anything. The lights are all of but you can still see some light emerging from the moon through there transparent kitchen curtains. Must be nice to not have to worry about some hobo peering in. I grab this black muscle shirt and a plaided sweater with some random necklaces, rings chain belt and these old jeans. I open my door which to my surprise doesn't end up creaking which should've already been a given it's not as busted and old as the ones at home were. I can hear Myriam or probably dad snoring in the room across the hall must've had a day off since they ended up staying the night.

I make my way down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible when I see one of the downstairs guest room lights turning on. I brush it off as someone waking up to use the bathroom, since the guest rooms already have bathrooms inside I didn't intend to sprint back upstairs in case they came out. I wait till the lights in that room go off to make my way to the front door. It's pitch black since the curtains there are very thick and pigmented easier for me to not be spotted if someone did happen to wake up. That's when I realize I'm so fucking stupid if I go from the front I'd bump into all the bodyguards, they're big ass gate and they're property is so big I'd have to drive to get to the nearest convenience store and with my 5 brain cells ofc I don't have a license so even if I did sneak out it would take me hours to leave this rich area and reach a super market. It's not like I have to dye my hair but I did change and like purple isn't doing it for me so ofc I'm not gonna back out now. I contemplate bribing a guard since it obviously wouldn't take hours if they drive me there when I hear a door open and someone grab my shoulder from the behind. I flinch ready to drop kick someone when I hear a guys voice say "wtf are you doing walking around in circles at 3 in the morning" I obviously didn't recognize the voice until they turn there phone light on and see the familiar wavy strands of blondish hair from boy who resembled Miriam and turned out to be her son.

He was in a night robe and from afar I couldn't tell but he was quiet attractive must be getting all the girls. He sees me staring at him up and down then his tired face turns into a smirk as he laughs and asks "BAHAHGUJGYIJj your really gonna check me out rn not even gonna hide it" his laugh was so loud that I push him into his room closing the door and try to quiet him down. He's obviously taken aback by everything and confused wondering why I'm "overreacting" I get that a lot (referring to when jema said the same thing too) After the long silence he then opens his mouth whispering "so are we just gonna stand here or 👀 and are you gonna answer my question why were you just standing there at this time" I just stand there 🧍🏻 not knowing how to answer that then I just say "to buy hair dye" he laughs again "you really think you could make it out the front" Embarrassed I look away bright red don't know why I got that flustered but I did. Then I think about it wait isn't he like 2 years older then me so shouldn't he have a license he seems smart and his parents are rich so ofc he's have a car wait why don't I get him to drive me. Without hesitation I turn around preparing my puppy dog face ready to ask him to drive me when he takes of the robe puts on this white turtle neck and this brownish trench coat and pulls out his cars keys literally taking the words out of my mouth "well if it's the distance that's stopping you then why don't I drive you buy that hair dye" He pissed me off at first but after him doing me this favor I had more respect for him maybe this white boy isn't so bad.

I expected him to have a fancy car but not as fancy as this one he opened the passenger door for me as if I didn't have hands. He then drives us to the nearest salon in like 10 minutes idk how he didn't end up getting a ticket for that but no complaints here. I was expecting us to just buy some box dye but he really took me to a professional to get my hair done I came out looking so baddie 😩‼️ Runway models got nothing on me. We got home and here something fall in Jemas room I rush up the stairs to see her making out with this blonde chick who turned out to be the same girl from downstairs which was Liams sister.

We were gonna for like acouple hour max and they're already hitting it off. Guess they ended up getting along great. They stop everything so fast preparing an explanation when Liam once again bursts out laughing jokingly calling his sister a hoe for not being able to control what's in her pants for a second I thought she had a dick too. I swear there's nothing this dude doesn't laugh about. Jema obviously embarrassed doesn't say anything giving me this "please don't be mad look" I was just shocked I didn't know she swung that way and isn't it incest if that's your step sister. Liam could probably tell what I was thinking cause he then said "luckily you guys aren't blood related and that mom had us before she met their dad" I swear he can read minds I guess it makes it ok but how did they develop feelings that fast it's been like a couple hours or even less if they met after we left. Lia his sister apologizes and says that they just got along great and they just bonded even tho it was just acouple hours of talking to she went in for the kiss and since Jema didn't refuse she full on made out with her. Jema was embarrassed but she did look like she felt the same so I just nodded telling everyone to got to sleep now tho since we don't want Myriam and dad to wake up from us talking.

We all went into our separate moons dozing off finally sleeping till we had breakfast again in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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